…They are of three types, one among the kings, the second between the king and the parish, and the third among the parish only ….

…Astronomy: Whoever sees in his dream that it is the first astronomy, then he will be accompanied by an unjust prince or a false minister . The second sphere is the king’s writer . And whoever sees that he is in the third ark, he gets married . And whoever sees the fourth ark, then he accompanies the caliph or a great king, and if he is not qualified for that then he will marry a beautiful woman . And whoever sees the fifth ark, he sees the king’s war owner or a pious man . And whoever saw the sixth astronomy gained knowledge and merit and was firm . And whoever sees the seventh ark, he will meet the king’s owner . And whoever sees the eighth ark, he will be accompanied by a great king . And whoever sees the ninth ark is a companion of a glorious man . And whoever sees the tenth orbit, which is the surrounding sphere, he sees the greatest caliph or the greatest king . And if he sees the entire ark, then he will be close to God Almighty and will receive a face or accompany the greatest kings of the earth . If a woman sees that she is under the lower sphere, she will marry the prince’s clerk or some of his employees ….

…Israfil, peace be upon him, whoever sees him in his sleep blows pictures, and thinks that he heard him alone and not others, then he will die . And if he thinks that the people of that place heard, then a terrible death would appear in that place . And it was said : This vision indicates the extension of justice after the spread of injustice . And the vision of Israfil, peace be upon him, is indicative of equipping the army, travels, hardship, fear, anxiety, promises, debt relief and reward for work . His vision also indicates a ruin . It was said : The first blow indicates the epidemic, and the second indicates life and salvation from the plague ….

…The teak has two concepts : First : Seeing him in a dream indicates the diseases associated with fever . The second : his vision in a dream indicates the king, scientist, poet, or astrologer ….

…If he sees that a king has struck the necks of his flock, he pardons the sinners and frees their necks . And hit the neck in the Mamelukes, indicates emancipation . And it was said that he who saw that his neck was beaten, either by the ruling of the ruler, or by cutting off the road, or in war or anything else, because that is blameworthy for those whose parents were left, and he had a son, and that the head resembles the parents, because they are the cause of life, and it is also similar to the children for the sake of the image . If he sees that he is afraid, or whoever is sentenced to death, then he is praiseworthy, because calamity afflicts a person once, not afflicting him a second time . As for the money changers and owners of capital, this indicates that their capital has gone . And it indicates the travelers, on their return, and in the litigants, the victory . Because if the body is cut off, it will not heal ….

…Blowing in pictures : The first blow is indicative of the plague, or the call of the Sultan in the resurrection, or an existing resurrection, or a general travel in all . Likewise, whoever promises in a dream the Resurrection and its proximity, if he is sick, he will die . The promise of the resurrection indicates a great event from the Sultan . As for the second blow, if it was in the epidemic, then it rose because the people live with it . Perhaps it indicated the call of the Sultan among the people and gathered them to a great matter that he wanted and planned . And whoever passes on the Path is safe from adversity, tribulation and affliction, if he is in the Hijaz, he will cut it and escape from it, and the Paradise that follows it is the Kaaba . And the path may be an obstacle for him, so what happened to him descended with it, otherwise the path is his religion, then what hindered it he entered it like it in religion and in the straight path ….

…And whoever sees that he is visiting a prophet, whether he is alive or dead, then this is interpreted in three ways. The first is if he is pious and his piety increases, and if he is disobedient, God will forgive him, and the second is proof that he is from the people of Paradise and among the winners ….

…Tayammum indicates in a dream the proximity of the vagina, so whoever sees that he is doing tayammum for prayer or purification from impurity has approached his vagina, and that tayammum is evidence of a vagina close to God Almighty . Tayammum in a dream is evidence of travel or a warning of illness in which the ablution is needed . Perhaps it indicated the traveler’s lack of water, because he was orphaned with sand, or with something that was not attached to the hands, which was evidence of the impossibility of travel, the availability of licenses, and work with pleasure . And tayammum indicates poverty after wealth, the sickness of the healthy, the well-being of the sick, and tayammum with water indicates invalid deeds . The view that the tayammum was with the lack of water is indicated near the vagina, and the demise of the intensity, albeit with the presence of water is subject to five statements : one : to be a seer would prefer to marry concubinage . The second : That he be one of those who prefer to travel on land rather than travel at sea . And the third : That he be one who hopes for forgiveness while insisting on the guilt . And the fourth : To be one of those who prefer this world over the Hereafter . Fifth : He should be manipulating his religion and follow the concessions from the sayings of scholars, and it was said : It indicates escape from illness or imprisonment ….

…And Abu Saeed, the preacher, said the coral signifies two things, one of which is a lot of money, because God Almighty says: pearls and coral are coming out of them, and the second is on a slave girl of beauty. As for the lobes, they are interpreted on faces, but those placed with rings are honor, money and grace ….

…The sacrifice in a dream is evidence of fulfillment of a vow, deliverance from adversity, and safety of the patient . Perhaps this indicates the livelihood and benefits of livestock . If in a dream he approached a camel, perhaps it came to Friday in the first hour, and if he was near a cow, it might come to Friday in the second hour, and if he approached a ram, it might come to Friday in the third hour, and if he brought a chicken in a dream, he might come to Friday in the fourth hour, and if he brought it closer In a dream, an egg may have come to Friday in the fifth hour . And perhaps the sacrifice indicated control over the division of money . As for the sacrifice, it is a good news of relief from all worries, and the appearance of blessing. If the visionary is a pregnant woman, she will give birth to a good son, and whoever sees that he sacrificed a camel, cow, or ram, then free a neck . And whoever sees that he is a sacrifice while he is a slave, he shall be freed . If the visionary was a captive, then he would get rid of the families . And if a debtor sees him, his debt shall be paid, and if he is poor, he will get rich, and if he is afraid, he is safe . And whoever sees it as if he is dividing the meat of his sacrifice among the people, he will be freed from his worries, and he will receive glory and honor . And whoever sees it as if he has stolen something from the sacrament, then he is lying to God Almighty . Some of the expressers said : If the patient sees that he is sacrificing, his vision indicates his death . Some of them said : that he is cured ….

…** Revelation Mobile from Abu Amir ibn Anas from his paternal uncles of the Ansar said : care of the Prophet peace be upon him how people collect them and was told : focused the banner for the presence of prayer . If they saw permission each other did not like, he said : he recalled his Alguena – means Alhbor – Shaboor the Jews did not like that and he said : ( He is from the command of the Jews. ) He said, so he mentioned to him the bell, and he said (It is from the command of the Christians ) . Then Abdullah bin Zayd left while he was interested in them, the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and I saw the call to prayer in his sleep. He said : So tomorrow the Messenger of God prayed God be upon him and he told him, and he said : O Messenger of God, I am one who is asleep and awake, as he came to me, and he showed me the call to prayer. He said : Umar ibn al-Khattab had seen him before that, so he kept it for twenty days. Then he told the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, then he said to him : ( What prevented you from telling me ) He said : Abed preceded me God bin Zaid, you were ashamed, so the Messenger of God, peace and blessings of God be upon him, said : ( Yabal, stand up and see what Abdullah bin Zaid orders you to do ) He said : Then Bilal gave permission . And on the authority of Abd al-Rahman bin Abi Laila, he said : The companions of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, told us that Abdullah bin Zaid al-Ansari came to the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and said : Oh Messenger of God, I saw in a dream as if a man rose and against him were two green against a wall ridge, so he made an ear bending over and sitting down. Kada . He said, then Bilal heard that, so he got up and called a second ear, and he stood by two and sat two feet ….

…Islam Islam man in a dream is righteousness in religion. If a polytheist sees that he has converted to Islam, and sees that he is praying towards the direction of the direction, or he sees that he thanked God Almighty, God guided him to Islam . And if he was in the abode of polytheism, and he saw in his dream that he had converted to the abode of Islam, then he would die sooner . If he sees a Muslim as if he is a second Muslim, he is safe from the horizons . And every polytheist who saw in his dream or someone else saw him as if he was in heaven, or that he was jewelry bracelets of silver, then he is greeted . And whoever sees one of the polytheists as if he were dead, then he will live, and he will greet . Likewise, if he sees his chest, or if he sees himself in a ship in the sea, he gives salutation . And whoever utters the two testimonies among the people of the Dhimma in a dream, he will get rid of his severity, or he is guided after he was deceived, and if his coercion was in the foreground, and if he was an apostate in awakening and saw in a dream that he uttered the two Shahada, he returned to his parents after he abandoned them, or returned to a place he left Or to a reason he used to do it even if he was a Muslim who testified to the truth or was famous for honesty ….

…Passengers of this word have three concepts : First : If he is seen in a dream alone from the saddle, then he is a boy . And if he is seen with the saddle, then he is a boy who is trusted with him, and they said : It is the strength of the house . And it may refer to what is being trampled upon, such as the tread or mat . And the two passengers may have indicated the wives, the two boys, or the two boys . And the passengers are honorable money and presidency . The passengers indicate a beautiful slave girl, and his being of iron with strength, and his being of lead indicates the weakness of his command, and his being of silver plated with gold indicates the neighborliness of Hassan’s boys . And whoever sees that he has got a stirrup or two riders for his saddle, then he gets a servant or two servants . And whoever saw that his passengers were cut off or stolen, his servant died or sold him . The second : Seeing him in a dream indicates politeness and achieving goals with seriousness and fatigue . And the third : passengers in the king’s house, and his vision in a dream indicates travels and movements on land and sea, and healing from diseases ….

…Benefit in knowing the reality of sleep. The wise men said: Sleep comes from a moderate vapor that rises to the brain after eating food, and there are two benefits from it in the body, the first is the rest of the organs and the prey, and the second is the digestion of food ….

…The rook has two meanings for this word : The first : denotes in a dream strange news and distant travels . Perhaps his vision indicated chatter . The second : Seeing him in a dream indicates integrity in matters . And perhaps indicated by the concealment and sudden death and honesty in saying . And indicates in a pregnant woman an ongoing birth . See also chess ….