…Jaafar alSadiq said a vision of meat depended on five aspects: money, inheritance, wealth, sadness and calamity ….

…Jaafar alSadiq al-Munkhal said, “It refers in four ways to a reformer man, a curious woman, a poor servant, and a little benefit .”…

…Jaafar AlSadiq Al-Shalwar said: It is interpreted in three ways: a woman, a slave-girl, and a servant of the house . And whoever sees that his tactic is new, it is interpreted with severity of a penis, and if it is old and soft, then his expression is against him . And it was said that whoever saw that his pants were thin, then his wife would conceive and give birth to him with two if she was pregnant . And whoever sees it as if he has put his tick under his head, he will not accept her child . And whoever sees it as if his tape is cut off, he is mistreating his wife . And whoever sees it as if he has a blood feud, then he kills a man because of a woman, so he helps him to kill his wife .) And whoever sees it as if he is tied from a life, his visions indicate that his brother-in-law is his enemy ….

…Lakhzen : To set up a hypocrite with whom he collects forbidden money . Al-Kharrat : A man who fights men in hypocrisy and steals their money . The signifier : not praiseworthy,…

Al-Bateia : A cunning, uncharacteristic maid . El Baramah : A man showing his grace to his neighbors . Destiny was said to be the value of the house . And the Kanon : her husband who faces the sleepless and prays fatigue of gain, while he is treating her in the house with a brewed shawl . The Kanun may refer to the wife, and the destiny of the husband, for she never burns it with her words and requires it in her livelihood, and he fries and fluctuates in her boiling inside and out . And whoever kindles a fire and puts the pot on it, and there is meat or food in it, he moves a man to seek a benefit . If he sees that the meat has ripened and eaten, then he will get benefit and money from it that is permissible, and if it is not ripened, then the benefit is forbidden, and if there is no meat or food in the pot, then it costs a poor man something that he cannot tolerate and does not benefit from it ….

Al-Mutrah : The World of Makar Mazouk Kalam . AlAllaf : A man of much money . And Al-Attar : an author, scholar, or worshiper, and the principle is that he is a man praised by good praise . And the tax collector : a man who entered into the affairs of others . Selling yarn indicates travel . Al-Diver : A king or equivalent to a king, so whoever thinks that he sinks into the sea, he enters into the work of a king or authority . If he saw as if he extracted a pearl, he would obtain from the king a maid who bore him a good son, because God Almighty said : ~As if they are pearls of existence .~ The diver’s vision indicates a quest for mysterious knowledge, a request for money in danger, and what he seeks will fall to an amount of pearls ….

…The patron of Al-Bukhati and the Persians . Al-Raid : the holder of a mandate . And selling bullets has a weak command . And the glass : Nakhas slave women . Al-Suqa’a : a man of religion and piety, which is good for him unless he is paid for it, so if he fills the watering water and carries it to his house and does not intend to drink it, then he collects money that someone else can eat . If the water is carried to a man and he takes a price for it, then he carries a burden and the one who is transported to him receives money from the authority of the authority, because the river is power, and the water in the vessel is a sum of money, and he who wateres people with cups and straws has good deeds and is a debt like a scholar and preacher, as for the one who carries proximity and jars is the one who is safe on money And deposits ….

Al-Kirmani said : Whoever sees a straight path from the earth to the built house, it indicates the large number of pilgrims in that year ….

…Of the view that the Imam of the Muslims and ordered him Lah : present contract, it affects the honor and male sooner in the world and religion . If his guardian is from the farthest reaches of the Muslim frontiers as his representative, then he is also an honor, honor and authority in which there is delay and delay as much as after that position from safety . And whoever sees that he has entered the Imam’s house and settled in it and is reassured, then he enters him in the characteristics of his command, and if he sees that the Imam gave him something, then he is afflicted with pride, elevation and authority as much as that gift is attributed to him in interpretation and essence . If he sees that he is fighting the Imam or a ruler without him with words of wisdom and righteousness, then he will be victorious in need of him . If he sees that he differs to the door of the imam : or the door of a deputy from among his deputies, then his enemies are not able to harm him . If he sees that he is in a blanket with the imam in his bed, and there is no jacket between them, then he is a relief from him who was stolen from him, and his money and what he possesses in the consequence will be left to the Imam in his life or death . The Imam saw that the patient : it is a disease of religion for him and his flock to his place . If he dies, it is corruption in religion . And Imam Al-Adl enters a place where blessing and justice will disappear . If he is an unfair imam, then he is corruption and calamities . And if he is used to getting into that, it does not harm him . And whoever eats with the Imam al-Adl at his table, he will be afflicted with honor and goodness in his religion and world as much as he gets food, as well as the king and the authority like the imam ….

…And Jaafar alSadiq, may God be pleased with him, said the vision of al-Hasan and al-Husayn indicates contact with some elders, and he will obtain good and comfort and may die as a martyr ….

…The virtue of Imam Yaqoub bin Sufyan 96 – Yaqoub bin Sufyan bin Jawan Al-Faswi (2) Al– Hadith Al-Hafiz, who was among those who compiled and classified with piety, asceticism and rigidity in adhering to the Sunnah, and Al-Hakim said : (( As for his hearing and his wife and members of his speech, it is too much to mention )) and Abu said Abd al-Rahman al -Nahawadi : I heard Yaqoub bin Sufyaniol : (( I wrote about a thousand sheikhs, and all of them broke trust )). And Yaqoub also said: (( I went on the journey for thirty years )) and Abu Zar’ah al-Dimashqi said : (( Two men of noble people came to us, one of them and they were deported by Yaqoub bin Sufyan, the people of Iraq could not see the like )) He died in the year seventy-seven and two hundred . Abdan bin Muhammad Al-Marwazi said : (( I saw Yaqoub bin Sufyan in sleep, and I said : What did God Almighty do to you? He said : He forgave me and ordered me to come to heaven as I was on earth )). And from God’s care about this Imam in his request for a hadith, which he told about himself, we used it as a lesson to students of knowledge. * Muhammad bin Yazid al-Attar said : I heard Yaqoub bin Sufyan say : (( I was on my journey and I spent my life, so I got addicted to writing at night, and I read during the day. Sitting, I copy in the lamp, and it was winter, and the water descended in my eyes, and I did not see anything, and I cried for myself because I was cut off from my country and what I had missed from knowledge, so my eyes overcame me, so I slept and saw the Prophet – may God bless him and grant him peace – , in sleep, I called : ( Oh Jacob, why did you cry? ? )) I said : O Messenger of God went Bosra Vthsart on what I missed . He said to me : (( Aden Mona )) Phinot him and ordered his hand on my eyes like reading Alihaa, and then I woke up Vobesrt, I took cursive and sat writing (1). Needless to education and virtues 97 – I know , O man , a Muslim to engage in Balnavlh of the best science from engaging Balnavlh of worship and that the imams of the four four said Shafie : asked the best science of prayer Fasts . Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal – God ‘s mercy and blessed us with his knowledge – what I prayed today is not obligatory, accounted for Bmmakrh Abi Zar’ah Ali Nawafly . It came in ((The Order of Perception )) by Judge Ayyad, 3: 234-235 , 240 , 261 in the translation of Imam Al– Muhadith , Al-Faqih Al-Abed Al-Zahid ( Abdullah Wahb Al-Qurashi of Egypt ), the companion of the Imam Malik Al-Layth, Al-Thawri and others, who died in the year 197 AH, may God Almighty have mercy on him, in which it was stated that Sahnoun said : (( Ibn Wahb had divided his life into three A third is in Rabat, a third is aware of Egypt, and a third is on the Hajj, and he mentioned that it is a thirty-six Hajj. His nephew said : I was with him in Alexandria, and the people gathered on him and asked him to spread knowledge, so he said to me : This is a country of worship, and his mother rarely gave myself in it with the work of the people, so he left Sitting for them at the times when he was sitting, and accept worship and guarding . After two days, a person came to him and told him that he had seen himself in a great mosque towards the Grand Mosque, and the Prophet – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – in it and Abu Bakr on his right, and Amr on his left, and you were between his hands, and in the mosque lamps were blossoming in the best and brightest of them. Then it was turned off, then the Messenger of God – may God bless him and grant him peace – said to you , O Abdullah, burn it and light it, then delay it, then I stayed for days and I saw all the lamps were going to be extinguished, so Abu Bakr said : O Messenger of God, do you see these lamps? He said – may God bless him and grant him peace – This is Abdullah’s work, he wants to extinguish it ! Ibn Wahb cried, and the man said to him : I have come to bring you good tidings, and if I knew that he was clouding you, I would not have come . He said : It is good, this is a vision in which I preached, I thought that worship was better than spreading knowledge, so he left a lot of ( time ) and his work for knowledge, and he confined himself to them reading him and asking him * Ibn Wahb said : I was in the hands of the king I wrote, then the prayer was established – and in another term the muezzin gave permission – There were published books in his hands, and I took the initiative to collect them, so the owner said to me : To your messengers, what you do is not better than what you are in ….

…And Khaled Al-Isbahani said, ~Paper is passed through paper to derive his name,~ and some of the interpreters said what confirms this from the derivation of the name, which is the words of the Almighty, so send one of you with your papers to Medina, as for what he testifies, such as arguments, lectures, rent, records, vouchers, and the like .)…

…As for the goats, al-Kirmani said, whoever saw that he had hit a goat or its king, then the ewes would run through the course because they were below that, and the ewe would be interpreted in non-Arabic, and the goat would be interpreted in Arabic, and it was in the money without it too ….

Al-Kirmani said: “Whoever sees that he is screened, it is on two sides as soon as he sweeps or criticizes dirhams, and the same sieve is interpreted by the woman and the servant ….

…Jaber al-Maghribi said: There is no good in Aleppo if meat is not eaten ….

Al-Kirmani said Al-Kahal: a man who brings together loved ones to give people a rest ….

Al-Kirmani said, the goats are different kinds of goats, goats, goats, and skeletons. As for the goat, it is interpreted by a large man who has management in the work of the world ….

Al-Kirmani said that the vision of the lion is interpreted by the sultan, whoever sees that he has hit the head of a lion, then he will attain a state, a high rank, money and a blessing, especially for the one who ate it ….

…And Jaber al-Maghribi said a vision of the lions is interpreted by the sultan and the lioness by the woman, whoever sees that he is milking the lion, if he is in the service of the sultan, then he proceeds with his money, and if he is a merchant, his money increases, and if he is a commoner, his earnings increase, and if a woman sees that she is raising a lion’s son, then she is a midwife or midwife for the sultan’s son, even if that is a man He would be a sponsor or his guarantor ….

Al-Kirmani said, ~If he sees something in the dish of sweets or nice food, then it indicates that there is a benefit from the value of the house, and if it is otherwise, then its interpretation is against it .~…

Al-Kirmani said the vulva if it was from a brocade and it was worn if it was worthy of it then Mahmoud, and if it is not worthy of it then it is not Mahmoud and the simple brocade is better than its color, and the blemish and the vulva indicate good and benefit, and the vulva if it is made of wool or cotton, it indicates the increase in religion and the goodness of the matter ….

…Does Imam Muhammad bin Sirin have a book on the interpretation of dreams? This issue is one of the issues in which a big mistake occurred ; Most people see that many attribute the most famous book on dreams to Imam Muhammad bin Sirin , while the correct view is that this is not true . But where he came from this book then ? What should I do in this matter ? So I say : It is not correct to attribute any book on the interpretation of the vision , such as : “The expression of the vision ,” or “The chosen speech in the interpretation of dreams ,” or others for it , and it has been proven that Ibn Sirin said : If you were a book, you would not take the messages of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him. . It means that he did not take a book originally . And further evidence : that the book attributed to him has many narrations from who is after Imam Muhammad bin Sirin who died in year : 110 AH , such as : Abu Saeed the preacher and jealousy , and all of the earlier scholars who translated to Ibn Sirin did not mention that it is a thousand , neither in expression , nor in jealousy Rather , they said that some things were cursed by him in that, including those who narrate his curse with the chain of transmission , as Imam Bukhari did in al-Sahih . Among those who attributed him by mistake : Ibn al-Nadim in “ Al-Fihrist ” p. 439, and Al– Khalil in “ Tabaqat al– Ma`bareen ”, and Ibn Shaheen in al– Ishārat p. 24, but they did not mention the authenticity of the percentage of the book has a correct evidence , and you may ask here : Who is the famous book attributed to Ibn Sirin if ? I say : is also more than one of the interrogators told Abu Said preacher , and who said this world famous bin Hassan in writing , ~ he wrote scientists warned about ~ c 2, p . 275 to 284….

…If he sees himself standing with the imam, there is no barrier between them, then the imam gets up and he remains asleep, indicating that the imam hates him . And if the accompaniment is proven between them, then his money becomes the imam, because the sleeper is like the dead, and the presence of the dead is the presence of money ….

…He is the guarantor and guarantor, and his vision may indicate fear, and perhaps the height of destiny, presidency, progress, enjoining good and forbidding vice . Perhaps she indicated the eyebrow, the father, the mother, or the professor. If in a dream he became an imam and prayed with people heading to the qiblah with complete purity, neither more nor less, in it, and if he was worthy of the guardianship, the ruling, or confronting what is beneficial to the people, that will happen to him, and he may have entered himself in a guarantee or a group sponsorship Or he participated in a people hoping for good from them, and if he had prayed with people other than the qiblah, he betrayed his companions and bought his heresies, and he may have committed something forbidden and the people ask him for it with him, and whoever sees that he commands a people in prayer then he follows a state in which he adjusts after his kiss is straight, his prayer is completed, or he orders People or forbid them . And whoever sees that he leads unknown people in an unknown place and does not know what to read, then he is in honor of death . And if a woman sees that she leads men prayer, then she dies because she is not suitable for leading the prayers, so that is only when she dies before them when they pray on her . Likewise, if he sees a non-mahram man who does not know how to pray or recite, then he leads a people, and whoever sees that he prays in a people standing while sitting, then he does not transgress their rights, but they are falling short in his rights, or his visions indicate that he undertakes a sick people, and if he prays with them sitting while they are standing and sitting then he does not shorten In a matter that he takes over, if he prays with a people standing and sitting, then he follows the command of the rich and the poor, and if he prays with them sitting while they are sitting, then they are cursed by drowning or stealing clothes or poverty . If he sees that he is praying with women, then he follows the command of a weak people. If the mother of the people is on his side, or he is lying and wearing white clothes, and he denies his position, and he does not recite in his prayer or say takbeer, then he will die and people pray over him . If the governor sees himself leading the people, he is isolated and his money is gone . Whoever prays with men and women will attain judgment among the people if he is worthy of that, otherwise he will be able to mediate and reconcile among people . And whoever sees that he has completed the prayer with the people, his mandate will be fulfilled, and if his prayer is interrupted, his guardianship is interrupted and his rulings and words are not implemented, and if he prays alone and the people pray individually, then they are outside . And if he prays a superfluous prayer, he enters into a guarantee that will not harm him, and if the people have made him an imam, then he will inherit an inheritance . If he thinks that he leads people, and does not read well, then he is asking for something and he does not find it . And whoever prays with a people on a roof, then he will do good to people and have a reputation in terms of his loan or charity ….

…And whoever sees the imam or the sultan enters a house, a locality, or a place that denies his entry into it, or a village, the people of that place will suffer a great calamity, and everything that he sees in the condition of the imam and his body is good, is good for his flock ….

…Visions in terms of the definition of the term ** First : the definition of visions when Muslim scholars : Muslim scholars set out in the definition of the vision of a special legitimacy of those texts that Vq Guet between vision and other than man sees in his dream and E of these texts , which began scientists in their definitions through which modern Abu Qatada agreed upon : ( true dreams of God and the dream of the devil ) (1) and the doctrine of the year in that vision : a set of beliefs and INSERTED Cat God delivered in the heart of the slave at the hands of a king or a demon . Either by their names any truth . Either we intend it, or it is wrong . Ibn al– Arabi said : This is similar in the case of vigilance contained thoughts on the human heart and thought it E ) T on the format . Ie on one system . Otherwise, it may come in an uncollected extract . And defined forward , she said al-maziri : the doctrine of the Sunnis in the truth of Revelation . That God Almighty creates beliefs in the heart of the sleeping person just as He creates them in the heart of the awakened, and He, Glory be to Him, does what He wills that does not prevent him from sleep or awakening, so if He created these beliefs it is as if He made them a science on other things He creates them in the second case, or He created them . And I knew that they are : beliefs that God creates in the heart of the sleeper – just as He creates them in the heart of the awakened, so if he creates them, it is as if he made them a flag on other things, then he creates them in the second case, and those beliefs sometimes fall in the presence of the king, then what is easy falls after . And sometimes the devil is in the presence of falls beyond what hurts . (2) In fact , the meditator in tariff notice that they are similar to a large extent as observed signal to differentiate between the two types of what man sees in his dreams . Which I will talk about in the next paragraph . Anne Alhadit also noticed Acar by saying : ( true dreams of God , and the dream of the devil ) that God creates the vision and beliefs that make them pleased to note that without the presence of the devil . And he creates what is knowledge on what harms the presence of Satan, so he attributes a reward to Satan for his presence with her, even if he has no real action . This is the meaning of saying ( peace be upon him ) (( Revelation of God and the dream of the devil )) is not on the devil to do something . Some scientists : that the devil has done and the impact of direct evidence of the hadeeth Jaber may Allah be pleased with him said : A man came to the Prophet , peace be upon him , said : (( I saw as if my neck hit, he said : ( one of you Btalb the devil did not happen? ) Narrated by Muslim and Imam Ahmed, and this term of Imam Ahmad . in the word when Imam Muslim : he said : O Messenger of God : I saw in a dream as if my head hit Vtdhrj Vachtddt on its impact . the Messenger of God inflectional : ( not speaking people Btalb the devil to go to sleep ) Jabir said : I heard the Prophet peace be upon him after a sermon he said : Hala making a one of you Btalb the devil in his sleep . (3) Imam Muhammad Safaareeni mercy of God said : to be Btalb the devil that he sees in his dreams what saddens him . it enters worry and anger and confuse him in his vision . he manipulated 0 said to each action that does not work it useful : but you are a player . he said in an interview , istinja said , peace be upon him ( that Satan plays the seats in the sons of Adam ) (4) ie it attends ‘s locations , istinja and monitors hurt and corruption? because it places deserted where Allah reveals where he commanded awrahs Bstrha and to refrain from exposure to the eyes of viewers and Mohab the wind and Rchata urine . all this Satan played and this opinion is correct, so the dream from Satan becomes reality . He is the one who portrays him as a reality, not a reward . This is from his permanent and declared hostility to humans . The act of the devil if Napata fact . No metaphor . Sayyid Qutb , may Allah have mercy on him , he said : above all . We decide that knowing its nature or not knowing it has nothing to do with proving its existence and the veracity of some of it . . . Until he said . . . We perceive the nature of these visions in this way that the barriers of time and space are what prevent this human creature from seeing what we call the past and the future . Or the hidden present . And that what we call the past or the future is obscured by the factor of time . The distant present also obscures the place factor . And that the sense of what is in a person, we do not know its nature, is awakened or strengthened, so it overcomes the barrier of time and sees what is behind it in an ambiguous form . Not a science, but a trace . Etc. his words . Then he said : And I can lie everything before I lie, an accident that occurred to me while I was in America and my family in Cairo . And I saw when the sleeper saw the son of a sister to me as a young man, with blood in his eye that kept her from seeing . So I wrote to my family inquiring about his own eye . The response came to me that his eye had internal bleeding and that he was being treated . It is noticed that the internal bleeding is not seen from the outside . It was a sample view of those seen by the naked eye normal sight, but was hidden from sight of internal bleeding at the bottom, either vision has revealed that Mahjoub blood inside (5) ** Second : the definition of visions when scientists non – Muslims : For scientists , non – Muslims , they have There are many reprehensible stories on this subject, and the reason for this is that they tried to find facts that are not aware of the mind to which they appeal in this and many other aspects . They also do not believe or believe in revelation or hearing, and therefore their words were disturbed . Whoever belongs to medicine attributes all the vision to the four mixtures, which are phlegm, bile, blood, and black, for example : They say that whoever is overwhelmed by sputum sees that he is swimming in water, because of the water’s suitability for the nature of the sputum, and whoever is overcome by yellow sees the flames, and this is not evidenced by it nor is it usually done. And what they said is a type of vision and the vision is not limited to it , for we know that some of it is from the soul , some of which is from Satan and some of it is from the Most Merciful . And philosophers claim that the pictures of what is going on in the earth is the world’s top Kalnicoh what adjoin some of them Antakec in the heart of the sleeping , and this Plato ‘s theory known as the theory of the ideals that most opinion corrupt than its predecessor , because Alantqash of the qualities of objects and what is going on in the upper symptoms of the world , and symptoms Do not discuss it . Some non – Muslim scholars have to try to unravel the mystery of dreams and access through which to judge the human psyche, motives and tendencies and trends and even held . He has published the world of Sigmund Freud named author ( analysis of dreams ) in 1899 AD , and sees that as the ( ego ) in the event of vigilance is the one who controls the strength of the movement, this function disrupted during sleep , and then fades a large censorship imposed on the part The ( is ) or subconscious said : The withdrawal of psychological shipments that the function of control or weaken it allows some freedom now seems . Intended dream state • Harmless . It has been used ‘ Freud ‘ analysis of dreams as a means to reach the depths of the unconscious and Akoshvh for his secrets . Freud ‘s Anne is dreams as a ~ Royal Road ~ ( to the Subconscious containing the contract and the motives and repressed desires . And cared scientist ~ Karen Horney ~ analysis of dreams . They see that dreams increase insight about the situation and reveal some trends of the patient towards the world . It is believed ~ Aaark from ~ that dreams reflect the reasonable elements and elements unreasonable personal at the same time (6). It is noticeable from this brief presentation to their point of view these include : _ focus on the use of dreams as a means to enter the patient ‘s world and find out the cause of his illness , or condition . . they focus only on the so – called Bodgat dreams , which thinks about the man before his sleep and then see after his sleep , or focus on something that has nothing to do with dreams , but is what they do with patients in psychiatric clinics after making it relax in the clinic and leaves talking about himself and for his work and his wife and those around him , and the doctor to monitor this talk , and enter through this personal patient , and this is quite different from the visions that man sees in a dream by the king of vision . Sayyid Qutb says : says a school of psychoanalysis about the nature of vision : it Photo Dreams breathe in pent-up desires in the absence of awareness, and this represents a part of dreams . But not all represented . And Freud himself . On all his unscientific control over his theory, he decides that there are prophetic dreams . (7) says Mohammed Ali Qutb supporter of Sayyid Qutb : I have adopted ~ Ofroed ~ in more analysis and conclusions on Alrai and then sat through which the rules and the foundations on which he built his theories in psychology , but • unfortunately – it was heading in the symbols and meanings direction physically, or It is a decadent animal, so the person does not do justice to his humanity , and the vision – no doubt – is partial in a person’s daily life , but it is in a framework of the occult from the world of revelation, life coexistence and sensory practice , a vision that is not a vision but an insight , and a movement that is not with the limbs and organs, but only in the emotional sense . (8) Perhaps the best of us to explain the reason for this shortcoming of the psychologists in understanding the visions and give it the right of Imam al – Qurtubi said : cause confusion illegal reluctance of what came prophets from the straight path and enough remarks in response (9). ________________________________________ (1 ) Agreed , Al – Bukhari narrated as Fath al – Bari (369 \ 12 ) forward Ibn Hajar . Riyadh published a modern Muslim library as in the nuclear explanation (17 \ 15 ) published the Egyptian printing press and Stationers (2 ) Mohammed Safaareeni . Explanation of triplets Musnad Ahmad (1 /169 ) to achieve Zuhair Shawish i : Office of Islam 1392 e . (3 ) Narrated mm as in the nuclear explanation (15 /27 ) in the Book of Revelation – op . Cit . ) And narrated by Ahmad in the rest of the palm Almktherin 0 in the palm Jaber bin Abdullah may Allah be pleased with him published Cordoba Foundation in Egypt . (4 ) Narrated by Abu Dawood in the Book of Purity . Bab occultation of the open publication of Dar thought the achievement of Muhammad Muhyiddin Abdul Hamid . And prizes in the book Purity and Sunnahs door Alarataad of urine and faeces . Publishing House of Thought . Achieve Mohamed Fouad Abdul Baki and Ahmed in the rest of the palm Almktherin in the palm Jaber bin Abdullah – op – and see the words of Imam Safaareeni to explain trios Imam Ahmad • op • (170 \ 1 (5) Sayyid Qutb – in the shadows of the Koran – published Dar Sunrise i 1402 e (4/1972) (6 ) expansion see : Dr . Hamed Zahran . Mental Health and psychotherapy . (7) Sayyid Qutb op (4/1972) (8) Mohammad Ali Qutb – Hieran guide in interpreting Dreams – Published by the Quran Library – Cairo, p. 5 (9) Ibn Hajar – Fath Al-Bari – previous reference ) (12/353) * Quoted from Dr. Fahd Al-Usaimi ….

…If he sees two horns of the imam, then he owns the east and the west, according to the story of Alexander. If the imam sees his appearance as the marketplace, or he sees humility as if he is walking in the market with others, this does not violate his authority, but rather strengthens him ….

If he saw that he was with the Imam with words of wisdom, he would gain his need,

…The Imam walked on foot, concealed his secret and triumphed over his enemy ….

…And whoever saw as if he was sleeping, the Imam’s sanctuary, differed in its interpretation, and some of them said that he had a characteristic of him, and it was said that his forbidden…