…If he sees as if he fell asleep before the imam, then he is safe from what he has risked himself, because sleeping with him is equal to himself, and it is a risk ….

…If he sees as though he entered it, he will become rich and happy . And the entry of the Imam of Justice into a place, mercy and justice descended on the people of that place, and the parish exposed the unjust authority, and they are for the sultan and the strength of the parish ….

…And whoever saw that the imam died, I ruined the town ….

…As for the imam taking the sheep of the parish unjustly, this is the unfairness of their noblemen ….

…And whoever enters the imam’s house prostratingly, will be pardoned and ruled . If he disagreed at his door, he would gain victory over his enemies ….

…Preferred Imam Shafei 65 – about Alkzna said , I heard Shafei says : I saw Ali ibn Abi Talib – may Allah be pleased with him – to sleep and greet and shook my hand and take off the finale and make it in my finger and it was my uncle Vvsrha said to me : The Msafank Perhaps Voman of doom, and either take off his ring and make it On a finger, then your name will reach what the name Ali reached in the east and west, then Al-Khatib narrated on the authority of Al-Rabee ‘bin Sulaiman that he said : By God, the mention of Al-Shafi’i has spread among people with knowledge as he mentioned Ali bin Abi Talib ….

…If he sees that the imam or sultan follows the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, then he will stand up for him in his Sunnah . If he sees that he has removed a ruler in his place, an old man will be strong . And if the guardian in his place is a young man, he was hated during his mandate by some of his enemies, and the governor isolated him in sleep, and his state was in wakefulness ….

…Psychotherapy Some sleep disturbances, such as nightmares, disturbing dreams, walking during sleep and talking during sleep, are caused by unresolved problems and conflicts and surrounding experiences. Therefore, the individual should undergo psychological treatment, as it is done through the process of emotional discharging and free association to identify such conflicts and try to explain them to the patient and then increase Astbesarh by which helped him to return to normal sleep and see : ~ Encyclopedia of Psychiatry ~ – Volume I – d . Abdel Moneim El Hefny . ~ Behavioral disorders and their treatment .~ D. Jumu’ah Syed Yusuf c : The Jathoom : It is derived from our saying : The person or animal perched perched , and its meaning remained in place and did not leave , or what it means is : sticking to the ground, so he perched . A nightmare and called Word in Jathaam or al Koran 🙁 they became in their house Jtman ) ( usages : 78 ) This Arabic word is called baroque Alnidlan , may be located in a pressure on the chest of the sleeper is not able to move with him (1). To illustrate this , I explain to you as to whether he saw a man in a dream of so – called Paljathom described to sense the sleeper Bshi E mutes himself , nor can it salvation , and trying to wake up , can not only after strenuous attempts, Vistiqz has reached its fatigue severe amount sweats and hand , and troubled himself , and the feel of this case came to him before he Kalmchlol waking up , and hopes that one slide , no doubt that this case that man hit the sleep of panic . The peace be upon him know when his companions dread this prayer : ~ I seek refuge in the words of God , full of anger and from the evil of His slaves and from the evil demons Bibliography , and attend ~ (2). As stated in the isti’aadhah of intimidation in a dream narrated by Malik he said : Khalid bin Walid said on sale! : O Messenger of Allah , I am in a dream . He said peace be upon him : ~ Say : I seek refuge with Allah ‘s perfect Ichaelmat from the evil of anger and torment and evil cult , and Bibliography of demons , and attend ~ (3). Here meditator in these conversations noticed that the Prophet peace be upon him directed the servant when you see such disturbing dreams , nightmares , guided by the recourse to God and seek refuge with him from the evil of anger and anguish , and Bibliography of demons and annoyance , in order not to attend him , and staged a sit -in God Esme God . There is no doubt that the reflection of the state of people today notice when most of them away from God and to rely on the world and the pleasures and distance from the Book of Allah and wird Sayings , and replace it by listening to musical instruments and songs, so that some young people sleep and headphone music in his ears and whether such attend him Mullah Ikh and descend upon him mercy ? But today that mosques have become infested by music , became like her to deprivation ; This is because of the mobile devices, most of whose tones have become musical pieces that harm the hearing of the worshipers during their prayers , and whose owners may prevent the descent of mercy and the presence of the angels , according to Abu Bakr bin Musa who said : I was with Salem bin Abdullah bin Omar , so I passed the companionship of the mother of the boys in it bells , Salem came to pass his father from the Prophet peace be upon him , he said : ~ angels do not accompany them Rkpo jingle ,~ and Algelgel : small bell attached to the necks of animals (4). Many have chosen people today are far from God , and the distance from the Koran , and the distance from the male , and therefore replaced by the choice of good companionship bad Balrvqh , Is not God in his book says : )omn live mention Rahman antithesis of his devil he is his spouse ) ( Zukhruf : 36 ). What is meant : displays for Rahman and his unification Contrary to any make his companion of the devil he is his companion in this world and in the Fire (5). And this devil adorns him with falsehood and evil , bored him with dhikr and obedience, and makes his happiest times with amusement, music and singing , and like this it is necessary for him to hold himself accountable and correct for it , and to resemble the righteous and the last who remember God standing and resting and on their side , the remembrance is not separated from their tongue , people in Gflathm cut Flathm . It is also felt like this kind of visions desolate and afraid of them , explain to him to seek refuge with them , stone son said in al– Fath was mentioned in the recipe seeking refuge from the evil vision effect is true , narrated by Sa’eed ibn Mansoor and Ibn Abi Shaybah and Abdul Razak isnaads correct Ibrahim Nakha’i said : ~ If you saw in a dream what he hates , let him say if he woke up : I seek refuge with Aazt by God ‘s angels and messengers of this evil that strikes me where my vision Maol in religious Dnaaa ~(6). I advise all sleep here wanted to read wird before Sayings sleep and can be found more easily than many leaflets in mosques and libraries , and the most important of these wird : 1 – State of the chair . 2 – “ Say, He is God is one ” 3 – Al– Mu`wadhatan : ( Say I seek refuge in the Lord of people ) , ( Say I seek refuge in the Lord of people ). 4 – I seek refuge in the complete words of God from the evil of what He has created . 5 _ I seek refuge in the words of God full of every devil and every eye is important for the nation . 6 _ In the name of God , who does not hurt anything with his name on Earth nor in the Heavens and He is the Hearing , the Knowing . 7 _ Your name Lord put my side and your Lord wear it up , if I grabbed myself Varahmha , and sent him save it, including reservation righteous slaves . 8 _ Oh God , I submit myself to you and directed me to you and authorized my order to you , and my back to you desire GATT and the awe of you , not a refuge nor spared you only to you , secured your book , which was revealed and Npik that you sent . 9 _ in your name Oh God , I die and live . 10 – verses of the three days of Sura starting verse . : “ God is what is in the heavens and what is on the earth, and that you manifest what is in yourselves …” the verses . These Awrad be – God willing – Caldra , which protect you from PROD accursed Satan and his harm , and this is exactly like the battle entered and the dress of war, The arrival of the spears and swords to him have difficulty , and up to him and hurt him to prevent it her of dress and so too , who sleeps and shelter before sleep this wird The legend does not reach Satan with the help of God (7). ________________________________ (1 ) lexicon mediator – op – r (107 ). (2 ) hasan hadeeth narrated by Imam Tirmidhi in the book calls the door of what Gah held in praise by hand – op – 0 narrated by Imam Ahmad in the palm of Almktherin companions, palm Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al – Aas , may Allah be pleased with them – op – And it was narrated by Abu Dawood in the Book of Medicine, Bab How to Raqqa – previous reference -. (3 ) visions of the Prophet peace be upon him ( p . 19 ) – op – and reported by Imam Ibn Hajar in al– Fath (371/12 ) and attributed to Imam Malik and women, different Bosanao, said originally Abu Dawood, Tirmidhi and classed as ruler And correct it . See : Zaad for the son of values (2 /468 ) – op -. (4 ) Narrated by Imam Women in the door decorations Algela Gel book , Imam Ahmad in the palm of Almktherin companions , palm Abdullah ibn Umar ibn al – Khattab may Allah be pleased with him , a director in the right chain of Albany (4 \ 493 ) – a reference earlier -. (5 ) interpretation of Ibn Abbas – op – ( p . 413 ). (6 ) See : Ibn Hajar – Fath al – Bari , (12 /371 ) – op -. (7 ) See : Zaad Ibn values – op – (365 \ 2 ) , I said : proved a lot of scientists have the effect of modern jinn human beings, and they said : is the real effect if the phenomenon is not visible ; And they inferred the entry of air, microbes and others into the human body . This confirms the possibility of entering the jinn to the human body as well . ** Quoted by Dr. Fahd Al-Osaimi…

…Whoever sees that he is walking with the imam, he should follow him ….

If he sees it as if the imam is praying with the people while he is riding while they are riding, then if they are in war, they will provide the nail

…And whoever thinks that the imam has died, then that country devolves into corruption, and perhaps ruin ….

…If he saw that the imam blamed him with beautiful words, then that is goodness between them ….

…The imam’s illness is evidence of his injustice, and his body is healthy in that year . And his death is a defect located in his kingdom . The men carried him on their necks, the strength of his mandate, the weakness of his religion, and the religion of his flock without the hope of Salah . If he is not buried, then righteousness is hoped for him . And the interpretation of the dead’s life is a power and a state for its aftermath ….

And if in a quarrel with Zafar, whoever pursues the Imam mixes with him in his authority

…Jaafar AlSadiq said : The vision of the Resurrection account is interpreted on six aspects of torment, including property, work, illness, grief, trouble, or a short life ….

…Jaafar AlSadiq said: Drinking pemphigus has four aspects: benefit, service, kiss, service of the roots, and the removal of distress and worry ….

…Jaafar AlSadiq said the vision of perfume is composed of nine aspects of good praise, sincerity, useful science, pleasant nature, a science council, a generous man, a man of decency, dignity, valuable religion and good news ….

If he saw that he had given him something, he would be honored. If he gave him his preamble, he would give him a slave girl, or he would marry a woman connected to some of the sultans ….

Throwing him stones at him, they made him hear him words of cruelty and blah

And throwing him with darts, they prayed against him in the nights of the darkness of their days, and if he was struck by nobility, then he would be indignant ….

If he sees as a mother of people and does not read well, then he is asking for something that he cannot find ….

If he saw that he was eating it, he would be honored with the amount of the food he ate, and it was said that he would face war and revelation ….

…And whoever sees Jaafar al-Tayyar, he will perform Hajj and invade ….