…The lock and the keys : As for whoever opens a lock, if he is celibate, then he will marry, and if it is an allowance for his bride, then he will divorce her, so the key is mentioned, and the lock is his wife . As the poet said : do it in a Sla … and received the lock switch only to be imprisoned Vinju him to pray, God Almighty said : ~ The conquest Tsfhawwa has come to ~ 0 any let it come to victory . And if there is a dispute in which there is victory and judgment for him, God Almighty said : “ We have opened for you a clear opening .” And if he is in poverty and is not able to open for him from the world what is used by a wife, or from a company or from travel, then stop . And if he was a ruler and he was unable to judge, or a mufti was unable to issue his fatwa, or a transient and a question was difficult for him, it appears to him that he has closed in on him and may differentiate between a married couple or partners, right or wrong, according to the extent of the vision . As for the key, it indicates progress with authority, money, wisdom and goodness . And if the key to Heaven attained great authority in religion, or many works of righteousness, or he found treasure or money that is permissible as an inheritance . The blocking of the key to the Kaaba withholds a great sultan or imam, and then in this manner in the keys . The keys are power, money and great danger, and they are the reins . God Almighty said : “He has the foundations of the heavens and the earth .” Means the authority of the heavens and the earth and their treasuries . Likewise, he said in Qarun : “ As long as his switches are so vehement or power .” He describes his money and safes . Whoever sees that he has hit a key or keys, he will strike power or money as much as that . And if he sees that he opens a door with a key until he opens it, then the key is then a supplication to be answered for him and his parents or others in it, and by this he befalls his request that he is asking for, or he seeks the help of someone else and gains it . Do you not see that the door is opened with the key when he wants, even if the key was not opened by itself, and he used to seek help in this matter by someone else ? Likewise, if he saw that he opened a tower with a key until he opened it and entered it, then it will become a great relief and great goodness with supplication and the help of others for him . And the lock : a guarantor, closing the door by giving a guarantor, and opening the lock is a release and exit from guarantee . And every closing they are, and every opening is Faraj . And it was said that the lock signifies marriage, and the opening of the lock is said to be the invocation, and the iron key is a man with great misfortune, and whoever sees that he has opened a door or a lock, will grant victory to the Almighty saying : “ Victory is from God and an opening is near .”…

…The key is in a dream, provision, aid, or opening the door to knowledge . The keys may refer to children, spies, boys, or husbands to wives . Perhaps the keys indicated an awareness of what he hopes from the unseen God Almighty . Seeing the keys for those with positions is a country and the kings are a farmer, and the key is a victory over the enemy, because God Almighty says : ( God’s victory and conquest soon ). And whoever sees in his hand a key without teeth, he will oppress the orphan . And whoever sees in his hand the key to Heaven, he will receive asceticism and knowledge, or find treasure or money that is permissible . The key indicates a answered call . He who saw in his hand many keys attained great authority . The keys are the lockers because they are opened . The key is explained by Hajj . And the key is made of iron, a man of good fortune and danger . And whoever sees that he has opened a door or a lock, then he is victorious over his enemies, and whoever opens it with a key will obtain what he wants with the help of God Almighty, and if he opens it without a key, he will be victorious with his need for prayer, charity, or the supplication of his parents for him . And whoever sees that he took a key, he will strike a treasure or money from the ground . And if he is the owner of money, then God Almighty has a right to his money, so let him fear God and exclude his right from his money . And if in his hand were the keys of the Kaaba, then he became a great Sultan . Whoever saw that it was difficult for him to open the door did not reach what he is asking for . And perhaps the key indicated the entry of the dead into his loneliness . And the key to the city and to it or its owner . Perhaps the key refers to the world to what knowledge is opened to it ….

…And whoever sees that he has the keys to Paradise in his possession, then he dies on monotheism, for he, peace be upon him, said : The key to Heaven There is no god but God and Muhammad is the Messenger of God ….

…** The vision of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, that he was given the keys to the earth’s treasures . On the authority of Uqbah bin Amer – may God be pleased with him – that the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, went out one day and prayed for the family of one of his prayers over the overnight stay and then went to the pulpit and said : ( I am over you and I am a martyr against you and I, by God, look at my basin now and that I have given the keys to the earth’s treasures. Or the keys of the land, and I, by God, do not fear that you will join me after me, but I am afraid that you will compete in it .) Abu Hurayrah – may Allah be pleased with him – said : The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him ( Nusrat horror and given the conciseness of speech and while I’m asleep as Ji keys ground cabinets has placed in my hands ) , said Abu Hurayrah – may Allah be pleased with him -: The Messenger of Allah has gone Allah bless Peace be upon him, while you lift her . Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar said in ( Fath al-Bari ): The people of expression said : The key is money, honor and power . If he sees that he opens a door with a key, he will gain his need with the help of someone who is in trouble, and if he sees that he has keys in his hand, then he hits a great authority . Al-Khattabi was reported that he said : What is meant by the treasuries of the land is what was opened to the nation from the spoils of ammunition of Khosrau and Caesar and others, and it is possible that the minerals of the earth contain gold and silver . Others said : Rather, it is carried more generally than that. Al-Hafiz said : The keys to the treasury of the land that are intended are what is opened to his ummah after him from al-Futuh, and it was said : minerals . I said : This is identical to the reality in our time, as will be explained by God Almighty . And Al-Hafiz said in his speech on his saying, and you pull it out of the nosel by the nun and the triangle, meaning you extract it, you say : You cut the well if you extracted its soil . The authenticity of the two narrations of Uqba and Abu Huraira – may God be pleased with them – appeared in our time, when wells of oil and water appeared far in the depths of the earth, and what also appeared from gold minerals and other treasures of the earth that people could not reach except in these times ….

And whoever sees that he has hit a key or keys, then he hits a power or money and luck as much as the key, and if the woman sees that a key has been thrown to her, then she will marry a man, and whoever sees that he opened a door with a key and opens it for him, then he invokes a supplication that will be answered for him or he will be blessed with righteousness and goodness in his religion and world, or he will obtain his request that he requests If he saw that it was difficult for him to open the door, he did not reach what he was asking for until he opened it, and if he saw that he had closed a new door, then he would marry a righteous woman, and if he saw that he had opened it, he would leave her, and if he saw that he had closed an old door, he would leave his wife, and if he saw that he had opened it, he was happy with her and whoever saw that he closed Lock or unlock married a woman

…Key If you dreamed of keys, this means unexpected changes . If you lose the keys, miserable adventures will affect you . Finding the keys leads to family reassurance and refreshing transitions to work . As for the broken keys, they foretell a separation through death or jealousy . If a girl dreamed of losing the key to any personal adornment, this means that she will face quarrels with her lover, and she will suffer from lack of independence later . If you open the door lock with a key, you will be successful in choosing a spouse . If she gifts a key, she will fail to use the right sex in the conversation and will misrepresent her . Seeing a key in a dream predicts that changes will take place as well as misfortune . If you see a broken key, then this predicts troubles and scandal ….

…Al-Haiman is a celibate boy or wife in a dream . Al-Humayyan may refer to the money, jewels, or keys that are placed in it . And whoever saw that his delusion fell into a sea of ​​gold, his money was at the hands of the Caliph . And it was said : Al- Humayyan is the man’s body, so whoever sees his delusion is empty, it is evidence of his death, and if he sees him in his midst, then he has much knowledge ….

…Hijam in a dream a man writes instruments on people . Hijama indicates every one who controls the necks of creation, such as the ruler, the scientist, the ruler, the doctor, the writer of the conditions, and the instruments . If a person saw in his sleep a cuve that had grown in size and was oppressed by blood or in a struggle he was killed and blood was shed from him, and if he was sick, he was cured by a doctor, and if he was wanted with money he gave at the hands of a ruler, and if he wanted to marry he married . Al-Hujam’s vision indicates the disappearance of worries, anger and diseases . Perhaps his vision indicated a fine and a loss after a profit . If in a dream he becomes cupping for his mother or one of his family, then he disobeys his mother or his size . And whoever sees in a dream that he is refraining or cupping a guardian of a state or losing trust . And if the cupping is a sheikh, then he is the grandfather of the seer, and if he is a well-known sheikh then he is his friend, and if he is a young man then it is a number for him on which the condition book is written . If the size of a king or a man, he will gain them, and from the size of a sheikh who surpasses him, and the size of a young man is victorious . And they said : cupping is the disappearance of sickness, and they said : lack of money . And it was said : Whoever sees a cupping of his size, then he has gone money on his behalf for a benefit, and if he cupped him and no blood came out of it, then he has buried money that is not directed to him, or he paid a deposit to someone who does not return it to him . If blood comes out of him, then his body will be corrected in that year . If the veil is broken, he divorces his wife or dies . And it was said : He who saw that he had intercourse would gain a profit even if he was a prisoner . And whoever saw that he was cupping her, escaped from prison . If he sees the effect of the scalpel on his neck, that is a testament to him . If he sees that he is holding back a person and not being cupped, then he is escaped from evil, the fear of a person, or authority . The thieves ‘scalpels and thieves’ keys . And if the rich man protested, he would be given gold in a fine . And it was said : Cupping is a bitter medicine that he is patient with, as he is patient with the pain of the scalpel until it attains health . If a woman refuses another woman, then she will love her if cupping is not her work . And from the size of a person who fears him, he is safe from his evil, and perhaps cupping indicates giving out forbidden money from the veiled or gaining a pilgrim . If one of them is fasting, he breaks the fast or does something, that invalidates their fast . If the seeker refuses in a dream because of a headache or pain in his eyes, that indicates a cure for his complaint . Perhaps cupping indicates the prohibition and silence to return the answer, due to the size and reluctance ….