…A kitten If a woman dreams of a fat and white kitten, this foretells that a cunning deception will be practiced against her, and will most likely lead to her collapse, but her sense and wisdom will overcome the harm of ominous complications . If the kittens are soiled, colored or scrawny, then they will be the victims of vulgar follies . If you dreamed of kittens, small troubles will chase you up and cause you a loss . Unless you kill the kitten, then you will get over this trouble . If you see snakes killing kittens, your enemies will hurt themselves while trying to harm you ….

…Abu Sahl Bishr bin Ahmad al-Mahrajani told us, he said: Jaafar bin Muhammad al-Ara’i told us, Muhammad bin al-Hussein al-Balkhi told us on the authority of Abdullah bin al-Mubarak, on the authority of Abu Bakr bin Abi Maryam al-Ghassani, on the authority of Atiya bin Qais, on the authority of Awf bin Malik al-Ashajai, that he was the brotherhood of a man from Qais called him a dreamer, then that a dreamer was attended by death, so Auf came to him and said : Oh dream, if you came, go back to us and tell us what made you . He said if that was like me I did . He caught a dreamer, then Auf stayed a year later, and he saw him in a dream, so he said : Oh dream, what did you do and what was done with you? He said : And in us our wages are all of us except those who have perished in the evil that is referred to by the fingers, and God has paid off all my wages until I paid the reward of a kitten that strayed in my family before I died a night . He became Auf, so tomorrow he met a woman who had a dream, and when he entered, she said to him, “Welcome. Falsely,” added after a dreamer. Auf said : Have you seen a wet dream after his death? She said : Yes, I saw him and my daughter disliked me to go with him, so Auf told her about the one who saw and what he mentioned about the kitten that went astray . She said, I do not know that my service knows that . So she called her servants and asked them about the news, and they told her that a cat had gone astray before his death the night before ….

…Al-Kirmani said: “Whoever saw that he killed a kitten, he would conquer the thief and his flesh would be interpreted on two sides by a thief’s money and money from the thief’s stealing ….

…A cat If you dreamed of a cat, this means bad luck if you did not succeed in killing it or keeping it out of your sight . If a cat attacks you, it will find enemies who will tarnish your reputation in any way and cause you to lose luck . But if she succeeds in her dimensions, she will overcome great difficulties and will rise in rank and fortune. If she meets a slender, hungry and dirty cat, she will receive bad news from the absent . There is a friend on the dying bed, but he will recover after a long and arduous illness if you expel her out of sight. If you hear a screaming or meowing cat in a dream, then a false friend will use everything in his command of words or actions to inflict harm on you . If you dream that a cat has scratched you, then an enemy for you will be able to extract from you the benefits of a deal that you spent many days preparing for it . If a girl dreams that she is carrying a cat, or a kitten, then the betrayal of others will sign her under the influence of improper work . If you dreamed of a white and clean cat, this indicates dilemmas that may seem outwardly inappropriate . If you dreamed of a white and clean cat, this indicates dilemmas that may seem harmless on the surface, but it will turn out to be a source of sadness and loss of wealth . When a merchant dreams of a cat, he has to enlist his best energies for the sake of work, as his competitors are about to succeed in destroying the level of his relationships, and if he sells at a price lower than the prices of others and continues, he will forcibly push for other measures . The dream of seeing a cat and a snake in agreement symbolizes the beginning of an angry struggle . It indicates that an enemy that you have been hosting in order to use it to find a secret that you think belongs to you will not make you feel reassured of the confidence you placed in him so you will disavow knowledge of his actions for fear that the secrets he disclosed about your personal life will spread ….

…He is in a dream a servant . And it was said : a thief from the household . And it was said : the female of him is a deceptive bad woman . And if a feline bites it or scratches it, then it gets sick, and if the feline is wild then it is more severe . And whoever saw that he sold his kitten, he would spend his money . And whoever eats the flesh of a snore learns magic . And whoever sees that he has turned into a feline, he lives from voyeurism . And whoever sees that a snora enters a house, a thief will enter into this house . And the cat in a dream indicates the book, because God Almighty said : (And they said : Our Lord, hasten to us, we will drop before Judgment Day ). Perhaps the cat indicates the stubbornness of the wife and children, strife and theft, fornication and lack of fulfillment, eavesdropping, winking, whispering and loud noise, and perhaps indicating the boy from fornication and bastard, and indicates the person who loves to the hearts of people by jumping and dancing . If the cat and mouse, or the wolf and the sheep, were a sign of hypocrisy and adulation, or of fairness in the flock . Perhaps the pussy indicates the woman who is keen on raising children and disciplining them . The cat scratching a human indicates a mujahid enemy . And the civet saw his vision in a dream indicative of a man in whom the visibility of the wicked and the morals of the good…

…A cat is in a dream a servant and a keeper for a person . If you kidnap something from him, he is determined and afflicted with children and thieves, or he is forbidden to treat him and withhold his money . Whoever sold a kitten spent his money . And it was said : A pussy indicates a deceitful woman . The pussy was scratched and bitten by betrayal of the servant . See also feline, see cat ….

…The bugger : a king lethargic, with a strong thorn, modest and wrongful, destined for his proximity to the earth in his flight, and his lack of error in his master with what happens in it, so whoever owns a horse and traps for it, he will hit a property and money, then he saw that he struck a wild beast that does not catch him or He obeyed him, and saw as if he was holding him in his hand, as he struck a young boy who does not reach the level of men until he is king . If he sees that the kitten is gone from him in that case, then the boy is born dead or it is only a little while until he dies . And his chicks are his children . And the one is a woman who betrays and does not conceal . Kites were said to denote thieves and bandits, hookers, and deceivers who hide good from their friends ….

…Remembrance : So it indicates all the knowledge or power that a person has in terms of good or evil. If that is not met by him, his wife is ailing or disobedient, then how if she is the one who sees that for her husband, then he leaves her with death or life, unless she is one who excuses the boy On her and he asks for that from her, he never sees him from her . If there is no wife, and he is the owner of the eyes, the driver and the watering, then the stream is cut off from him and his legs are broken, or his bucket breaks off or falls into the well . So how about if in a dream he is marrying a woman, and his remembrance is cut off in her vagina . Unless his wife is ill in a dream, and he has no female head or fetus, and it was his wife, and if there was a fetus in her womb that perished, or came out dead, or she became pregnant with something that is not alive . If she is someone who is not pregnant with her, and the man has money in travel or trade, he will go or lose it . And if he is poor, he will go in the question and seek a pension, otherwise his bucket falls into the well or his jar, or a boy, kitten, chick, puppy, or something of his belongings falls in it, or a shortage of his animal’s condition, and an increase in his sleep and success in passing . And all that comes out of the male is indicative of money, the boy, and the marriage, and the urine is indicated by the place in which he urinated . If he urinates in a sea, money comes out of it to a ruler, a jaab, a tenth, or a max, and the nura flows through the urine in this section, as well as semen, madhiy and wadiy . If he pours in a bathroom, he gets married if he is celibate, otherwise he will spend money for a woman or be serious about it . And if he urinates in a jar, bag, or utensil, then he gets married if he is celibate, or if his wife becomes pregnant if he is married, or he pays her money if she asks for it . And semen participates with urine in this section . It may be inferred to the corruption of what they indicate in terms of blood or anus, or after perjury, or in fornication, or the like, in the places where the sleeper urinates, and the characteristics and changes of urine, such as one who urinates blood or urinates in his hand or in food and the like ….