…It is in a dream the age of a person and his pillar in his life . If he sees that his leg is made of iron, his life will be long . If he sees them from flasks, his life will approach . And if he saw that he lifted a leg and extended one, then his legs were turned together, then his life has come nearer, or close to him is a tremendous difficult matter . If he saw a woman’s leg and then knew her, he would marry her or marry another . If a woman uncovers her legs, her religion is good and she will be better than she was . And whoever sees a lot of hair on the legs of his legs, Dion rides it, dies in prison . And whoever sees that he is crooked, he will become an adulterer . The leg is a person’s money and his livelihood . So whoever sees that his leg is made of iron, his money remains with his long life, and if his leg is of wood, then he is weak in seeking his livelihood and seeking his livelihood, and if he sees his leg of clay, he will soon die, or his money will go away . And if he had a son, an animal, or a king, some of that went on his behalf . And if he sees his leg decreased, that is a shortage of his money that he must depend on, and that may be his age . And whoever pursues one leg, half of his money will be gone . And whoever sees that the legs of his legs have been cut off, all of his money has gone, and perhaps indicates his death, unless there is evidence in the vision that indicates goodness, then he is promoting himself with a bear that he rides, or indicating a ride on a ship, or a good that he does, or a friend who reaches him . And the leg is from the shank to drive, just as the foot is from the foot is offered, the heel is from the heel, and the heel is from the heels . And whoever sees in a dream a good, fat leg, this indicates the goodness of what he is driving or driving to . The hair on the leg of the woman increased in humiliation and deception, and this may indicate the emergence of secrets and guidance after misguidance, and perhaps the leg indicates severity . If he sees two legs wrapped, that indicates fear and affliction . And revealing the leg is evidence of leaving prayer and humiliation after glory ….

…Whoever sees that his leg is wrapped in another leg is a sign of perdition ….

…If you dream that you admire tall women’s legs, you will lose your common sense, and you will behave in an absurd way with a charming woman . If you see deformed legs, then this indicates professions with no gain from them and companions of poor character . A wounded leg is a sign of painful malaria attacks and losses . If you dream that you have a wooden leg, this indicates that you will falsely demean yourself for your friends . If a sore appears on your legs, this symbolizes a burden on your income by helping others . If you dream that you have three legs or more, this indicates that your imagination will draw up many projects, one of which will never benefit you . If you are unable to use your legs this portends poverty . If you amputate a leg, you will lose valuable friends and the effects of the house will make your life unbearable . If a girl likes her legs, this indicates insignificance, and the man who impresses her will turn her away . If in a dream she has two legs that are full of hair, then she will dominate her husband . If your legs are clean and well-formed, this indicates a happy future and loyal friends ….

…And the man : the man’s strength, money and livelihood that he must depend on, and the leg may be the age of its owner . If he sees that his leg is made of iron, his life will be long and his money will remain . And if he sees that his leg is made of flasks, he will die soon and his money and strength are gone, because the bottles do not survive . The saw . His leg was cut off, half of his money was gone . If they all cut off his wealth and power, or all that was left out of it would die . It was said that the two men are parents, and walking barefoot indicates fatigue and hardship, and it was said that someone who saw him had many legs, and if he was traveling, it was easy for him to travel, and he obtained good . And if he is poor, he gets wealth, and if he is rich, he is sick . And seeing the two men Mkhadfin engraved, for the man the death of the family, and the woman the death of her husband . And whoever sees it as if he lifted a leg and extended one leg, then turned one of his legs to the other, it is near to him, and it is difficult to meet him . And it indicates that the person of the vision is a liar . Seeing a man’s leg from a woman is evidence of marriage . The woman exposed her leg of good faith, and her injury was better than it was ….

…Jaber al-Maghribi said: A man’s leg is interpreted by a woman, and a woman’s leg is interpreted by a man ….

…In a dream she is the stature of a man, and the two men are his strength in good and bad times . If he saw that his feet ascended to the sky and moved away from him, then his father dies . If he saw that they were brought, he would be let down in his money . If he sees that he commits adultery with his leg, then he walks behind the women . And if he sees that he is walking barefoot, then he will be tired and obsessed, and if he sees that he is eating a man, he will gain proximity and means to God Almighty, and his affairs will be successful, and all his needs are fulfilled from the matter of his religion and world . And whoever sees that his feet are burning, what he owns will change and change . And whoever sees that he has many legs, then it is good and a benefit for the traveler, and for those who endure leadership, and for the sailors a journey with much benefit, for the poor there are things for those who hope from good things, for the rich, sickness and disease, for the sick of the eye, his eyesight disappears, and for the wicked people imprisonment, grief and blame . And whoever sees one of his feet as a stone, it dries up and does not benefit from it . He felt that Das king , it affects two men two men, walking dinars a picture of the king . And whoever saw that his leg cut half his money gold . And the two men are fathers . And whoever has a straight leg or many toes in his leg, he will receive comfort, ruthlessness, and strength . And whoever saw that two men cut off his gold, perhaps this indicates his death . And whoever sees that his leg is broken, do not come close to the Sultan for days, let him leave his country, and ask God for health . It was said : If he is ill, that is his death . And whoever sees that one of his legs is longer than the other, he will travel and get help . And if he is rich, then he will get sick, because the rich need someone to walk in his affairs . And the king’s man denotes his men, and if a king sees that he has cut off another king’s man, he takes slaves of his men . And whoever sees that he has four legs, if he is poor, then he travels and gets help, and if he is rich then he gets sick, and it may indicate his longevity and old age, and it indicates to the patient that he is dying, and whoever sees that he is walking on one leg indicates that half of his money or half of his life has gone . And whoever sees that he walks on three legs, he does not die until he walks with the stick, either due to his old age, long life, or due to an illness that befalls him . And the judge and the governor if he sees that he has many legs to walk with, then he is isolated and does not walk except with agents . And whoever sees that his feet are made of iron indicates that his longevity, good money in his living and money, and if he sees them from glass indicates his lack of life and weakness of his ability . If he sees them of gold, then he will seek them in gold for him, with a fine . And if he sees them of silver, he will seek them in seeking women . And if he saw them of copper, he sought them in bankruptcy . If he sees them from lead indicating numbness or paralysis, unless there is evidence in the vision that indicates goodness, then he strives with them in the pleasure of God Almighty, or he stands with them for the sake of God Almighty . And if he sees the flesh of his feet gone, that indicates his righteousness . And the toes of his feet indicate the deeds of righteousness . And whoever sees that his legs are painful, he has pursued misfortunes, and punishment is inflicted on him . And it was said : He who suffers his leg is transformed from one state to another ….

…Whoever sees his iron house, his garment, his leg, or some of its members, this indicates his longevity and growth ….

…Whoever dies his hand or his leg, he adorns his kinship without the adornment of religion, and covers their conditions . If the hemoglobin is not in the hemoglobin location, then fear strikes him and then he will survive ….

…And whoever sees that he threw a pearl under his leg, then it indicates that he married his daughter to a different sex. If it is broken, and if he sees that he has hit a pearl, whether it was from a reed or something else, then it is considered that if it was struck, then it is interpreted by the girl, and if she is not bored, it is interpreted with the son ….

…And whoever saw his left leg was injured, broken, or dislocated, and if there was a wound and he had a daughter, she got engaged . And if he does not have a daughter, a daughter will be born to him,…

…And whoever falls from the back of his house and breaks his hand or leg, he will suffer a calamity for himself, his money, or his friend, or he will suffer hate from the Sultan ….

…And whoever sees his right leg is raised, broken, or dislocated, and if there is a wound in it, then his son will get sick ….

…The feet are in a dream the adornment of a man’s money, his steadfastness, and his acts of righteousness . And her fingers are the decorations of the man’s daughters, his concubines and his men . And her bones are his money, which he has to ride and his livelihood . And hair on the feet is a religion . And the feet indicate his carriage and his money, and if he sees his feet cut off, his car will perish and his money is gone . And if he sees that he has an extra leg, his livelihood increases . And if the sinner sees that his foot has improved, he indicates his repentance, and that indicates to the unbeliever his Islam . Perhaps this indicates the footing in matters and the good outcome in what he wants . Perhaps good footing indicates the completion of prayer . See also the man ….

…Wooden leg If you see yourself walking over two wooden legs, this foretells that circumstances will threaten your wealth and your livelihood . If you fall from them while walking, or break under you, this indicates that your conditions will be subdued because you let others manage your affairs ….

…And whoever sees that he unifies his leg and that he is walking on it with glory, then he depends on whoever does not get a result from him and is satisfied with others for what he hoped for from him and more ….

…If he sees his leg broken while he wants to travel, let him get up and not leave . If I take off . His wife is sick ….

…If he saw that a person had cut his thumb off his leg, he would withhold a debt from him, or cut off money that he was relying on ….

…He said Kirmani saw that in the throes of death and tendencies of the leg , it is unfair to himself says , ~ If you see as the wrong – doers in the throes of death ~ , and it was said that it was the religion of Allah the death of him, and the hope of a book he travels, and was told to go his money or thrown down his house and changed his residence ….

…Whoever sees that he is walking on his hands or his stomach, or his hand and his leg, or something other than the tongue, then each of that is righteousness or immorality and the one to whom the member is attributed shall be guided by it in that, and whoever sees that he is bound by a religion in a dream while he acknowledges it and does not know it in waking life, then This is the consequences of the sins that surrounded him, and the actions of sinful acts that met him punishable in this world, or the affliction or some of the calamities of this world ….

…And whoever sees that he is tied by his leg, then if he is good then he will continue with it, and if he is in evil then he will continue also and there is no good in him for the weak ….

…Some of the expressors said that if he saw that his leg is good, then he is led to a matter in which he is healthy, and if he sees it as ugly, then he is led to something unpleasant ….

…And whoever sees that his leg is shaking, then harm will happen on the part of his relatives ….

…And whoever sees that his leg is wood or metal, then he is weakened from seeking his livelihood and seeking his livelihood, even if he has a slave or a beast that has gone away from him or his death, and as for the two men, they are the parents, his camel, or what a person carries on in his place of livelihood or carries on him of animals and contains him of wealth Or travel and what he saw in that from Zain or Shin was his interpretation in them ….

…And whoever sees that his leg yawns, he is seeking marriage ….

…If he sees that he is complaining about his leg, then he is responsible for spending his money without the pleasure of God Almighty ….

…Daniel said, ~Whoever sees that his one leg is cut or broken, it indicates that half of his money has gone or that one of his parents has died .~…

…And whoever saw that his leg was pulled to wood, then he is Mahmoud ….

…Whoever sees that his leg is broken, do not come close to the Sultan for a time, and pray to God Almighty ….

Al-Kirmani said: “Whoever sees a weak waterwheel in which little water is circulating, it is a good life for humans if it is general or for one who owns that waterwheel in particular ….

And whoever sees that he cut off a maidservant, then it is a boycott between him and a woman who is a mahram ….