Lemons Perhaps a lemon in a dream is to blame, and a lemon is a supply . Lemon indicates disease if it is yellow, and if a person owns it and does not eat it, then it is money, and green lemon is better than yellow . And the lemon is a blame, and the lemon trees are a good man for people, and it was said : He is a rich woman famous for good ….

…Sour lemon If you dreamed of eating a sour lemon, this foretells of constant illness and adverse hardships ….

Lemon If you dreamed of seeing lemons on their mother trees between their leaves, then this indicates envy towards someone you love, but proofs will convince you of the absurdity of the matter . If you eat a lemon, this foretells of shame and frustrations . And green lemons indicate disease and infection . If you see wilted lemons, this indicates divorce if you are married, and separation if you are in love ….

…As for lemons, Ibn Sirin said: Whoever saw lemons, whether it was at his time or at another time, indicates illness because of its yellow color, and if it is green, it indicates sadness, and if he does not eat it, it is easier than what was mentioned ….

…The tree Trees denote women and men of different morals . Seeing trees is a sign of quarrels, and unknown trees are a sign of worry and distress, especially if he sees them in a dream at night . If it is a heresy, then it is ceased, or if he is an infidel, he becomes Muslim . If the seer is an unbeliever, he becomes Muslim or a sinner, he repents . Whatever trees are specific to mashmum, such as henna and rose trees, indicates the masters of goodness and knowledge without action or saying without action . Seeing what is specific to mashmum and lemon juice, such as orange and lemon, is specific to mashmoum, and the restaurant, such as orange and lemon, and action, and word and deed . Seeing what is specific to the mutam, not to the mothmoum, such as the palm and walnuts, indicates the gentlemen who do not take what they have except by exerting effort and fatigue . Seeing what is not a restaurant or sniff, such as poplar and cypress, indicates stinginess and stinginess . Every tree that its leaves fall from indicates poverty and wealth, conservation and forgetfulness, joys and sorrows . And every tree that does not drop its leaves is a sign of longevity, perpetual livelihood, wealth, and steadfastness in religion . And whoever saw that he lay on trees, his children increased . And whoever plants a tree that is hung, then he intermarriages with a people and befalls honor . And a tree that has no fruit denotes hard, huge men, who have neither wealth nor good . And the tree with the thorns is a difficult man . And whoever saw that he cut down a tree his wife died, and if a tree dried up, a sick person would die there . And tree bark is a pond . And whoever sees that he is planting trees in a grove, he will have children . And whoever saw that trees surrounded a mountain, the descendants of that town would multiply . And the tree in front of the house indicates the loyal . The tree with which God Almighty spoke to Moses, peace be upon him, indicates closeness to God Almighty . The tree indicates the grace of God Almighty, and the dry tree is guidance and sustenance . Sitting under a tree with people is evidence of God Almighty’s approval. If the seeker is an unbeliever, a Muslim or a disobedient, he will repent, and a blessed tree in a dream indicates a good return, and a good tree like a palm tree is a good word, and a wicked tree is like a melon, a malicious word . And whoever sees that he reaps from a tree other than its fruit, then he takes money without a solution . It was said : Tree cutting is a disease that affects the cutter and its people ….

…And whoever sees that he drinks a sour drink, such as ribas, lemon and citrus syrup, and the like, which has a mild smell, it indicates grief, sadness and harm ….

…Al-Ataraj : One is a boy, and many are good praise . And it was narrated that the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said : “ Like a believer who recites the Qur’an is like an artisan, its smell is good and its taste is good .” And sang some poets praising some people : if they were trees citron merry together … Nora and wind and merry lute and paper and some of them hated and through sense , he said : It shows the hypocrisy because seemingly contrary to its interior and sang : gave his brothers Otrjh … wept and pity of Aaavh injunction and some of them I sing in her hatred by the saying of the one who said : I have brought you righteousness … do not accept her if they are justified, do not turn her, then I will destroy you myself … for her upside down has abandoned and some of them mentioned that all of the naranj and citrus are all good, and that all if it is sweet indicates the sum of money, and if it is sour, it indicates A simple disease and a boy afflicted with him and grief . The green lemon, indicates the fertility of the Sunnah and the health of the visionary’s body, if he extracts it . And yellow lavender, fertile the year with disease . And it was said that Al-Aturj is a non-Arab, honorable and rich woman, so if he saw as if he cut her in half, he would have a nurse from her and a nurse’s son . And if a woman saw in her dream, as if she had a crown of citrus tree on her head, she would marry a man of good manhood and religion . If she saw that she was in her lap, she would give birth to a blessed son . If a man sees as if a woman gave him a bottle, a son would be born to him . The man threw another woman, indicating a marriage request . And the naranj is not the citrus in the section of Muhammad, and above it in the chapter on hatred, according to the words of those who hated it, and most of them hated it because of the word of fire in its name . And he sang in its meaning : If we missed the roses for a while, then … the garden of Naranjna has compensated us, he reckons its offenders and it has shone … its redness in the palm is a fire of heaven, and the fluff is the equivalent of the believer in its taste, its aroma, the generosity of its tree and its essence . And his whistle does not harm with the strength of his essence, so whoever hits one, two or three of it, it is a boy . Much of it is good money with the name Saleh, and green is better than yellow . Perhaps the single delicacy was a state, and if it was eaten sweet, it was collected money . Although acid is a simple disease ….

…And whoever sees that he has given nuts or almonds, he will strike money to the extent of that, and the pomegranate is a large, honorable man who has been fertilized, and the fig is a present money that does not lie, and nothing of the fruits can be amended, and the olive tree is a blessed man. If it is sweet, or a sum of money, or a boy that befalls him, or it is better for a son, perhaps it is a woman, whoever sees that he owned a pomegranate and ate from it, then he must be a slave girl. His possession, he receives from that vigor as much as he possessed of it, and it was said that whoever saw that he had hit a lot of apples, he hit money according to what he saw from its number, and who saw that he had struck an apple that he smelled, then he has a son who smells it, and bananas have money for the owner of this world and a debt for the owner of the debt and a lot of money and debt is the equivalent of bananas And if it is one, two or three trees, they are many children, and the vineyard is a generous man. If he sees that he is the king of a vineyard, then he is with a generous man, and it was said that he who saw that he planted a vineyard, then he would be afflicted with splendor and pleasure, and the white grapes in his time are the freshness and goodness of the world and in other than his time he will receive money before the time that he He was begging him in it and it might be what There is no forbidden, raisins at all times, money in any case, and eating a yellow fruit in a dream, such as quince, pears, peaches, wet, watermelon, and the like is a disease, and what was green thereof is not a disease, and every acid of the fruits is a concern and sadness except for lemon, apples, and buckthorn, and every sweet fruit other than what was mentioned above is sustenance And money and goodness, and whoever sees that a large tree has a lot to carry it with its abundance of teeth, he will suffer a power and a nail, and his life will be prolonged. Whoever sees that he is picking the fruits from the roots of the trees, he quarrels with an honorable man and is victorious in his quarrel, and whoever sees that he is on a tall tree, he clings to a huge man or escapes from what he fears and warns. If he is celibate, then he marries a woman and whoever sees that he fell from a tree or fell from it, nothing between him has been completed. And between those who intend to be attached to him and whoever sees that he fell from a tree and dies, then he perishes at the hand of an old man, and if it is broken by him, that man perishes. And whoever sees that he owned a number of trees, then he follows a group in a state of leadership, honor, leadership, or so on, and whoever sees an unknown tree, naked From paper, he will be afflicted with sorrows and sorrows, and whoever sees a large, withered tree Because there is no good in his house and whoever sees in his house a tree that grows and lengthens, then his memory rises and his reputation rises, and if he sees that he has a tree that has fruit and has no paper, then the owner of it has religion except for good manners, and if it has paper and has no fruit, then its owner is of good manners and has no religion. A tree is uprooted, cut down, or withered, then he becomes severely ill or dies and may indicate the death of some of his family in his place. If the tree is for someone else, then a man falls out of his livelihood or kills him, and whoever sees inside or outside his home or its lower or higher in which there are types of trees growing and in which the two winds are in That house is a misfortune where women gather to cry and grief, and whoever sees that he eats gum from trees, he eats a connection of a man’s money as much as gum…