…If you dream of lime, this foretells that a disaster will wear you down for a period of time, but you will return to greater success and richer than before ….

…Role : The role, it is a function headed, what it came down from the demolition or narrow or capacity or good or evil, so he returned to her family and headed and its inhabitants . The walls are men, and the ceilings are women, because men are the protectors of women, because they are above them, and push them to the worst of them, so they are like strength, so what was confirmed its significance, he returned to him and worked on it . The man’s house denotes his body, his division, and himself, because he knows it and knows him. It is his glory, his memory, his name, and his family’s jacket, and it may indicate his money in which he is in shape, and perhaps it indicates his dress for his entry into it, and if it was his body, her door was his face, and if it was his wife, it was her door His relief, and if it was his world and his money, then her door was the door that he caused and his sustenance, and if it was his garment, then its door was his collar . If the door is alone, it may refer to the head of the house, and the individual who opens and closes, and the other individual may refer to it to his wife who embraces her at night, and turns away from her when entering and leaving during the day, and in which the male and the female are inferred in the form and closure, the one in which the closure is the male, and the one in it The lug is the female, his wife, because the lock inserted into the lug is male, and the total shape if it breaks apart is like a couple, and it may indicate the two sons of the owner of the house, a male and a female, and the two brothers and partners in the ownership of the house . As for the lintel of the door and its rounds, and everything that enters it with a tongue, that is for the wife and servant, and as for its lists, it may indicate male children or slaves, brothers and servants . As for his legs and the door ring, they indicate the permission of his owner, his eyebrow, and his servant, and whoever sees something of that, a decrease, an occurrence, an increase, or a novelty, this is used to the addendum by increasing the evidence and evidence of vigilance . As for the unknown house other than the known, it is the abode of the Hereafter, because God Almighty called it a house and said : “And that house is the Hereafter .” Likewise, if it is known to have a name that denotes the Hereafter, such as the abode of Uqba or the abode of peace, then whoever sees himself in it and was sick, leads to it in peace and is free from the temptation and evil of this world, and if he is not sick, then it is good news for him, according to the extent of his work, from Hajj or jihad Or asceticism, worship, knowledge, charity, connection, or patience over a calamity, inferring what he led to her, and for whose sake he preached increased vision and vigilant evidence, and if he saw with him in a dream books about which he learned, then his knowledge led him to it . And if there is a worshiper in it, then he attained his prayers, and if he had his horse and his sword, then his struggle reached it, then on the meaning, and as for awakening, he looks at the most famous of her deeds with himself and the closest in his sleep to the rest of his obedience, if they were many, then the good news was in a dream . As for the one who built a house other than his own in a known or unknown place, look at his condition, and if he is sick or has a sick person, then that is his grave, and if there is none of that, then it is a world that benefits it if it is in a known place, and if he built it with milk and clay, it was permissible and if It was made of bricks, plaster and lime, it was forbidden for the sake of the fire that kindled his work . And if he built the house in an unknown place and was not sick, if it was with milk then it is a good deed that he does for the hereafter, or he has done it . And if they are in remuneration, then they are reprehensible deeds that he regrets in the Hereafter, unless he returns to demolishing them in a dream, then he repents from them, and as for the house of unknown structure, soil, location, and individual families about the role, especially if he sees in it dead people who know them, then it is the abode of the Hereafter. His income, then he dies if he does not come out of it, and if he enters and leaves it, then he is on the verge of death and then escapes, and whoever sees that he entered a new house with complete facilities and was between the houses in a known location, if he is poor he becomes rich, and if he is rich then he becomes more rich, and if he is anxious Release him, and if he was disobedient, he repented, and according to her goodness and capacity, if he did not know her companion, if she had a companion, then it was for her owner, and if she was solid, that was permissible, and if she was plastered then that was forbidden . And the capacity of the house is the breadth and generosity of his world, its narrowness, the narrowness of his world and his miserliness, and it is found to renew his work, and to settle his religion, and as for its tightening, it is the precision of his management, and the purpose of it is his happiness, and the house is made of iron for the longevity of its owner and his state . And whoever leaves his home angry, he will be imprisoned, because God Almighty says : ~ And He has gone out of his house in anger .~ If he sees that he has entered his neighbor’s house, he enters his secret . If he is an immoral person, then he is betrayed by his wife and his livelihood . Building a house for a celibate is an elevated woman he marries, and whoever sees a house from afar attains a distant world, and if he entered it from a building and mud and was not separate from the houses and houses, then it is a world that befalls her . And whoever sees his leaving the buildings, oppressed or transformed, then he is leaving his world or what he possesses according to the extent of what is indicated by the face of his exodus . It was narrated that a man from the people of Yemen came to the crossing and said : I saw as if I was in an old house of mine, and it destroyed me . He said : You find an inheritance, and soon a relative died and inherited six thousand dirhams . And another saw as if he was sitting on the roof of a house of flasks, and he had fallen from him naked, so he recounted his vision on a crossing and said : A woman from the king’s house is beautiful, but she dies sooner, and it was so . The houses of the house are the women of its owner, the styles and the raggas are men, the balconies of the house are the honor of the world and the leadership, and its treasury is its custodian of his money from the people of his house, its health is in the midst of a worldly state, its surface is his name, its elevation, and the house of the Imam al-Adl is a gap from the holes of the Muslims, and the demolition of the strengthened King’s house is a lack of his authority . The fact that the man was on an unknown roof obtained a lift and sought the help of a high-ranking man, and he asked for help . The Christians said: “Whoever saw it as if he was sweeping his house, he was stricken with grief or died suddenly, and it was said that sweeping the house is going to go away, and God knows what is right ….

…Gypsum is in a dream a sign of the perpetuation of honor and position, the good condition of husbands and children, steadfastness in religion and knowledge, work and good praise, cure of diseases, renewal of clothes and correct contracts, as well as lime, and if he sees that among the masters of asceticism and piety, he is evidence of contamination with the forbidden, and earning from Suspicions, standing with fads, neglecting the Sunnah, and hypocrisy in religion ….

…As for the jar, it indicates the hypocritical lime that the people’s money is wasted on his hand, and al-Kirmani said the jar is a maid or servant ….

…Ribs signify : to the women of his family who are crooked, and because Eve was created from Adam’s left rib . It may indicate the stones of his house and his home, and its flesh are clay or lime, and its back skin, and its blood putted by water with its soil, and the greatness of its knots . Whoever sees his home or his home destroyed while he is sick with stomach, he perishes with it . If in a dream he returned to building and repairing them, and recovering from his misfortune if it had been completed in his sleep, otherwise there remains of the days of his illness as much as he has left of his work and his survival . But health is due to his name, and blood runs through his veins . Perhaps his ribs indicated his animals, and his meat on the goods and commodities he carried on top, and his skin on their robes, for whom that was his business . What broke one of his ribs on him indicates the death of one of his animals . If something is removed from his skin, his lamb or livelihood is split, or he opens his extraction or cage without his permission, then he loses alertness and what is in it, and the destiny of people and the increase in the sleep in that . The shoulder is a woman, and what happened in it is a woman ….