Child If you dream of seeing many beautiful children, this heralds great success and blessings . If a mother dreams that her child is ill with a slight disease, she may see him in strong health, but other trivia may bother her . If you see children working or studying, this means quiet times and general success . If you dream that your child is hopelessly sick or dead, then something should raise your fear a lot, if his health is sadly threatened . If you dreamed of your dead child, this indicates anxiety and disappointment in the near future . If you dreamed of seeing sad children, this means troubles caused by enemies, and a warning that raises anxiety in a deceptive act issued by people pretending to be friendly to you . If you have fun and play with children, this indicates that all love projects and commercial speculation will prevail . Dreaming of children crying indicates bad health and frustrations . A bright, clean child signifies compensation for the many warm love and friends . If the child is walking alone, this is a sure sign of independence and total disregard for younger people . If a woman dreams that she is breastfeeding a child, she will be deceived by someone she trusts more than anyone else . If you dream that you are taking your child while he is sick with a fever, this is a bad omen . You will be afflicted with sorrows in your desire . If you dreamed of the birth of a new child, this means pleasant surprises close to you . If a girl dreamed that she had a child, this foretells that she will be accused of indulging in immoral entertainment . If you see a child swimming, this predicts a lucky escape from a trap ….

…Is it correct to see the child and the junub, the infidel and the menstruating woman? As for the vision of the child, if this child is someone who tells his vision and remembers it, then his vision is valid and expressed, and if he does not clarify and does not know how to tell his vision, then it is not considered, so the reference in this is for this child’s skill in formulating his vision, and Joseph, peace be upon him, was seven years old when he saw his vision. Right, and here is an important thing, which is that the child often does not know lying, and this strengthens the degree of his vision, and hearing from the child is permissible . Al-Bukhari addressed in his Sahih the chapter When is it right to hear the young . Ibn Hajar mentioned in it that he said : The purpose of this chapter is to infer that puberty is not a condition for bearing evidence that Mahmoud ibn al-Rabi ‘, one of the youngest companions, said : (I thought from the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, to have a mug in my face when I was five years old from a bucket ) Narrated by Imam Al-Bukhari in The Book of Knowledge Chapter: When is it Right to Hear a Young Child as in Al-Fath (1/172), as it transposed to us the Sunnah of his intent and in the compilation that the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, directed in his face. If it is permissible for the child to carry knowledge as in this hadith, then it is permissible for him to endure the narration of the vision provided that he is They understand the discourse and are able to tell its visions, and there were many children who saw visions and expressed in the old and the new . The visions of menstruating women and menstruating women are also valid, and menstruation or impurity is not prevented from them, because the unbeliever’s visions are correct, as evidenced by the vision of the king and Joseph crossed it and he was an infidel, and the impurity of menstruation and impurity is less than the impurity of the infidel ….

Child : It indicates the money and interest indicated by dirt, because it is from the soil of the earth . It is in that the most beneficial and evidence of earning and survival . Whoever benefits, buys, or digs a child in a dream, will gain money . If eating it is forbidden, it is forbidden to eat it . Eating the child indicates the mountain, because it is one of the desires of the pregnant woman ….

…And whoever sees that his bag is lost, and if there are dirhams in it, then he indicates his advice to others, and words are lost, and if there are no dirhams in it, then he indicates his lying ….

…And whoever sees that a small child is lost, then they are gone, and it was said that sorrow is disturbed ….

…And whoever thinks that he wipes a child in order to be bathed with it, it is interpreted in two ways to spend a debt and an extravagance of money as much as the child is loosened, and it may have a result ….

…A child’s narration in a dream indicates worries, anguish, and fatigue in contemplation of ignorant people . And whoever picked up a little girl or carried her and was imprisoned, tired, indebted, or poor, God would rejoice over him, otherwise the child is suffering and distress, especially if she was born from the mouth, then it indicates death ….

…As for the child, Al-Kirmani said, ~Whoever saw that he had hit a combined child, he would have money to the same extent .~…

…And some of them said that whoever saw that he was lost out of the way, then he might approach, and if he saw that someone guided him to the road, then he would guide him and put something confused about him, because some poets say : The stranger is as if he is in darkness … if he is not led by a leader, he will not convert…

…And whoever sees that his ring has been lost, then what he hates or is difficult for will enter into his power or livelihood ….

…Whoever sees that he has lost a wall while they are tight and strong, then he indicates the goodness of his condition in this world by the thickness of the wall ….

…And whoever sees that his paws are cut off or something is lost from him, then he indicates the deficiency in his sanctity and his money ….

…And whoever thinks that something is lost from it if that thing is acceptable, then it indicates that something harmful has occurred to the extent of the value of that thing, and if it is otherwise, then its expression is against it ….

…And whoever sees that his saddle is lost, he will divorce his wife and leave her ….

…Whoever sees that he is lost or fallen in a well or is overpowered by it, then a woman from his family falls between him and her desertion and then returns to their first state ….

…And whoever sees that he drank medicine and lost his mind, he will get relief from grief ….

…Loss of knowledge is lost in a dream, benefiting people with his knowledge, and his memory is popular . The loss may indicate lack of luck . And whoever saw that all his clothes were taken indicates that the evil that he is exposed to has gone away ….

…And whoever sees that its cooler is broken or lost, it indicates the difficulty of its work and its repair ….

…And whoever sees that his decree has been lost, then its interpretation is contrary to it .)…

…Whoever sees that his pen is lost, stolen, sold, or broken, there is no good in it, and the expression will be according to the viewer ….

…And whoever sees that he has lost it, he shall be interpreted by remaining that and breaking it shall be interpreted by what death was due to himself ….

…And whoever sees that his ward is lost, he indicates that his money has decreased by the amount ….

…And whoever sees that he gave a dinar to someone or a dinar was lost from it, then he indicates that knowledge has gone from him by the amount of that dinar so that it is neither more nor less than it ….

…And whoever sees that his barbarism has been lost, he shall interpret the immorality of his wife upon him ….

…And whoever sees that his children are lost, he shall be interpreted by a grief and they are due to the loss ….

…And whoever sees that his sieve is lost, he indicates that his servant has perished or kept him ….

…And whoever saw that his ear was lost, then his interpretation against him ….

…And whoever sees that his divorce has been lost from him indicates that his money has been damaged ….

…And whoever sees that his Qur’an has been lost, he forgets the science and the Qur’an ….

…Angelic child If you dream of seeing angelic children, this foretells that you will have a special joy that will leave an impression on you that you will always be good on your life . If you see them in a state of sadness or depression, this foretells that misfortune will befall you unexpectedly ….