…If you dreamed of seeing your mother standing in the house, then his interpretation is good and blessing in all your deeds . And if you dream that you are talking to her, then his interpretation is that you will receive good news about actions that you are worried about . If a woman dreams about her mother, then it is a good omen and my husband’s understanding . Seeing a sick or dead mother in a dream is interpreted as grief due to death or due to reputational scandals . If in a dream you hear your mother calling you, then this is an interpretation of your negligence of your actions and walking in the wrong way . If you hear her crying as if in pain, then this means that she will get sick or you will get sick ….

…It is rare that a man came to Ibn Sirin and he said, I saw Al-Muhallab has held power between my home and his home, so Ibn Sirin said, This is a man who married your mother, so his anger intensified and he came to his mother and said to her you know al-Muhallab. She said yes, I was his mother, then I came to your father, and he marveled at that ….

…The mother or the human being in a dream is more important to him in terms of interpretation than his father . If he saw his mother gave birth and was sick, he indicated his death, and that the dead was wrapped in a cloth like a small child . And if he is poor, increase his expenses because the little one has more expenses than others ….

…On the authority of Khalid bin Maadan on the authority of the companions of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him , that they told him : Tell us about yourself . He said : Yes, I am the call of Abi Ibrahim and good news. My mother saw when she carried me that a light came out of her that lit up the palaces of the Levant . On the authority of Abu Umamah – may God be pleased with him – he said : I said, O Prophet of God, what was the beginning of your command? He said : The call of Abu Ibrahim and Bushra Issa, and my mother saw that a light emanated from her that lit the palaces of the Levant . Al-Haythami also said : Its chain of transmission is good and has evidence to support it ….

…And whoever sees that he writes with a pen while he is my mother, there is no good in it, and it may indicate his imminent death ….

…If he saw or felt him that he marry his mother or sister or womb : it sees not only boycotted the mercy of falling short in the right, he reaches mercy and review ….

…And whoever sees that he slaughtered his mother, father, or son, and if he sees blood, then he forbids one of his parents or his son, and if he does not see blood, then it is a connection and mercy between them ….

…If he sees as if his mother sacrificed, the relief will come to him who are in him ….

…Sludge indicates good in a dream, especially if he lost water, or was poor, then it indicates the dam of his poverty with the flow of livelihood . He who was single, and saw the sludge, got married and had a pigeon and a mother-in-law, and the sludge indicated the minimum subsistence . What happened in a dream of sludge is they, sadness and horror, so whoever sees that he gets into sludge, he will fall into grief and delusion, and that is the blackness of the sludge . Sludge indicates waste of money, profit principles, and charitable regulations ….

…And whoever sees that his mother has lived, then relief will occur after distress ….

Seeing a half-sister in a dream indicates that worry and anxiety will remain with you ….

…The Sun : Originally the greatest king, because it enlightens what is in the sky from its counterparts, with its great benefit and disposes all people in its interests, and it may indicate the king of the place in which the vision is seen, and above it is higher than it indicates the sky to it, and it is the king of kings and the greatest of authorities, because God, glory be to Him The Exalted is the King of Kings, the mighty of the giants, and the director of heaven and those on it and the earth and those on it . And the sun may indicate the authority of the person who has the vision, if he sees it especially without the congregation and the councils, such as his princess, corporal, teacher, father, or husband if she is a woman, and perhaps the honorable woman as the king’s wife, president, master, his daughter, or his mother or the wife of the seer, or his mother Or his daughter, or her beauty . The poets liken the beauty of virgins to the sun in beauty and beauty . It was said that in the vision of Yusef, peace be upon him, it was a sign of his mother, and it was said, rather, of his maternal aunt, his father’s wife, and it was said that it was rather about his grandmother, and it was said that it was a sign of his father and the moon over his mother, all of this is permissible in the expression, and if the sun indicates the father, then he preferred her over the moon by light And the sunshine, and if it indicates the mother, let her feminine and remind the moon, so what was seen in the sun of an accident, its interpretation returned to those who refer to it from those who we described on the destinies of people and the magnitudes of the vision and its evidence and evidence . If a fallen woman is seen to the ground, or a bird swallows her, or she falls into the sea, or is burned by fire and her eyes are gone, or blackened and absent in a way other than her course from the sky, or she enters into a coffin, the one who is attributed to her will die . And if he saw an eclipse or cloud covered it and accumulated dust or smoke on it until its light diminished, or if you saw a ripple in the sky without stability, that was evidence of an accident happening to the one who added to it, either from sickness, worry, grief, distress, or worrying news, except that Whoever you indicate is ill in awakening, for that is his death, and if he sees it blackened without a reason for his deception or an eclipse, this is evidence of the added’s injustice and his injustice, or of his disbelief and delusion even if he took it in his palm or its possession in his lap, or it descended upon him in his home with its light and brightness He was able to possess his authority and pride with his possession, if he was one of those who befit him, or the arrival of the Lord of that status if he was absent, whether his son or his servant or his wife saw that, because he is the authority of everyone and the values ​​of the house, otherwise the pregnant woman was born if he had a maid or a boy who differentiated between The male and the female are seeking an increase in the vision, such as taking it and covering it under his garment, or inserting it into one of his vessels, and he will testify that in it by the hidden females, and whoever indicates it is beautiful mentioned with knowledge or authority . And if in this case she was dark and shriveled in color, then the king was treacherous in his possession, or on his family, if he met that, otherwise a power would be imposed on him, or he was attacked by a worker, or an absentee foot, or he died among the sick, and pregnant women fell off their fetus, or gave birth to a son Differentiate these faces, increasing the evidence . And if he sees it emerging from Maghrib or returning after sunset, or returning to the place from which it dawned, a sign and a lesson will appear that indicates what I have prepared by increasing its evidence . This may indicate the return of the person attributed to her of what he hoped for in travel, justice or injustice, according to the benefit of her onset and absences, and the times for that . Perhaps the setback indicated by the sick, and its absence after its emergence for those with pregnancy may indicate the death of the fetus after its appearance . And perhaps it indicates the arrival of the absent from his travels and the strange money, and perhaps its absence indicates the return of the prisoner to the prison after his release, and it may indicate that the one who embraced Islam from his infidelity, or repented from his wrongdoing, will return to his misguidance . And if someone sees that doing good or bad hidden deeds, he indicates his jacket and conceals his conditions, and his cover is not revealed for the sun to go away, except that he is someone who was given to him on his night as a wife, or bought a secret, he said, the wife goes back to her family, and the secrecy belongs to her seller . Her rise after her sunset may also indicate to those who divorced his wife of her regurgitation, to those who are pregnant with her salvation, and to those who have been unable to live or have made her due to her hypocrisy, especially if her goodness is by the sun, such as shortening, washing, milk taxes, and the like, and for those who are sick of his death, because of the disappearance of the human-like shadow. With the words of the Almighty : “ Then the sun made him a guide, then we took a little fist for us. ” And for whoever was in jihad or war, for victory, because she returned to Yushaa bin Nun, peace be upon him, in the war of the enemies to him, until God showed him to them, and to whomever was poor on the winter day, On the clothing and riches, and on the summer day on the sadness, sickness, fever and conjunctivitis . Sitting in the sun in the summer is an indication of the torment and grief that he is in, for the sake of accompanying the ruler, or the reason for whom the sun descended on him according to his position and direction . And whoever saw that he was transformed into a sun, he struck a king as mighty as its rays . And whoever strikes the sun hanging by a chain, the guardian of the state and justice in it . And if he sits in the sun and heals in it, he will receive a blessing from a ruler, and whoever sees that the sun’s light and its rays are from the east to the dusk, and if he is worthy of the king he will gain a great king, otherwise he will have a flag that is mentioned in all countries, and whoever sees that he owns the sun or is able to it, then he The saying is acceptable to the greatest king . Whoever saw her, Safia Munira, had risen to him, if he was a ruler who gained power in his mandate, and if he was a prince who obtained good from the greatest king, and if he was from the parish of a permissible livelihood, and if she was a woman who saw what pleased her from her husband . And whoever sees the sun rising in his house, if he is a merchant, he profits in his trade, and if he is a student of a woman, then he will hit a beautiful woman, and if that is seen by a woman who has married and the provision of her husband is greater . And the light of the sun is the prestige of the king and his justice, and from his word the sun received a lift from the Sultan, and whoever sees the sun rises on his head but not his body, he will receive a serious and comprehensive matter . And if it appeared on his feet without the rest of his body, he would receive permissible sustenance from before his cultivation, and if it appeared on his stomach under his clothes and people did not know, he would have leprosy, as well as on the rest of his organs from under his clothes . And whoever sees his stomach split and the sun rises in him, then he dies, and if a woman sees that the sun has entered from her saddle while he is a collar and then goes out from her tail, then she will marry a king and stay with her for a night, and if it falls on her vagina, then she commits adultery, and if he sees that the sun has set all over and he is behind her, he follows her Then he dies, and if he sees that he is following the sun as it travels and has not set, then he will be a prisoner with the king . If he sees the sun turning an old man, then the sultan humiliates God Almighty, makes justice and obtains power, and the conditions of Muslims improve, and if she turns young, then he weakens the condition of Muslims and disgraces the Sultan . If he sees a fire coming out from the sun and burning what is around it, then the king perishes some of his courtiers, and if he sees the sun red, then he is corrupt in his kingdom . If he saw it yellowed, the king was sick . If blackened, it will prevail, and it will be a blight . If he sees that she is absent, he will miss his request ….

…The pits : a sign of deceit, deception, nets, the role of adulterers, prisons, restrictions, observatories, and the like, and the origin of that is what is dug for usury in them to hunt if they fall into them, and the buried may indicate a pregnant, pregnant mother, the nanny, because the food of the child in his mother’s womb is hoarded like food in the landfill. It is accompanied by something after something, until it is empty or dispensed with something else . Perhaps the unknown signified the breadth of food that took place while the excavations were taking place in it, because it was a pit, and whoever saw a buried land collapsed or collapsed, if his mother was ill, she perished, and if he had a pregnant woman, she would be saved and her grave was buried, because the grave of the pregnant woman is open, unless there is what confirms her death in the vision. Then that would bury her . If none of that, see . If he had food in it while awake, he sold it, and the dirt and garbage that you poured into it was its replacement, and it is its price . And if he sees his particular food as scum or dirt, his price is cheap and his money is gone in it, and if he has no food in it and he sees it filled with dirt or dirt, then he fill it with food when it is allowed . And if she was full of food, her wife became pregnant if he was poor or his mother . If the landfill is unknown in a mosque or tablecloth, or it must have a group of people, and there is food in it while it is deficient, then the price will be reduced in the area to the extent that the landfill is lacking . And if it overflows and flows and people separate from it and not lack it, the price is cheap and the food is plenty . And if he saw a fire that fell in the food, it was in the food that contained a great high price, or an accident from the Sultan in the vastness, or locusts or a stone in the acres . If he sees dates or sugar in her food, then the price goes up and the sex she has in the food is exaggerated, according to the amount of sweetness it contains in the few and many . If it is like half of her food, then it is in half, otherwise, for this amount . As for whoever falls into a landfill or an unknown pit, according to the aforementioned, it is considered that a fall into a well is considered ….

…And some of the expressors said, ~Whoever sees that he is breastfeeding from his mother’s breast, then it indicates that glory and rank have occurred, and likewise if he sees that his mother breastfeeds him because of the Almighty saying, ~ And we inspired the mother of Moses to breastfeed him ….

…Water : denotes Islam and knowledge, and life, fertility, and prosperity, because it contains the life of everything, as God Almighty said : “ Let us give them water that is pouring out of it in order to entangle them in it .” And perhaps he indicated the sperm, because God Almighty called it water, and the Arabs call a lot of water a semen, and it indicates money because he earns with it, so whoever drank pure pure water from a well or a watering water and did not absorb the last of it, if he was sick, he would recover from his illness and his life did not precipitate his death. He was not sick and married if he was celibate, to have the pleasure of drinking and the flow of water from above to his mention, and if he was married and did not marry his family on a night he met with her and enjoyed her . And if none of that, then he embraced Islam if he was a disbeliever, and he obtained knowledge if he was good, and knowledge was a student, otherwise he obtained a permissible debt if he was a merchant, unless something spoiled the water, which indicates his forbidden and sin, such as drinking it from the role of the dhimmis. Either science is corrupt or bad or malicious money . If the water is brownish, bitter, or stinky, then it becomes sick, spoils his earnings, continues his livelihood, or changes his doctrine, for each person according to his destiny and what is appropriate for him and the place he drank from and the vessel in which he was . As for the one who carried water in a bowl, if he was poor, he would benefit from money, and if he was a single he married, and if he was married, his wife or mother carried him from him, if he was the one who emptied the water in the container or his wife or servant from his well or his minister or relative . As for the flow of water in homes and its entry into the dwelling, there is no good in it, and if that was a year in which people entered into temptation, fondness, captivity, sickness, or plagues, and if that was in a private house, I looked into its matter, and if there was a patient in it who died, then the people sought him in his obituary. Crying and tears . Likewise, if gutters flowed in the house or eyes exploded in it, they are weeping eyes at the death of the patient, or when the traveler farewell, or about evil and speculation among its inhabitants, afflictions that befall him from the disease of Sultan . Likewise, the flow of water or its stagnation heralds a gathering of people . Its flow in places of plants signals fertility, and its abundance and predominance over the dwellings and houses from the eyes of the earth or its flow is an affliction from God Almighty upon the people of that place, either a sweeping plague or an exterminating sword if the dwellings are destroyed and people drown in it, otherwise it will be a torment from the Sultan or a pandemic of pandemics . If he saw that he gave water in a mug, that indicates the boy, and if he drank pure water in a mug, he got good from his son or wife, because the glass is the essence of women and water is fetus . Some of them said : Whoever saw it as if he was drinking hot water, he became clouded, and if he saw that he was thrown into clear water, a surprise . And it was said that the spring of water for the people of righteousness is good and a blessing, because God Almighty says : ~ Two eyes flow from them .~ And for those who are not righteous calamity . And the explosion of water from a wall of grief from men, such as a brother, son-in-law, or friend, and if he sees that the water has burst and left the house, then it comes out of all worries, and if it does not come out of it, it is a permanent concern . If that place is pure, then it is sadness in the health of a body . And all of this is in Al-Ain as she was not a maid, and if she was a maid, then he is the best neighbor for his owner, alive and dead, until Judgment Day . And some of them said that if he saw that there was a running water in his house, he would buy a maid . And if he sees as if the eyes have exploded, he gets money in a reprimand . And pure water is cheap and fair, and whoever sees it as if he drank too much water than his habit of awake, his life will be long . It was said that drinking water is a safety from the enemy, and chewing it is a treatment for fatigue and distress in living . And spread the hand in the water stirring money and spend it . And stagnant water is weaker than running water in any case, and it was said that stagnant water is confinement, and whoever sees that he has fallen into stagnant water is in confinement and distress, and salty water is cloudy, and as for lions if he drains from the well, then she is a woman who marries her and there is no good in her . It was said that seeing black water ruined the role, and drinking it went away . And stale water is an agonizing life, and stinking water is forbidden money, and yellow water is a disease, and the depth of water is isolation, humiliation, and the disappearance of grace, for God Almighty says : “ Say : If your waters become depressed, then who brings you certain water ”. The hot, very hot water, if he saw that he used it at night or during the day, was severely struck by the Sultan, and if he saw as if he had used it at night, he would be frightened by the jinn . Water chagrin is hard and tired, and drinking it is disease . Water froth is no good money . And whoever drinks from the sea water when it is brownish, they will be struck by them from the king . And whoever sees it as if he looks in clear water and sees his face in it as he sees it in the mirror, he will obtain much good . If he sees his face in it well, then he is doing good to his household . And pouring water is to spend money in other than his conditions, such as a bundle or a robe of evidence of the valley, because he thinks that he has achieved it and not . And ablution from water is not disliked, whether it is clear or dark, hot or cold after it is clean, it is permissible to perform ablution, because ablution is stronger in interpretation than the outlets and differences of water . And hated from the eyes of water chagrin did not run . And walking over water is vanity and risk, and if he gets out of it, his needs are fulfilled . And whoever sees that he is in a lot of deep water and falls into it and does not reach its bottom, then he afflicts a great world and gets tired, and it is said that it falls into the matter of a great man . Washing with cold water is a repentance and a cure for sickness, a release from imprisonment, the elimination of debt and security from fear . And whoever sees it as if he drank plenty of fresh water, it was a long life and a good life. If he drank it from the sea, he obtained money from the king, and if he drank it from the river, he obtained it from a man, like that of a river in rivers, and if he drew it from a well, he hit money with trick and deceit . And whoever sees that he draws water and irrigates an orchard and cultivation with it, he will benefit from money from a woman, so if the orchard or seedlings bear fruit, he will give that woman money and a child, and water the orchard and the planting, intercourse with his wife . And the water is in a boy’s glass mug, if the mug is broken and the water remains, the mother will die and the child remains, and if the water is gone and the mug remains, the child will die and the mother remains . Ibn Sirin was asked about a woman who had a vision that she was drinking water, so he said : Let this woman fear God and not seek lying among people . A man came to him and said : I saw as if I was drinking from the rags of my garment, delicious, cold water, and he said : Fear God and do not be alone with a woman who is not permissible for you, so he said : She is a woman whom I proposed to myself ….

…He is in a dream the man’s wife and son, his death and his life, his wealth and honor, his mother and his animal, and his secret. If his shop collapses in a dream, he divorces his wife, or his son is gone, or he dies if he is sick, or lost his money or sold his slave or died, or his secret appeared . And if he saw his shop fresh and smelling good, and if he was single, he married a good woman or had a son, and if he was sick, he would recover from his illness and prolonged his life, and he might increase his worth and widen his presence, or he bought a beautiful nation or a luxurious animal . Perhaps the store indicated the father and the mother, because they were the reason for finding and feeding him . What was known in his shop, whether an increase or a decrease, or a novelty or a demolition, is due to the person who pointed it to the store . And whoever saw that he sat in a store, he would benefit from good . And whoever saw that his shop was destroyed and his father, mother, or wife was in a state of illness, then the patient would die . The shop is the man’s livelihood and his marriage . And whoever wants to sweep his shop, he will move from it . And whoever sees that he breaks the door of his shop, he will turn away from it . If he sees the doors of the shops closed, the recession will spread, and if he sees their doors open, God will facilitate the paths of commerce ….

…The store : denotes every place in which a person benefits from interest in his world and other things, such as his orchard, his feddan, his palm tree, his wife, his father and his mother, or his book, from the words of the public to whomever adopted a place of interest, make it his shop . Whoever saw his shop was destroyed, if his father was sick, he died, because he made his living from him . And if his mother was sick, she would perish, because she was raising him with her milk and fortifying it with her livelihood . And his wife was pregnant or ill, she died because she is his worldly life, his pleasure and his pleasure, and whoever is in her womb is his water, and his son is his money in interpretation . If none of that, then his livelihood becomes difficult and the places in which his strength are obstructed for him . And whoever sees that he breaks the door of the store, he turns from it . If he saw the doors of the shops closed, their luggage was depressed and their business closed . If he sees their doors blocked, they will die and the memory of them will be gone . If he saw it opened, it would open the doors of trade for them ….

…The sea indicates the sea in a dream about a powerful, formidable and fearless king, just Shafiq, whom people need, and the sea is for the merchant his luggage and the wage earner is his teacher . And perhaps indicated by purity from impurity, faith to the infidel, and repentance to the sinner . It indicates the oath, and that God Almighty has sworn to the sea, so he said : ( And the sea that is barred, the punishment of your Lord is a reality ). The sea may refer to the father and the mother, and it may refer to the man and the woman who have bad morals, and those who have intrigues and irritants . Perhaps it indicated prison to imprison the animal there, and perhaps it indicated the industry that has no boundaries and the city that has no walls . And his vision indicates leaving groups . If the sea increased in a dream a good increase, and the people needed rain, it would rain . And if a person sees the sea bursting with its waves crashing, then on his journey he will have fear and distress . He who wanders in the sea will reside on sins, and perhaps the sea indicates the world and its conditions and wonders . Demonstrate purity from impurity, faith to the unbeliever, and repentance to the sinner . It indicates the oath, and that God Almighty has sworn to the sea, so he said : ( And the sea that is barred, the punishment of your Lord is a reality ). The sea may refer to the father and the mother, and it may refer to the man and the woman who have bad morals, and those who have intrigues and irritants . Perhaps it indicated prison to imprison the animal there, and perhaps it indicated the industry that has no limits and the city that has no walls . And his vision indicates leaving groups . If the sea increased in a dream a good increase, and the people needed rain, it would rain . And if a person sees the sea bursting with its waves crashing, then on his journey he will have fear and distress . He who wanders in the sea will reside on sins, and perhaps the sea indicates the world and its conditions and wonders ….

…A secret group If you dreamed of any secret group, this indicates a sensitive and excited body, and the owner of this body must nurture practical and unselfish ideas, and it may soon have the opportunity to enjoy honest pleasures and desirable moral superiorities . There is an imagination of selfish friendships fond of conspiring to join a secret group . Young women should heed their advice or guardians lest they fall into shameful habits after this dream . If a girl meets the leader of the group, she should strongly and morally upright oppose the temptations that were raised brilliantly and prominently in front of the joiners of her gender . As for her, if she believes that her mother has joined the congregation, and that she is doing her utmost to make her mother disguise himself when she devoted herself to him, then this means that she will be full of love towards her parents, and yet she will squeeze their hearts with excruciating pain as a result of reckless disobedience . But if you see or hear that the leader of the group has died, then this predicts severe tensions and the tests will end in a relatively good way ….

…It is a sign of the end of the term in a dream . Teeth may indicate money, animals, wage earners, death and life, and indicate deposits and secrets . The teeth are the inhabitants of the man’s household, the higher ones are the men on the side of his father, and the lower ones are the women on the side of his mother . The upper two are the father and the uncle, or sisters and two sons . The quartet is the man’s cousin . The fang is the master of his household . And premolars males and sons of maternal uncles . And molars ancestors . The two lower folds are the mother and aunt, or the two sisters and two daughters . The lower quadrant is a cousin or aunt’s daughter . The lower fang is the master of his household . And the lower premolars, the daughter of his aunt or the daughter of his uncle . The lower and upper molars the farthest from the household of the man and the grandmother . If a single tooth moves from it then it is a disease, and if it falls or is lost then it is death . If a person sees some of his teeth eroded, he will be afflicted with calamity . And if he sees that his fold is longer, more beautiful and whiter than it was, then his father and uncle will gain strength and an increase in their money . And if he saw that he was treating his teeth, he extracted them, and if he spends his money on hate or cuts the uterus . And if he sees a blackening in his teeth, then he is a defect in his household . If he sees a stink of his teeth, then he is ugly praising the people of his household . If his teeth move, it is the disease of his relatives . If he sees that his teeth are broken, then one of his relatives or friends will die . Whatever teeth on the right side indicates males, and what was on the left side indicates females, and the teeth on the right side indicate elderly men and women, and the teeth on the left side indicate juveniles from them . The maqadim of the teeth indicate the boys, the fangs denote the half of them, and the molars of the molars indicate the elderly among them . If a person sees that his teeth are of gold, that is praiseworthy and evidence of a fire occurring in their homes or jaundice . If he sees that his teeth are of glass or wood, that indicates a death that defeats him, and if he sees them of silver, then it is evidence of harm and loss . And if he saw that his depressing was broken, his son died . And if he sees one or more worms in the extraction site, then he will succeed them . If he saw that some of his teeth were long, he would quarrel with his family . If he saw that he pulled out all his teeth, his family would die before him . And whoever sees his teeth burrowing, his family let him down . And whoever sees that he has a fault in his teeth indicates that his family has been dispersed and that there is a defect between them or a decrease in his money . And if the flesh is cleaned from between his teeth, he will backbite a people . And it was said : The teeth indicate the pearl necklace for women . Ibn Sirin, may God Almighty have mercy on him, said : The molar was pulled out in a dream, the uterus of a boy was cut . The weariness of the teeth indicates the weakness of the people of his household . And the windows in the dream followers . The extraction of the tooth indicates the arrival of the absent or the death of someone he is dear to . He pulled his teeth out with his hand, he spent his money in a bad way, or tied with his family without being known, or he did something reprehensible and regretted it, so if he pulled his teeth out to him, someone indicated his need for a mortgage or sale . And renewing the teeth taken off in a dream is evidence of opposition and profit after loss ….

…Hama If you see your mother-in-law in a dream, this means reaching an understanding about some big differences . If a woman dreams that she is talking to her mother-in-law, this means that there is someone who harbors hostility to her and is causing her trouble ….

…The navel is in a dream a sign of the mother of the seer or his father, or his earnings from which he was living, or his craft that he was practicing . Perhaps she indicated his wife, his mother, or his sealed sack . And if he saw that his navel had opened and he was sick, that indicates his death . Perhaps the navel indicates pleasure and secret . And who saw that he has two beautiful slave livelihood . The navel is a man’s woman . And whoever sees pain in his navel, then he loses his parents or his country, and if he is in estrangement, that indicates his return to his country ….

…Her hand dried up in Manan 88 – on the authority of Hashan bin Hassan on the authority of Wasel Mawla Abi Ayyainah, on the authority of Musa bin Ubaidah, on the authority of Safiya bint Shaybah, who said : I was with Aisha – may God be pleased with her – and a woman came to her with her hand and he made women curse her and she said : I came to you except for my hand My father was a man of tolerance, and I saw in a dream men who were menstruating with watering vessels watering the one who came to them, and I saw my father, I said : Where is my mother? He said : Look, then I looked, and if my mother had nothing on her but a piece of rag, he said : She never gave charity except with that rag and fat from a cow they slaughtered, because that fat melted and softened with it, and she said and thirsted, she said : So I took a vessel of vessel and watered it, and I called from above : Whoever gave it to drink, God will dry his hand So my hand became as you can see…

…He is the guarantor and guarantor, and his vision may indicate fear, and perhaps the height of destiny, presidency, progress, enjoining good and forbidding vice . Perhaps she indicated the eyebrow, the father, the mother, or the professor. If in a dream he became an imam and prayed with people heading to the qiblah with complete purity, neither more nor less, in it, and if he was worthy of the guardianship, the ruling, or confronting what is beneficial to the people, that will happen to him, and he may have entered himself in a guarantee or a group sponsorship Or he participated in a people hoping for good from them, and if he had prayed with people other than the qiblah, he betrayed his companions and bought his heresies, and he may have committed something forbidden and the people ask him for it with him, and whoever sees that he commands a people in prayer then he follows a state in which he adjusts after his kiss is straight, his prayer is completed, or he orders People or forbid them . And whoever sees that he leads unknown people in an unknown place and does not know what to read, then he is in honor of death . And if a woman sees that she leads men prayer, then she dies because she is not suitable for leading the prayers, so that is only when she dies before them when they pray on her . Likewise, if he sees a non-mahram man who does not know how to pray or recite, then he leads a people, and whoever sees that he prays in a people standing while sitting, then he does not transgress their rights, but they are falling short in his rights, or his visions indicate that he undertakes a sick people, and if he prays with them sitting while they are standing and sitting then he does not shorten In a matter that he takes over, if he prays with a people standing and sitting, then he follows the command of the rich and the poor, and if he prays with them sitting while they are sitting, then they are cursed by drowning or stealing clothes or poverty . If he sees that he is praying with women, then he follows the command of a weak people. If the mother of the people is on his side, or he is lying and wearing white clothes, and he denies his position, and he does not recite in his prayer or say takbeer, then he will die and people pray over him . If the governor sees himself leading the people, he is isolated and his money is gone . Whoever prays with men and women will attain judgment among the people if he is worthy of that, otherwise he will be able to mediate and reconcile among people . And whoever sees that he has completed the prayer with the people, his mandate will be fulfilled, and if his prayer is interrupted, his guardianship is interrupted and his rulings and words are not implemented, and if he prays alone and the people pray individually, then they are outside . And if he prays a superfluous prayer, he enters into a guarantee that will not harm him, and if the people have made him an imam, then he will inherit an inheritance . If he thinks that he leads people, and does not read well, then he is asking for something and he does not find it . And whoever prays with a people on a roof, then he will do good to people and have a reputation in terms of his loan or charity ….

…The Kaaba : Perhaps it indicates prayer because it is the qiblah of the worshipers, and it indicates the mosque and the mosque because it is the house of God, and it indicates the one who follows him and is guided by his guidance and returned to his command and does not contradict others, such as Islam, the Qur’an, the Sunnah, the Qur’an, the Sultan, the ruler, the scholar, the father, the master, the husband, the mother and the wife, and it may indicate heaven. Because it is the house of God . Paradise is his home and he can reach it . And it may indicate what mosques and mosques indicate in terms of seasons, groups, markets and rehab . Whoever sees the Kaaba, his home will be sought by people and crowded at his door because of a sultan who can attain him or a knowledge that he teaches, or an honorable, high-ranking, sultan or hermit who marries . And if he was a slave, then his master freed him, because God Almighty freed his house from the hands of the mighty . But if he is around her or performs one of its rituals, then he serves a sultan, a scholar, a worshiper, or his father or his mother, or a wife or a master with advice, righteousness, labor and fatigue . And if he saw that he entered her, he would marry if he was single, and converted to Islam if he was an unbeliever, and he returned to prayer and righteousness if he was unaware, and to obey his parents if he was disobedient . Otherwise, he enters the house of a Sultan, a ruler, or a jurist for a matter that is evidenced by increasing his sleep and his conditions in his wakefulness, unless he is afraid while awake, for he is safe from whomever he wants . And if he is sick, then that is his death and his victory, especially if in a dream he was carried to her in a silent beard without speaking or wearing undressed clothes, then he will leave the world and respond to the call of God Almighty and lead, God willing, to Heaven . But if he saw her in a country or a locality, if the vision was specific to the one who saw it, and he did not see a group of people with him when he saw it, then look at his condition, and if he was waiting for the wife to have contracted her marriage and he had to wait for her, then her matter approached and was close to her coming, especially if he saw her in her locality or in his locality, And if he enters it while he is with him, it was given to him, and if he enters it, he will enter her in her house sooner quickly, because of the proximity of the Kaaba to it from after it and the difficulty of its distance, and if he sees it in that he was oblivious to his religion or neglected to pray, then it is a warning and a warning against him leaving what he has to do to direct it to it In his place, and likewise, if he is one who is obligated to perform Hajj and has overlooked him, he has lost his memory in itself and necessitated him to come to it, and if none of that and the vision of the common people was their gathering around it in a dream and their noise in her in dreams, then either a just ruler comes before them, or a ruler or A scholarly man or a male imam who comes to the pilgrimage of people or travel far away, or leaves his home after an accident that happens to him or an obligation that obliges him or a dead person dies to him, then people follow him and circumambulate around him praying for him and blessing him and so on ….

…The buried place her vision in a dream indicates the caring mother . So whoever saw a landfill was destroyed, and his mother was sick, she died . And if he saw it full of food, his wife would carry, and if he saw it deficient, he would reduce the price by the amount of the landfill . And if he saw a fire that fell in the food, it was in the food that had a great high price, or an accident from the Sultan, or locusts . And whoever falls into an unknown landfill or pit and is sick, then he will die, and if he is in a ship that has sunk, and if he is traveling, he is cut off the road, and if he is an opponent, he will be imprisoned ….

…The vision of a thin girl my father a summer thing Balastsaga for openwork ibn Nawfal – may Allah be pleased with him – from his mother thin girl dad summer son Hashim Lydda was Abdul Muttalib said : Successive the Quraish years Jdbh Oqahlt skin and shed the bone , she said : While I’m lying Oh God , or Mhomh if I With a famous phone shouting in a sahl voice saying : Oh, Quraysh, this prophet was sent from you, and this is during his departure, so he lives in goodness and fertility . Do not see from you a tall, white-bone man who smacks of two eyes , has pride on him and a year dedicated to him , but let him save him and his son and turn to him from every belly a man , not Fliscnoa of water and harmed from the good and to receive the corner , and then carefully chosen House seven times to live up father FBIs Felictsag man and believes in the people , not including the pure and good for itself , not Vgshm if you like and you live . She said : So the knowledge of God became a frightened woman. My skin and his mind stood up. My vision was cut short, so I slept in the rivers of Makkah . So, the sanctity and the forbidden, if he remains with it , is abtahi unless he says this is the shaybah of praise , this is a shaybah , and the Quraysh are complete with him . And broke him all the belly of a man staging and Speak and received roaring and then ascended the father Qubais and punched people buried around him once realize their quest until poverty peaked Vacetknoa Jnabiah and with them the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him , which that day Ghulam may Oaf or anguish arose , Abdul Muttalib said : Oh God prevailed Alkhalp The detector Courba you the world is a teacher and administrator is Mboukl and Hola Abdaak and Amaak Badhirat Ahramk complain to you their year that may Oqahlt cloven slippers , Vasaman God and Amatarn Geetha terrible Mgdakka , what Eu even went off the sky Pmaiha Okz valley Bhgejeh Velsmat Sheikhan Quraish , she says Abdul Muttalib : Congratulations to you, Aba Al-Bathaa , Hanaa , that is , for you lived the people of Batha, and in that it says Raqifa : Bashisa Al-Hamd, may God water our town. We lost the life and the underlined water. So the waters and trees lived in a torrent from God with the auspicious. There is nothing in the people of justice or danger, and in this hadith it is strange that we explain it briefly , saying : Abd al-Muttalib’s mother is a Sunni deed . And replaced Epast . And thinning the bone made him weak from effort . And hypnosis first sleep and dawn time . Hala inspired word acceleration . And Hia – limited – rain and fertile , no sooner Otakm rain and fertility . And the bones by joining the eye are louder than the great . Some are thin in complexion . And the high snort . And saying : He has a pride that grieves him, he must hide and not be proud of . The Sunnah is the way . And guide him , that is , people show it . Let them shine , with the Sein and the Shin , that is , let them pour , meaning , then let them wash . Then sin, any relief and relief . And any Fasht and Shaybah Al-Hamad has grown the title of Abdul Muttalib . And she completed it , that is , they all came . And the time limit for his silence and saying : anguish, that is, proximity . The trait is needed . And the courtyards excuses . And the year of drought and distress . And he means the shafts and the slippers of sheep and camels . And spoiled a lot . No crowded . And the noise is very runny water . And Sheikh Sheikhs . And Aljzl any late and Jouni black clouds . His saying : in the voice of Sahl, meaning in it with a sweet . And his saying : A man is tall, meaning he is tall, and if he is excessively tall, it is said that he is long with emphasis . And he said : Let him go , the delif is the slow walking, it is said : he walks when he walks and the stepping boat . And she said : and in them pure and good for joy – means the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him – and saying : Mviodh , Mufiod is the one who injured his heart – a heart – pain of . Panic, annexation, fear and panic . And he said : My skin stood, meaning the clenching, and it was said : She wanted to stop my hair, so he rose from panic . And God wandered the mind and bewildered by the severity of emotion . And her saying : So is the sanctity and the forbidden , this is from swearing by something other than God and it is shirk , and that happened from it during the time of ignorance, and if that is polytheism . And her saying : They buried around it, that is, they walk on the path of Lena . And the auspicious plane is a plane, and the best one for which it preached is harmful is the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him. It is not unlikely that the Quraish’s relief is due to the fact that he, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, is one of those seeking help from among them ….

…It is in a dream disobedience and injustice . And whoever sees that he was slaughtered, let him seek refuge in God Almighty . And whoever sees a people slain, this is a good evidence of the perfection of the things of the seer . And whoever sees in his sleep that he slaughtered another person, or that another person is slaughtering him, this indicates that things are perfect as well . And whoever sees someone being slaughtered by a slaughterer, then the slaughtered will receive good from the slaughterer, and if he is imprisoned he will receive absolutely, and if he is afraid he will obtain our security, and if he is possessed, he will be freed, or a prisoner is redeemed, or a prince, then he will be added in his state . And whoever sees that he slaughters a person, then he oppresses him, as well as everything that is not permissible to slaughter him, for the one who does wrong is the object of it . And whoever slaughters some of his mahrams, he neglects his destiny and interrupts it, and if a slave is slaughtered in a dream, then he shall be freed . And whoever was distressed and saw that he had been slaughtered, his anxiety will be released . Slaughtering is marriage, so whoever slaughters evidence of women such as pigeons and ewes will marry . And whoever slaughters something from his back, he will bring it in the back passage . And whoever sees a slaughtered person who does not know who slaughtered him is a man who invented a heresy, or made false testimony on his neck . As for the one who slaughtered his father and mother, he should prevent him . If he saw . He slaughtered a young boy who roasted, and the barbecue was not cooked, because the injustice in that is to his father and mother . And if a person sees that a sultan slaughters a man and puts him on the neck of the person who dreams, then the sultan oppresses a person, and asks him for what he is unable to do, and this bearer demands that claim . And if the head of the slaughtered person is with him, then he shall be taken with it and not be fined, and the fine is on the one who committed it, but it gives him an illusory burden . And whoever sees that a man has been slaughtered or a people slaughtered, they are delusional and have whims and innovations . Whoever sees that he slaughters himself, then his wife from it is forbidden . If the blood of slaughter comes out, then it is injustice and disobedience, and if no blood comes out then it is a relationship and a dignity ….

…Al-Mu`allif : Ezz, because it is only for the one who has the appearance and the animals, and it was said that he is the man’s wife . And whoever sees that there is a manger in his house, on which two tanks are confessed, it indicates confusion in a woman with two men, either his wife or another household . As for the burrow : in the ground or the wall, it is the mouth . Whoever sees a hole from which an animal came out, then it is a mouth from which words come out like that of that animal and its interpretation . And it was narrated that a man came to Ibn Sirin and said : I saw a narrow hole from which a great bull came out, and he said : The burrow is the mouth from which the great word comes out and he cannot go back to it . And it was narrated that a man came to Ibn Sirin and said : I saw as if Yazid bin Al-Muhallab held a power between my home and his home . And she said to you, mother? He said yes . He said : Was it a nation? He said, I do not know, so the man came to his mother and asked her and she said it is true, I was a slave to Yazid bin Al-Muhallab, then I became your father ….

…Does my skill in interpreting the visions and dreams of my family make me representative? There is a man or woman who reads in the science of interpretation of visions and dreams, and his love for this science develops to try to interpret his dreams, and this may develop for interpretation to those around him, especially for those close to him, and he may succeed in interpreting some or many of them, according to his ingenuity, possession and culture . A girl may succeed when she hears several visions from her mother and in which the symbol of rain is repeated, and this is, for example, but not limited to, knowing what is correct in determining its meaning in seeing her mother in particular, and this is possible, but my question is : Will she succeed when she sits in front of many women and may Does she not know them knowing the meaning of the symbol itself and expecting it to its appropriate meaning for everyone who asks her? One of them may succeed in expressing seeing his colleague once by analogy, for example, on the expression of a vision through which someone skilled in this art, but he will not be able to express similar visions to other than his friend. Because of the difference between his friend and other askers, and this is very similar to someone who gives his son medicine to relieve heat, but he is not able and may even be considered a perpetrator if he dispensed another medicine to him in another illness, the issue is very serious, as the visions are not measured against each other in expression and here Difficulty; Therefore, the criterion is not in the ingenuity of so-and-so, his success in interpretation is not only for his family and his family, but the standard is broader and more comprehensive than this, and so I said what I said previously. Whoever wants to be a successful expresser, he must practice and this is in the expression of visions for many samples without deep knowledge of them, and the rhythm of the vision according to the correct intended meaning, detailing it according to the size of its owner . The success of a person in expressing the visions of his colleagues, and the success of a person in expressing the visions of his family is not sufficient to give him the title [ expressive ] , and what is presented from time to time on this topic of stories for some in their success in the expression of visions or dreams of family or friends falls under this section, please pay attention. For that difference…