…Al-Fasad is in a dream a man who obeys the conversation . If he breaks a man by display, then he is stabbed, and he is enmity, and if he breaks in length, then he speaks the beauty and composes among people . And Almusdod evidence of comfort and cure from ailments . And whoever has been seized in a dream of an organ, he needs to be spotted in it while awake . And whoever sees that a young man turns his sweat long, then he hears an enemy speaking or stabbing that affects him . And if he sees that he has lost his sweat, and his sweat is cut off, then his relative will die . And if the phlebotomy is in his right hand, then his money doubles, and if it is in his left hand, then he is victorious over his partner . And if he sees that a person has turned him away, then he hears a word from a friend, and if blood comes out of his sweat, then he will be rewarded for it, and if no blood comes out of him, then it is said that it is right and the one who is committing sin comes out . If a scholar breaks him and the blood comes out of him in a basin or in a plate, then he will get sick . If he breaks him and does not see blood, then he hears words from his wife . And if he despises blood coming out of him, then he will get sick and he will suffer harm in his money . And if his wife bears a daughter if the upper arm is longitudinal, and if the upper arm is longitudinal, and if it is transverse, then what is between her and her relatives shall be cut off by death or life . And whoever sees that he wants to mourn, then he wants to repent of sin . And if he thinks that blood has defeated him, then he is in whim and sin overcomes . If the blood is black, then he persists in a grave sin and will repent from it . And the bloodletting is the outflow of money in writing an argument, and the scalpel is like the pen, and the blood is like the ink, and the virgin if she gives birth, then she gets married . A phlebotomy for a boy is circumcised . And the prisoner visited Bishara, because blood is imprisoned in the veins . And the pregnant woman visited her and her childbirth . If the phlebotomy was not in the month of delivery, it is aborted . And the rich man paid zakat on his money . And the unknown woman’s visitation in the world is coming to those who saw her ….

…Some of the expressors said that if he saw that he is phlebotomy in a place that does not require phlebotomy, then it is not commendable ….

…If he sees it as if he shed blood after the phlebotomy, then he is repenting of sin, because the blood coming out is repentance . If the blood is black, then it is determined to commit great sin, because the blood is a sin, and it is a repentance . If he sees as if he took a vagina and his wife spotted it for a length of time, then she is giving birth to a girl . And if he crosses her by accident, he will sever her from her relatives . If he sees that he intends to phlebotomy, he intends to repent ….

…As for phlebotomy : If someone sees an old man, then he discards him, he hears a word from a friend . If it comes out of a blood sweat, it will be rewarded . If no blood came out of it, then it is said that it is right and the separator comes out of sin . If he turns him off paradoxically, then he stops talking about him, and if he stops him lengthily, then he increases the words and doubles them, and if he sees as if he is a young man then he turns him away lengthwise, then he hears from his enemy a stab at him and increases his money . And whoever sees it as if the young man turns him away, then it is the death of some of his relatives . If the young man breaks him long and blood comes out of him, then he hits him from the Sultan and takes money from him as much as the blood that came out of him . If a scholar turns him away and a lot of blood comes out of him in a bowl or plate, then he gets sick and his money goes to the children and the doctors, because the plate is the doctor . If he breaks it and does not see any blood or a scratch, he hears words from his relatives who are attributed to that organ, as much as he suffered from pain . If he despises blood coming out, then he becomes sick and harms his money, and if it is in his conscience that the phlebotomy benefits him and the blood comes out of it in a known and agreed amount, then his religion is valid and his body is also healthy in that year ….

…And phlebotomy in the right hand is an increase in money, and in the left an increase in friends, and if he has a woman who is very fat and has expanded in his world ….

And whoever sees that he intends to vomit, then he repents to God Almighty ….

Al-Salmi said whoever saw that he speaks to someone else in four ways, either he is an aggressor and gets a fine on his hands, or he is a seeker in the interest of anyone and his benefit, or he is deceptive, especially if he struck and did not come out of blood, or be related to something and his intention is its product ….

And whoever sees that it is redeemed and blood comes out of it, then it comes out of sin, and whoever sees that it was molested and blackened blood came out of it, and he had health in his body, then his religion is valid, and the bloodlust on the right is an increase in money and the left is an increase in friends. And there is no blood coming out of it, because it is obstructing a matter and some of them said that if he saw that he had blood and blood came out of him, then he is told to speak of truth that will benefit him, and if the blood comes out long until all of it is drained from it, then its deadline

Abu Saeed, the preacher, said: ~Whoever sees that he is sacrificing an old man, then he hears words from his friend that he does not like .~…

Jaber al-Maghribi said: If someone saw that he had blood and blood came out of him, then he would be told to follow it, and if the blood came out long enough to filter it all, then it indicates the expiration of its time ….

…And Jaafar al-Sadiq said the vision of phlebotomy is interpreted in four aspects: opening, nail, strife, and fellowship, and if the spoiler is concealed, then it is praiseworthy in his right, and if he is otherwise, he is blameworthy and some of those expressing hatred of phlebotomy because of the devastation it contains at the pickaxe ….

…Ethnicity: Whoever sees that he spoiled a race by accident is death close to his relatives, and if without that, interpretation is disliked, so it is a separation between him and them without death . And the veins of the son of Adam is his clan, and if he loses something from it, some of his relatives depart by death or interruption . The well-known veins of phlebotomy indicate life, sustenance, and senior family and clan . And whoever saw the veins of his hand flowing with blood and was rich, his money went, and if he was poor, he would benefit ….

…If a man sees in a dream that he is menstruating, then he comes forbidden . If a woman sees that she is menstruating, then she is in sin or confusion, and if she does ghusl she will repent of the sin and her worry is gone . And if someone who had given up on menstruation saw that she had given birth to a son, God Almighty said : ( And she laughed, so preached to her with Isaac ) , and laughter in the language : menstruation, and if she thinks that she is menstruating, then she is in sin, and she wants to get rid of it, and she does not prepare for salvation, because that has become a characteristic of her, so she cannot If he left him only after effort, and if she repents, she does not remain steadfast in her repentance, and likewise if her husband has intercourse with her when she is menstruating, then she and her husband go out of her country . And it was said : If a man sees that he is menstruating, he is lying . And if he sees his woman menstruating, his matter is closed to her . And it was said : menstruation is cupping or phlebotomy . And it was said : Menstruation is a devil, and whoever sees Satan has seen menstruation . And menstruation is a lack of religion, fasting and prayer . It was said : Menstruation is a disease . And a single woman who is desperate of menstruation, if she sees menstruation in a dream, indicates that for the husband . If she is menstruating, this indicates bleeding . Likewise, urinary incontinence if a man sees it in a dream . Perhaps menstruation and menstruation indicate distress and separation between spouses . Perhaps menstruation indicated sterile pregnancy children . Menstruation and the birth of a boy . If a man sees that he is menstruating and has intercourse with money, it is permissible for him to have intercourse . And whoever sees his woman menstruating, his industry will be exhausted ….