If you dreamed of a stream, this means new experiences and short trips . If it is overwhelmed, it will throw a lot of trouble, but for a short time . If it is dry then you will be disappointed, and you will see someone else achieve the things you tried to secure for yourself ….

And whoever sees a scientist near him, or sits, or speaks to him with words that help him listen, it will be good and beneficial ….

And whoever sees that he is eating porridge, then he is in a good state, and whoever sees that he is eating in a plate and has absorbed what is in it, his life has run out, and if something remains of it remains of his life as much as that, and whoever sees that he licks a bowl or his fingers, then he is buried and deferred, and whoever sees that he is chewing food or chewing gum, he will multiply His words are about a matter, and whoever sees that he eats at a table, then he will gain good and livelihood, and perhaps the table is a field for war and meeting, and the meeting over it is a stabbing hand, and it was said whoever saw that he was at a table he got married, and if he did not eat on it, it was a virgin and whoever saw that he exchanged food between his hands with food other than the plant of the earth, then he lacked And moves to humiliation and humiliation

…Whoever sees a piece of bread in his hand : He eats it on a road or a market, as he has little life left . If the kasrah is thin, the matter is more urgent . And if it is on a table or plate, it is a livelihood . If he sees that he is eating at a table of thick bread, then he is long after he has not seen the table raised from between his hands . If raised after his work . He ran out of livelihood from that place or that country ….

And whoever sees that he leads a people in prayer, then he follows a state in which he adjusts or straightens his matter and fixes his situation. And whoever sees that he leads a people unknown in an unknown position and does not know what he is reading, then he is in honor of death and whoever sees that he prays standing and people pray behind him sitting, then he follows an order to which no one is attributed Therefore, whoever sees that he is praying sitting and the people are praying behind him standing up, then his expression is against what was previously mentioned, and whoever sees that he is praying sitting or lying down, it indicates inability to do something, and it may indicate a malaise in the body or indicates old age, and whoever sees that he asks God in his prayers, he will have a son and whoever sees That he sat in greetings, it is a surplus of goodness, and whoever saw that he would prostrate to God Almighty, then he thanked God and extended his life to the seeker, and whoever saw that he was kneeling or prostrate this was a victory and a good one but he thinks that he fell on his face without intending to prostrate, and if he was in a quarrel or war or A dispute was not won

…The virtue of Imam Yaqoub bin Sufyan 96 – Yaqoub bin Sufyan bin Jawan Al-Faswi (2) Al- Hadith Al-Hafiz, who was among those who compiled and classified with piety, asceticism and rigidity in adhering to the Sunnah, and Al-Hakim said : (( As for his hearing and his wife and members of his speech, it is too much to mention )) and Abu said Abd al-Rahman al -Nahawadi : I heard Yaqoub bin Sufyaniol : (( I wrote about a thousand sheikhs, and all of them broke trust )). And Yaqoub also said: (( I went on the journey for thirty years )) and Abu Zar’ah al-Dimashqi said : (( Two men of noble people came to us, one of them and they were deported by Yaqoub bin Sufyan, the people of Iraq could not see the like )) He died in the year seventy-seven and two hundred . Abdan bin Muhammad Al-Marwazi said : (( I saw Yaqoub bin Sufyan in sleep, and I said : What did God Almighty do to you? He said : He forgave me and ordered me to come to heaven as I was on earth )). And from God’s care about this Imam in his request for a hadith, which he told about himself, we used it as a lesson to students of knowledge. * Muhammad bin Yazid al-Attar said : I heard Yaqoub bin Sufyan say : (( I was on my journey and I spent my life, so I got addicted to writing at night, and I read during the day. Sitting, I copy in the lamp, and it was winter, and the water descended in my eyes, and I did not see anything, and I cried for myself because I was cut off from my country and what I had missed from knowledge, so my eyes overcame me, so I slept and saw the Prophet – may God bless him and grant him peace – , in sleep, I called : ( Oh Jacob, why did you cry? ? )) I said : O Messenger of God went Bosra Vthsart on what I missed . He said to me : (( Aden Mona )) Phinot him and ordered his hand on my eyes like reading Alihaa, and then I woke up Vobesrt, I took cursive and sat writing (1). Needless to education and virtues 97 – I know , O man , a Muslim to engage in Balnavlh of the best science from engaging Balnavlh of worship and that the imams of the four four said Shafie : asked the best science of prayer Fasts . Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal – God ‘s mercy and blessed us with his knowledge – what I prayed today is not obligatory, accounted for Bmmakrh Abi Zar’ah Ali Nawafly . It came in ((The Order of Perception )) by Judge Ayyad, 3: 234-235 , 240 , 261 in the translation of Imam Al- Muhadith , Al-Faqih Al-Abed Al-Zahid ( Abdullah Wahb Al-Qurashi of Egypt ), the companion of the Imam Malik Al-Layth, Al-Thawri and others, who died in the year 197 AH, may God Almighty have mercy on him, in which it was stated that Sahnoun said : (( Ibn Wahb had divided his life into three A third is in Rabat, a third is aware of Egypt, and a third is on the Hajj, and he mentioned that it is a thirty-six Hajj. His nephew said : I was with him in Alexandria, and the people gathered on him and asked him to spread knowledge, so he said to me : This is a country of worship, and his mother rarely gave myself in it with the work of the people, so he left Sitting for them at the times when he was sitting, and accept worship and guarding . After two days, a person came to him and told him that he had seen himself in a great mosque towards the Grand Mosque, and the Prophet – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – in it and Abu Bakr on his right, and Amr on his left, and you were between his hands, and in the mosque lamps were blossoming in the best and brightest of them. Then it was turned off, then the Messenger of God – may God bless him and grant him peace – said to you , O Abdullah, burn it and light it, then delay it, then I stayed for days and I saw all the lamps were going to be extinguished, so Abu Bakr said : O Messenger of God, do you see these lamps? He said – may God bless him and grant him peace – This is Abdullah’s work, he wants to extinguish it ! Ibn Wahb cried, and the man said to him : I have come to bring you good tidings, and if I knew that he was clouding you, I would not have come . He said : It is good, this is a vision in which I preached, I thought that worship was better than spreading knowledge, so he left a lot of ( time ) and his work for knowledge, and he confined himself to them reading him and asking him * Ibn Wahb said : I was in the hands of the king I wrote, then the prayer was established – and in another term the muezzin gave permission – There were published books in his hands, and I took the initiative to collect them, so the owner said to me : To your messengers, what you do is not better than what you are in ….

…Fish : It was narrated that a man came to Ibn Sirin and said : I saw a fish on my table that I and my servant ate from its back and stomach . He said : Search your servant, for it will befall your family . He searched his servant, and if he was a man . Grilled salty fish is a journey in pursuit of knowledge, or the company of a chief, because God Almighty says : ~We forgot their whale .~ And whoever catches a soft grilled fish, he will be hit by a spoil and goodness, for the story of Jesus’ table, peace be upon him, and the grilled fish will fulfill a need or answer a lawsuit or a wide livelihood, if the man is pious . Otherwise, a penalty will be imposed on him . If he sees that he mulched the young fish in flour and fried it with fat, then he is spending his money on something worthless until it becomes valuable and becomes delicious and honest . And it was said that the fish is praiseworthy, especially the grilled ones, except for the young fish, because their thorns are more than their flesh, and it indicates enmity between it and the people of his household, and it indicates the hope of something unattainable . And eating salty fish indicates good and benefit at that time . As for the taste of things : his interpretation differs according to different circumstances. If he sees as if he tasted something, then seek pleasure and indulgence, for he attains relief and grace, because God Almighty says : “And if we have tasted a person from us, rejoice in it .” If he sees as if he has tasted something and finds it bitter, then he is asking for something that will harm him . If he saw as if he swallowed hot, coarse food, this indicates that his livelihood is distressing ….

…Small fish : the sorrows of the one who struck him as boys, and whoever struck a soft fish or two, struck a woman or two, and if he struck a pearl in the belly of the fish, he would hit a boy . And if he struck her belly with fat, he struck from it with money and goodness, and if he struck salty fish, they struck him from the point of its salinity, and his young also are of no good . Perhaps a person’s character, if he saw salty fish in his sleep, would hit money and goodness, and if a fish came out from his mouth, it is a word he speaks from the shops in a woman, and whoever sees a fish that came out of his memory, gave birth to him a girl, and the fresh, live fish, firstborn, and fishing On land, committing an indecency, and it was said that it was good news . And fishing from water distress is severe, and from pure water a livelihood, or a son is born for him . Whoever eats live fish gets a king . And soft grilled fish is a booty and good, for the story of Jesus’ table, peace be upon him . And it was said that it is the fulfillment of a need or the answer to a prayer or a wide livelihood, and if the man is pious, otherwise it is a punishment, and the grilled salty is traveling in the pursuit of knowledge or wisdom, because God Almighty says : “We forgot their whale. ” And whoever saw that he mulched small fish in flour and fried them with fat, then it is suitable What does not benefit him and spend on it from honest money, and he gets tired of it until it becomes delicious and honorable money . It was narrated that a man came to Ibn Sirin and said : I saw on my table a fish that I and my servant ate from its back and stomach, she said, search your servant, because it affects your family . So he searched him, and found Hurgel ….

…A seat If you dream that you are sitting on a seat, this indicates suspicious creditors and good friends . If you see others sitting on it this suggests a reunion between friends who were separated due to a misunderstanding . If you believe in your dream that someone has taken your seat, this indicates that you will be worried about people who will stop you to help . As for giving a woman your seat, this implies that you will give in to sweet cunning . If you used a seat in a dream, this means unseen misfortune facing you . If you see cash on your seat, it will unexpectedly relieve you of personal hardship ….

…As for sitting, some of the mirrors said I like sitting on what was high, and I have tried that repeatedly ….

…Rarely, he narrated that he was in the city of a king called Joseph, and he had three white hairs in his beard, and he had a deputy called Joseph also on one side of the sides, and he was told that the deputy had grown three white hairs in his beard like the king, so the king slept that night and saw that the aforementioned deputy had come and sat at the rank of the king and the king was standing between his hands Governor woke up terrified and did not Iqss his vision on one summoned the attorney mentioned to order him when he represents his hands and wanted to order the executioner to kill him summoned Bgeles his taste and knowledge and claims to have knowledge of expression Varafh what he saw and what he meant in the said MP at that time keeping Maulana king said to him from the abuses and forbid killing A soul without a crime and the expression of what the king saw appeared in his wording, he said how that is, and he said: If the king saw him from the sitting of the aforementioned deputy on his honorable rank, it is the king’s sitting in person because he is named and similar in the gray, and as for the king standing in his hands, it is the deputy standing in this state in which he is. The vision came out ….

…Abu Saeed, the preacher, said: “Whoever saw that he is sitting on a bed, because the bed runs the course of the bed, the marriage of the woman and the purchase of the ummah, and it was said that sitting on the bed is the presidency of a hypocritical people, and as for the chairs, it is ruled on faces . Likewise, a summary of the words about the chair that the carpenter makes, and now we mention here a brief of it so that it is not devoid of meaning, some of them said that it is interpreted with knowledge, and some of them said that it is interpreted by a pious ascetic man if a good look is attributed to mosques and schools, and if it is attributed to the king, then it is attributed to a just king and his vision The sandal is stronger and more informative, and the chair that is not attributed to Bab al-Sanay`, it is interpreted by the woman . And whoever saw that he bought a chair, he would buy a maid ….

…If it is wide, then it is a sign of a woman’s good manners, and narrow is a sign of her bad manners . If a man sees that he is sitting in the bondage, then he divorces his wife openly, and the energies in the deceased indicate the absolute censors of secrets and the relief of worries and the renewal of comfort . And whoever sees energies of colored glass in his dream indicates that trees are planted and fruits ripening . And whoever saw that he was sitting in a knotted band, he had decided to marry ….

…And whoever sees that he is sitting on eggs like birds, then he indicates that his standing and sitting with women ….

…Reunification in a dream denotes marriage, so whoever sees that he is sitting with someone he loves will marry, and likewise if the girl sees that she is sitting with her lover, she will marry . And whoever sees that he is included in the gathering and is able to get out of this world, his matter will be diminished and his condition will change . Whoever sees that his beloved has visited him, he will receive joy and pleasure ….

…It is in a dream an elevation from the Sultan . If the chair is of iron, then it is strength and nail . If it is of wood, then it is without it with hypocrisy . And whoever sees that he is sitting on a chair, then he is an attorney or trustee and will be elevated, and if he is absent, he will return to his family . And the chair denotes to the bosses of positions of highness and elevation, spouses, children, and great dwellings . And whoever saw that he hit a chair and sat on it, he gets married . And it was said : If he had a pregnant woman, she would bring a child . And it was said : He will die a martyr . And whoever sees that his seat is broken, it indicates his death or the death of his wife, or the fall of his body . The chair is a pleasure and an urgent arrangement for the one sitting on it, or an indication of victory in the Hereafter, and there is no good in it for the sick . Seeing the seat of God Almighty that is above the heavens is an evidence for whoever is among the scholars of high levels and high positions, and perhaps the pregnant woman has a salvation from its severity, the celibate has a marriage, the married has a son, and it indicates travel, and the patient has to carry him on the bed of the mania or a beast he rides or a house in which he lives or a Sunnah Westenha ….

…Circle : The meanings with which we get out of this form have negative meanings, as they revolve between deception, deception and trickery, and what is known as winding, turning, lack of frankness and openness, and this meaning came explicitly in the following texts, the Almighty saying: (… they hurry with them saying we fear that they will afflict us circle ..) Al – table 52 and the Almighty said ( and express what to take and spend in love with you lurking circles they circle bad ..) repentance 98 and the Almighty said (.. they circle bad and the wrath of God on them and cursed them ..) Al – Fath 98…

…Vinegar If you drink vinegar in a dream, this means that you are anxious and pessimistic about implementing and completing some of the concerns that will bring you worries . If you use vinegar on the table, this means that problems arise over matters that you disagree with with others . Seeing vinegar in a dream is always an ominous portent in various forms and situations ….

…And whoever sees that he is eating at an upside-down table, then he comes to a woman in her rectum .)…

…The dish is in a dream a slave girl or a servant, so whoever sees that he is using a copper bowl, then he buys a maid from the Turk, if it is of silver, then the slave girl is a beautiful Roman, and if it is of glass, then the maid is a white woman, and if it is of gold, then she is a beautiful woman who demands that he cannot bear Alimony spends involuntarily, and if it is made of glass, then she is free to marry her and be happy with it . The table is glory, refinement, livelihood, and money . See also but ….

…A licorice is in a dream a gossiping man who seeks rich men in order to cut off the benefit from them . If the patient sees licorice in his house, or it is stuck to his body, he will die . And licorice in the door, bed, or table is sickness and ailment in the body of one who sees that . And the licorice may indicate the large number of children and the lack of money, for their saying : Children are the mites of money, and weevils are an enemy of the family ….

…Omelette If you dreamed of seeing an omelette on the table, you should beware of deceiving and flattering you . If you dream that you are eating an omelette, know that a person worthy of your trust will be your guest . ~An omelette : an omelette .~…

…A turtle is in a dream a woman who is wearing perfume, decorating, and introducing herself to men . And it was said : the turtle is the judge of the judges because it is the most knowledgeable and brilliant of what is in the sea . It was said : She is a scientist . If he sees a vineyard turtle in a country or village, the scholars in that place are dear . If he sees it in a dump, then there is a world lost among the ignorant . And it was said : She is a worshiper . And eating turtle meat is money or knowledge from a point of view that does not count, or that it befalls good or land, benefit and money . Whoever sees that he owns a turtle or brings it into his home, he wins a scientist . And if he saw a turtle lying on the road, there is a science on the table . And if he sees it hidden in a bowl or in a garment, the world there is lifted up dear . And it was said : The turtle indicates in a dream the deception and deception, espionage and disappearance, the well and the possession of weapons ….

…A bet If you dream that you are betting on something, then this means that you will resort to dishonest methods to achieve your goals and aspirations . If you lose a bet, this means that you will be hurt and lose out on your menial relationships with people who are not your kind . If you win a bet, this means that you will be blessed with wealth and prestige . If you are not able to bet then this means that the bad conditions surrounding you will make you lazy and idle . If your bet is on races, beware of engaging in new undertakings . The enemies are trying to divert your attention from legitimate actions . Betting on the gambling table indicates that unethical means will be used to extract some cash from you ….

…Gourmet If you dream that you are sitting at a table with a gourmet person, then this indicates that you will have a wonderful status, but you will be surrounded by people with selfish principles . If you dream that you are a gourmet, you will refine your mind, body and taste to the highest level . If a woman dreams that she is trying to please a gourmet person, this indicates that she will have a distinguished husband, but he will be a tyrant for her ….

…And whoever sees that he is sitting in a boat while the boat is traveling on the sea and he is afraid of him, he indicates that he is close to the king as much as the boat, and if he sees that he is against that then his expression is against him ….

…Bananas : As for bananas, the seeker of this world has a livelihood that he receives according to his grooming, and the one who seeks religion in it according to his will has power in his worship . The tree bananas indicate a rich man believer good manners, and its plant in Dar evidence of the birth of a son, God Almighty said : ~ The Talh plantains ~ , a banana, not hurt him , color and acidity nor premature, a money total . His tree is one of the most generous trees, and its leaves are the best and broadest of paper, and the interpretation of that is good for the person to whom his tree is attributed . And every sweet fruit except what has been described, which has a yellowish color or is sour, was not realized in its known time, for it is provision, money and goodness . Its survival is as long as that fruit remains with the fruits, and the lightness of its supply and the hastening of its emergence and its benefit to its people, except for black grapes and figs, for there is no good in them anyway . And whoever thinks that he has struck something from the fruit, then there is nothing wrong with it in his time if it contains what is desirable from the kinds of goodness described, such as livelihood, religion and knowledge . If his conscience is that these fruits are among the fruits of Paradise, then it is a science and religion that is beyond doubt. Otherwise, according to what the venerable tree has been described, a man of abundance . And whoever is plucked from a tree while sitting, it is money that befalls him without hard work or fatigue . His word, the tree, was what he agreed with, and what was said about that was a wondrous matter that people marveled at . It was said that the tree is a woman, if she has something similar to a woman, and that woman should be the mother of a king, a woman, a daughter of a king, or a servant of a king ….

…The king’s chamberlain, if he sees his veil standing in you, carry out his orders . If he sees them sitting back, they will hesitate and shorten . And Usher of King Bishara . And the eyebrow is a man who is polite, and the thin and humble are based on him . Seeing the eyebrow in a dream indicates the impossibility of the reasons ….