…Excrement is money in a dream . Whoever defecates while people are looking at him, beware of a scandal . He felt that he eats bread and excrement it eats bread and honey, and it was said : is a violation of the year . He who defecates on the bed divorces his wife or becomes ill for a long time . And excrement is forbidden money because it smells bad . He who is afraid in the excrement falls into worry . Whoever falls into Knife is imprisoned . He who defecates himself will fall into a sin . And excrement is a salvation from sin, or a weak departure . And the excrement may indicate travel, because God Almighty says : ( Or one of you came from stool ). And stool indicates the elimination of the need, and indicates the disappearance of internal diseases, and indicates the thoughts and obsessions and the return of deposits . And excrement livelihood from gross injustice . And whoever sees that he has a lot of excrement and wants to travel, he should not travel . Whoever defecates in his clothes is committing an immoral act, and if he is in the open, then he is relieved of them or the fulfillment of a debt . And if he defecates in a dump, it is a good and carefree sign . Staining with faeces is a disease or fear . And if he defecated in the wilderness, then the bird or the beast of the earth picked up his excrement and was traveling, the thieves would cut the road on him and went with his money . And whoever sees that he defecates worms that resemble snakes, then his children will multiply and he will show hostility to them . See also the event ….

…As for defecation : it was said that it is the provision of injustice, and it was said that it is the evidence of relief, and whoever sees that it is new, his grief is gone . If he has money, he must pay zakat on his money . And if he sees that he has spawned a lot of stool and was on a journey, he is not traveling and the road is cut off . Eating a virgin : to catch it and obtain it, is forbidden money with regret . Perhaps it was a speech that he regretted for greed, and whoever brought up the event was static, he would spend some of his money on wellness . And if he was asking, he generally spends his money . If the place of the event is known, such as the ablution, then his expense is known by his desire . If it is unknown, then he spends unlawful money on something he does not know that he is neither rewarded for nor thanks for, and all of that is with the kindness of a soul of it . Whatever comes out of the stomachs of people and animals from the inheritance, it is money, but its analysis and prohibition, as much as it smells, dirty, and people harm it, unless it is something very dear from the virginity of people that is almost mud, it is they or fear of authority . If he introduces a newer immoral to his clothes, and if he introduces him to his pants, he gets angry at his wife and saves her dowry on her, and if he sees that he has created a place and covered him with dirt, then he is covering up money . The latest on himself fell into a sin . If he caused a prolonged illness in his bed, because he only does that while awake, and he who is unable to get up, and this vision also indicates the man’s departure from his wife . And it was said whoever saw that he was eating bread with an excuse, indicated that he was eating bread with honey while awake, and it was said that it is contrary to the Sunnah . If he defecated unintentionally, then carry it in his hand, for he is blessed with a bag of forbidden dinars according to the amount of excrement and whoever sees as if it is happening in the passing markets, or in the baths and congregations, indicates the wrath of God against him and the angels, and he receives a great scandal, a great loss, and the emergence of what man conceals And it also indicates a deficiency presented to the visionary . If it occurs in a dustbin or the shore of the sea, or in a place that does not deny that, then it is evidence of goodness and the removal of worry and pain . If he sees as if a well-known person throws him with some of the people’s dung, then that indicates hostility, disagreement and injustice, and he will be exposed to someone who threw him with it, and a great harm . And the large number of people scum also indicates a hindrance to the movements, and the demand for many harms . Smudging is human paresthesia, disease or fear . It is also a good sign of his ugly deeds, and we have tested that this is from what they benefit from . As for the misfortune : it is a speech that contains humiliation, so whoever is miserable will be afflicted with distress, and if it is among the people, then it will fall into disgrace . And whoever sees it as if someone else has passed out while he is sniffing, then he will pass it by . Whoever sees it as if he is in prayer and a wind is not stinking from him, he seeks a need, and calls God for relief, and speaks words that contain humiliation, and that matter becomes difficult for him ….

…The event is one who sees it as if it is happening to a smaller event. His grief will go away, and if he is the owner of money then his money will increase . If someone who happens to see that stool is a lot and wants to travel, then he should not travel . And whoever sees that he has had a fecal matter and the juvenile is, then he spends some of his money on health . If he is a liquid, he spends most of his money . And if he sees that it was created in a place and hid it in the dirt, then he is burying money ….

And whoever sees that he emits a defecation, then he is in two ways a fear of authority and a fine, and the traveler will cut off the road, and whoever sees that he has created an event in a place, he spends his money in his desire, and if the place is unknown, he spends forbidden money, and if he causes in his clothes he commits immorality or on his bed a severe illness or perhaps a difference His wife or in a place and covering it with dirt, then he bury money, and whoever sees that he eats a stool, then he hits forbidden money and may speak obscene words that he regrets and everything that comes out from the stomachs of people, animals and inheritances, then it is money. An animal defecates, and if it is one of those who is preferable, then it has children born to horses, so what was feminine indicated the girl and what was masculine indicated the boy and whoever saw that he sat on the dung then hit money from his kinship, and it may be in terms of inheritance

…Abu Saeed, the preacher, said: ~Whoever sees that he is collecting a stool, saves it, or has come to him, or looks at him, then he will livelihood from injustice .~…

…And whoever sees that he comes out of a stool, then he is in two ways, fear of authority and a fine, and for the traveler who has crossed the road ….

…And whoever sees that he eats a stool, then he hits forbidden money, and he hates to take it, and he will be overcome by greed with remorse, and he may speak obscene words and regret it, and everything that comes out of people’s stomachs and animals from the legacy is money, as for what was eaten his flesh and his droppings is permissible money, and what is not eaten his flesh is money Is forbidden ….