And whoever sees that his parsimony has been stolen, he will become very sad and will be poor and need people ….
Dreaming about tearing off pieces of my tongue
(48 interpretations and meanings of dreams about tearing off pieces of my tongue)If you dream that you see elderberry fruits on the bushes, this indicates ultimate family happiness and an acceptable country house with resources for travel and other pleasures . Elderberry fruit in general is a good dream ….
…Psychotherapy Some sleep disturbances, such as nightmares, disturbing dreams, walking during sleep and talking during sleep, are caused by unresolved problems and conflicts and surrounding experiences. Therefore, the individual should undergo psychological treatment, as it is done through the process of emotional discharging and free association to identify such conflicts and try to explain them to the patient and then increase Astbesarh by which helped him to return to normal sleep and see : ~ Encyclopedia of Psychiatry ~ – Volume I – d . Abdel Moneim El Hefny . ~ Behavioral disorders and their treatment .~ D. Jumu’ah Syed Yusuf c : The Jathoom : It is derived from our saying : The person or animal perched perched , and its meaning remained in place and did not leave , or what it means is : sticking to the ground, so he perched . A nightmare and called Word in Jathaam or al Koran 🙁 they became in their house Jtman ) ( usages : 78 ) This Arabic word is called baroque Alnidlan , may be located in a pressure on the chest of the sleeper is not able to move with him (1). To illustrate this , I explain to you as to whether he saw a man in a dream of so – called Paljathom described to sense the sleeper Bshi E mutes himself , nor can it salvation , and trying to wake up , can not only after strenuous attempts, Vistiqz has reached its fatigue severe amount sweats and hand , and troubled himself , and the feel of this case came to him before he Kalmchlol waking up , and hopes that one slide , no doubt that this case that man hit the sleep of panic . The peace be upon him know when his companions dread this prayer : ~ I seek refuge in the words of God , full of anger and from the evil of His slaves and from the evil demons Bibliography , and attend ~ (2). As stated in the isti’aadhah of intimidation in a dream narrated by Malik he said : Khalid bin Walid said on sale! : O Messenger of Allah , I am in a dream . He said peace be upon him : ~ Say : I seek refuge with Allah ‘s perfect Ichaelmat from the evil of anger and torment and evil cult , and Bibliography of demons , and attend ~ (3). Here meditator in these conversations noticed that the Prophet peace be upon him directed the servant when you see such disturbing dreams , nightmares , guided by the recourse to God and seek refuge with him from the evil of anger and anguish , and Bibliography of demons and annoyance , in order not to attend him , and staged a sit -in God Esme God . There is no doubt that the reflection of the state of people today notice when most of them away from God and to rely on the world and the pleasures and distance from the Book of Allah and wird Sayings , and replace it by listening to musical instruments and songs, so that some young people sleep and headphone music in his ears and whether such attend him Mullah Ikh and descend upon him mercy ? But today that mosques have become infested by music , became like her to deprivation ; This is because of the mobile devices, most of whose tones have become musical pieces that harm the hearing of the worshipers during their prayers , and whose owners may prevent the descent of mercy and the presence of the angels , according to Abu Bakr bin Musa who said : I was with Salem bin Abdullah bin Omar , so I passed the companionship of the mother of the boys in it bells , Salem came to pass his father from the Prophet peace be upon him , he said : ~ angels do not accompany them Rkpo jingle ,~ and Algelgel : small bell attached to the necks of animals (4). Many have chosen people today are far from God , and the distance from the Koran , and the distance from the male , and therefore replaced by the choice of good companionship bad Balrvqh , Is not God in his book says : )omn live mention Rahman antithesis of his devil he is his spouse ) ( Zukhruf : 36 ). What is meant : displays for Rahman and his unification Contrary to any make his companion of the devil he is his companion in this world and in the Fire (5). And this devil adorns him with falsehood and evil , bored him with dhikr and obedience, and makes his happiest times with amusement, music and singing , and like this it is necessary for him to hold himself accountable and correct for it , and to resemble the righteous and the last who remember God standing and resting and on their side , the remembrance is not separated from their tongue , people in Gflathm cut Flathm . It is also felt like this kind of visions desolate and afraid of them , explain to him to seek refuge with them , stone son said in al- Fath was mentioned in the recipe seeking refuge from the evil vision effect is true , narrated by Sa’eed ibn Mansoor and Ibn Abi Shaybah and Abdul Razak isnaads correct Ibrahim Nakha’i said : ~ If you saw in a dream what he hates , let him say if he woke up : I seek refuge with Aazt by God ‘s angels and messengers of this evil that strikes me where my vision Maol in religious Dnaaa ~(6). I advise all sleep here wanted to read wird before Sayings sleep and can be found more easily than many leaflets in mosques and libraries , and the most important of these wird : 1 – State of the chair . 2 – “ Say, He is God is one ” 3 – Al- Mu`wadhatan : ( Say I seek refuge in the Lord of people ) , ( Say I seek refuge in the Lord of people ). 4 – I seek refuge in the complete words of God from the evil of what He has created . 5 _ I seek refuge in the words of God full of every devil and every eye is important for the nation . 6 _ In the name of God , who does not hurt anything with his name on Earth nor in the Heavens and He is the Hearing , the Knowing . 7 _ Your name Lord put my side and your Lord wear it up , if I grabbed myself Varahmha , and sent him save it, including reservation righteous slaves . 8 _ Oh God , I submit myself to you and directed me to you and authorized my order to you , and my back to you desire GATT and the awe of you , not a refuge nor spared you only to you , secured your book , which was revealed and Npik that you sent . 9 _ in your name Oh God , I die and live . 10 – verses of the three days of Sura starting verse . : “ God is what is in the heavens and what is on the earth, and that you manifest what is in yourselves …” the verses . These Awrad be – God willing – Caldra , which protect you from PROD accursed Satan and his harm , and this is exactly like the battle entered and the dress of war, The arrival of the spears and swords to him have difficulty , and up to him and hurt him to prevent it her of dress and so too , who sleeps and shelter before sleep this wird The legend does not reach Satan with the help of God (7). ________________________________ (1 ) lexicon mediator – op – r (107 ). (2 ) hasan hadeeth narrated by Imam Tirmidhi in the book calls the door of what Gah held in praise by hand – op – 0 narrated by Imam Ahmad in the palm of Almktherin companions, palm Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al – Aas , may Allah be pleased with them – op – And it was narrated by Abu Dawood in the Book of Medicine, Bab How to Raqqa – previous reference -. (3 ) visions of the Prophet peace be upon him ( p . 19 ) – op – and reported by Imam Ibn Hajar in al- Fath (371/12 ) and attributed to Imam Malik and women, different Bosanao, said originally Abu Dawood, Tirmidhi and classed as ruler And correct it . See : Zaad for the son of values (2 /468 ) – op -. (4 ) Narrated by Imam Women in the door decorations Algela Gel book , Imam Ahmad in the palm of Almktherin companions , palm Abdullah ibn Umar ibn al – Khattab may Allah be pleased with him , a director in the right chain of Albany (4 \ 493 ) – a reference earlier -. (5 ) interpretation of Ibn Abbas – op – ( p . 413 ). (6 ) See : Ibn Hajar – Fath al – Bari , (12 /371 ) – op -. (7 ) See : Zaad Ibn values – op – (365 \ 2 ) , I said : proved a lot of scientists have the effect of modern jinn human beings, and they said : is the real effect if the phenomenon is not visible ; And they inferred the entry of air, microbes and others into the human body . This confirms the possibility of entering the jinn to the human body as well . ** Quoted by Dr. Fahd Al-Osaimi…
…Al-Salmi said a vision of dinars, if it is hung on the heads of women, it devolves to them with adornment and breaks in the dinar, tearing some of the worry, and it may devolve otherwise .)…
…If he saw that he sold or took away a garment in the winter, then that indicates his poverty and his need for people . He said Abu Said preacher clothing head of the man was probably his craft that he does and secure them from the poverty survey in which an error in the living and go wealth and expansion in free them and damage in winter favor ) and Almparty him if the inscription is indicated by a woman . Said Jafar Sadiq construed Paljarah or the boy whatever he saw it from Zain or Shin shall turn in them , and the subtraction of the clothes they devolve on aspects of it is felt that wearing something of which it is construed fine and benefit if they are from cotton , a clean and spacious and if Dd so Vtobeirh against him and if they are from Silk and nothing there is nothing wrong with it and the seller of it, for he chooses this world over his hereafter . Abu Sa’eed said the preacher ‘s vision coldness , whether detailed or not detailed , they show good narrated that Abu Bakr , may Allah be pleased with him said : O Messenger of Allah , I saw yesterday was on the papyrus petechia said : two sons Thabr them . And the ink is indicative of joy, happiness, and cold that is next to the course of snitching in expression, except that intimacy in the world is better than in religion, and it is in interpretation stronger than wool . It is felt that wearing Prada or mixed with cotton Bharir it without it even if it is haraam wealth silk and the decorations are clothed in the markets they are welcome and only in times of pleasure and omens as well as if they are in the role unless it kind of amusement . And whoever sees the sentence of the garment of the clothed person, it is interpreted in its entirety . And whoever sees that he wears summer clothes in the winter, it will increase the good and the benefit as much as the value of what he wears . He felt that he wears clothes women it increased money with them and fear, but its consequences are dire and survive if they saw a woman wearing clothes from the men it shows good and beneficial . Al-Karmani said: ~Whoever saw that he wore clothes less than his own, then it indicates the corruption of his affairs, and if they are more elegant than his clothes, then he indicates the order of his affairs .~ And whoever sees that he has the garments of the elders on him, then it indicates the height of the matter and the amount of it to which those clothes are attributed to him if he is a family for that, otherwise it is good and beneficial . And whoever sees that he has garments from the garments of corrupt people, he will have many sins and abounding sins . And whoever sees that he wears kings, it is interpreted on three aspects, drawing closer to them, obtaining goodness, benefit, and regularity of his affairs, and attaining the dignity and honor . It is felt that wearing clothes of scientists was Welcome to Salah it for science and charity world and the Hereafter .) He felt that he wears clothes from the wool it is interpreted to ensuring the money . It is felt that wearing clothes dhimmis or Aharbeyen or so , or Alrvdh it would be inclined to what he said Jafar Sadiq ‘s vision clothes never devolve on nine aspects of religion and wealth and prestige and benefit and live and work in favor of the justice of this and redress if it is not what you deny the expression and if the woman saw that she She wore what was mentioned of the praiseworthy clothes, and her interpretation made her right with her husband and the integrity of her affairs . And Daniel said a vision of the man’s clothes: If you put on clothes, you will be interpreted by gain, and if you see black garments, then the king has good and the parish is in distress . Al-Karmani said: ~Whoever sees that he wears black clothes, he will suffer from pain, distress and sorrows, unless he is one who wears them while awake and knows about them, and he will be troubled .~ Abu Sa’eed said the preacher black clothes for those who used to wear injury hated and was told is the patient proof of death because the people of calamities wear black clothes and clothes zero dieback disease only in Dibaj or twinge or silk , and these things are valid for women and men of the corruption of religion . Al-Karmani said: If the patient sees that he washes a yellow garment until its yellow is removed and its whiteness appears, then the garment is interpreted with a body and its yellowish is devolved by his sickness and its departure from him . It felt that disarming him a yellow dress it out Sagmh not happened hurt him what he hates in the yellow of tearing the dress or so unlike all worn in color and the clothes greens rejoiced and pleasure and Tawfiq Abu Sa’eed said the preacher clothes Greens neighborhood power of religion and an increase of worship and dead good case when God, who is the raiment of the people of Heaven, for His saying, Come, and wear green garments from Sundus and Abraq, and the wearing of greenness indicates to the living the injury of an inheritance, and to the dead that he came out of the world as a martyr . Al-Kirmani said: “Whoever sees that he wears green clothes, it is interpreted with honor and honor. As for the white clothes, they will be interpreted as the desired, especially if it is pure .” Abu Sa`id, the preacher, said that white garments are suitable for wearing them as a religion, and for those who are used to wearing them while awake, and as for the owners of crafts and crafts, they need to wear it for them . Al-Karmani said: “Whoever saw that he wears pure white clothes, it indicates the goodness of his religion and his good condition. ” And his worries went to his saying that he wears pure white clothes, and as for his blue clothes, he is clean . He said Kirmani saw that he wears clothes Zarka it ‘s religion is good and the clothes Rouge , they hated men only Almlhvh and Plinth bedding the blushes of these things indicate pleasure and are valid for women in Dnaahn was said to be wearing reddish shows fighting very severe dispute and was told snappers joy with punk In the world, as evidenced by the story of Qarun, and it was said that it indicates an abundance of money while preventing the rights of God in it . And whoever saw that he wore it on a feast or a group, he did not harm him . He said Kirmani saw that he wears clothes Hamra it cast fighting and dispute , although Welcome to the mandate he received perhaps the joy of the verse went out to his people in the finery and was clothed in garments Hamra and it was said the vision of blush , whether in clothes or other , they show goodness and perhaps the vision of erysipelas shown in the dress To pleasure . And whoever sees his clothes are burned, then he will receive him harmful effects as much as he was burned from that, and whoever sees that his clothes are torn, then he shall interpret the secret . It is felt that wearing clothes of wool or animal hair or hair or so The total that money if it was silk or so Fmal haram dress cobbled evidence of immorality and the clothes dirty , they devolve Bgham and sorrow , and the dresses Alkagd they devolve Baelchenaah not good in it , and the dresses skin accrue interest and benefit to the extent attributed to him that the skin dress you do not sew it in terms of wholesale of all varieties shows completely filled with religion and perhaps this was another old on the face and clothes of the treasury shall devolve Baezz and wealth . And whoever sees that he is wearing a lame dress, a woman will come in her anus . Jaber said the Moroccan expressing their attachment to things mundane Valbaad in clothes if it is clean as new , which attached to religion and the world and if the dirty vintage tight Vdd so perhaps Del dirt in the dress on the weakness in religion and was told if the woman saw that she wear a garment yellow it was her husband , it weakens though ) He was not for her, so he took a husband . And whoever sees that he opens a folded garment, it indicates travel, and whoever sees that he folds an open garment, it indicates the coming absent from his journey . Khaled al – Isfahani said the best clothes and what was cotton if it is not a thing of silkworm silk because it is pure it is a good religion and worldly dresses if the pattern , cotton or silk , they devolve money haram and the corruption of religion and carefree . He said Jafar Sadiq new dress white man a woman and a woman and the king of grace and the benefit of a pair , it saw that he took off his robe with him that he was in the king of the service it is from his service but not as well as it is called , and saw that he cut his clothes he interpreted obtaining good . And whoever sees that the thief strips his garment, it interferes with the occurrence of corruption among women . Abu Saeed, the preacher, said that the garment with two sides or two colors indicates politeness and guardianship for the people of religion and the world, and the new garment is good for the rich and the poor . It felt that magsuot clothes as new Vtmzkt is not able to repair like it fascinates even as much as on that it is alive and the child and the high value of the servants of the disease and the free grace increase dresses kind of renewed debt, the worn over his clothes showed the approval of his secret Alanath and perhaps the intention was good from the apparent and perhaps earned money Mdkhora and silk brocade is not fit to wear socks for the jurists for they Aaolan their request minimum and invite people to heresy and were probably valid for non – scholars , they interpret the work requires Paradise and infects with this principality also indicates marriages by a woman , honest or concubinage Bjarah Belle setting calls the crossing in the expression of all of that is from the case of the seer . The robe denotes its faces . Al-Kirmani said, “It is interpreted for the righteousness in religion, for the corrupt people with whips, and for others with smallpox infection in the body .” Abu Sa’eed said the preacher devolves penile state who was from her family , especially from the people of plowing and planting and the fertile year for those who have from her family , a women ‘s increasing pleasure and gave Xia received money from the point of the Persians and the people of disclosure and gambling , and may accrue whips . A permissible one who has a face with consequences, and no one is blamed for that, whether it is for men or women, unless something of the reprehensible type is mixed with him . As for the ink, it is interpreted with grace, and there is nothing in it except the best, especially for women, and it was said the vision of the garments of generosity is a grief . The saw that his two garments Khgayn Mottagtaan wearing one above the other is indicated by his death and torn clothes casually interpreted injury concerns and torn longer interpreted vulva and it serves as Alqaba and Duwaji if the woman saw her clothes habitus short lacked HTC concealed and eat the new dress eat money halal and eat the dress said Salmi saw that His clothes are wet on him while he puts them on. If he is on a journey, then he is not traveling, and if he intended something he would not have . And he who sees that he sells his clothes is good for him and there is no good for him who buys them, and if he sees them that he pushes them from himself, then this is the remission of his poverty . And whoever sees that he wears new clothes after he has taken a bath, then he declines with the loss of worry and distress, and he is spared from something wrongful . And whoever sees that he wears a forbidden garment or something attributed to women, he marries a woman who is forbidden, and as for the embroidered garments, they are worn by them, mines, and perhaps the fame of the women are broken . He felt that he wears women ‘s clothing, the had pregnant , they come to the female , although he did not have pregnant it affects harm or fear in the same money as much as Hnaatha was probably injured his time and the robe , which is placed on the shoulder , it interpreted the human religion who wears him in the neck and neck position of the Secretariat . It is felt that it robe Well he Salah Dinh and good faith , and if he saw the cloak that puts it on the Well shoulder it increased debt and the health of the religion is not good in thin .) The washing clothes he is to draw it felt that wash his clothes from dirt it shows his goodness and salvation of Gloom And sadness and his well-being and his debt will be repaid if he wears it, but if he does not wear it, it is without that . Al-Karmani said: “Washing clean clothes if dirt appears from it, then it is corruption in religion and committing sin .” Abu Saeed Al-Waseer said: Washing clothes from dirt is a repentance, washing it from semen is a repentance of fornication, and washing it from blood is a repentance from murder, and washing it from excuse as a repentance . Jaafar al-Sadiq said: Washing clothes with cold water means four aspects of repentance, wellness, salvation from Asir, and security from fear, and washing them with hot water, sorrow, grief and sickness . And it was said that whoever saw that he washes clean clothes, it is an increase in his piety and piety, and it was said that this was extravagant because it did not deserve to be washed, and others said, there is no harm in that and there is no harm in that ….
…Abu Sa`id, the preacher, said the phalanx indicates the guardianship of those who are qualified for it, and the people of his household may not prevail, and perhaps the peasants spend a debt or travel in goodness, and there is no good in tearing it apart and breaking it and snatching the pawns indicates the departure of Jah ….
…The face of this dream is very favorable if you see happy, radiant faces, but it portends trouble if the faces are deformed, bloody, or frowning in your face . If a young person dreams of a bloody face, then this predicts quarrels with the beloved . As for the lover, if he sees the face of the one he loves looks old, then this indicates separation and tearing of happy associations . If you see a strange and strange-looking face, this indicates that enemies and adversities surround you . If you dream that you see your own face, this indicates unhappiness . For married people, this dream threatens that divorce will occur . If in a dream you see your face in the mirror, this indicates that you are upset with yourself in not being able to implement your plans or improving yourself . You will also lose the esteem of your friends ….
…Whoever sees that he is tearing the pages of the Qur’an, then he will be lazy in his prayer, let him persevere with it ….
…The writer is as resourceful as a cobbler, and the pen is like a healer and needle . The stretch is like the thing that packs it from strings and belts . And like cupping and his pen, his scalpel, and his blood supply, and like numbers and grace and the like . And perhaps indicated by the plowman, and the pen is like the rail, and the ink is like the sowing . If a person has an incident with an unknown writer, you know what this attribute indicates, then add it to those who suit him, and believe that he is awake in a matter in which the writer is leaving, such as the one who says I saw as if I passed by a writer and he paid me one or two or three books and he was in it I owe a debt to me or Ali, so I took it from him and went, and look at his condition and alertness, and if he has a shoe or sandal at Kharaz and he lays it out, or they buy it, then it is . It is likened to what this face is to take two patches or two books from it . And if the blood had damaged him or they cupped him or had cupping before that night, that is that . And it is likened to this place that the patches are three if he is one of those who are wearing cupping as well . If he has a garment with an embroiderer or a brocade maker, that is . And if he had a ladder at a plowman, he took what he had . Otherwise, news will be presented to him and things are mentioned to him, if the books are folded then it is hidden news, and if they are published then they are apparent news . And the writer : If he thinks that he is illiterate and does not write well, then he lacks if he is rich, or he is insane if he is sane, or atheists if he is guilty, or is incapable if he is a resource . And if the illiterate thinks that he is good at writing, then he is in distress, and God Almighty will inspire him with a reason to get rid of his distress, and tearing the book will leave grief and sadness ….
…Kaleidoscope If you see a problem working in front of you in a dream, this predicts quiet changes with few suitable promises inherent in it . A kaleidoscope : a tool that contains moving pieces of colored glass as soon as they change their positions until they reflect an endless array of different colored geometric shapes ….
…The pen is in a dream the knowledge and command, and the prohibition and the guardian . If a writer sees that he has a pen or newspaper in hand, then he is safe from poverty . At the service of a king . And the pen evaluated everything . It was said : The pen was born a writer . And whoever sees that he has hit a pen, he will hit a flag, and if he writes with it, that pen will be in the meaning of the sciences written with it . And the pen is a state . And whoever sees in his hand a pen with a pen next to him, then he is a brother to meet with him, and if his mother is pregnant, she puts a brother . The pens are a guarantee for whoever saw it . And whoever sees a pen in his hand and takes it from authority, then he will be given a lift and a command in effect . And the pen with the inkwell was born a male . And the pen points to an oath to be sworn by whoever saw it with his hand, because God Almighty says : ( N, and the pen and what they line ). If the writer thinks that an accident happened with his pen, then his interpretation is in his living and his craft . And the pieces may have pointed to the track and the fingers of its bulls . And the pen indicates generosity and generosity, or on the victory of enemies . And the vision of the pen of power in a dream indicates an oath to swear . Perhaps his vision indicated science, conservation and venerable industry, and perhaps long life and livelihood ….
…Tiger Seeing a tiger and being afraid of it in a dream denotes the possibility of abruptly canceling marriage or work ties due to the impact of pressures related to your reputation . If you killed a tiger or overpowered it, this predicts joy and happiness in your commitment, comfort and understanding in the vicinity of friends . If someone threatens you with a tiger, this predicts problems in the work environment . Some friends may hold back from their promises and help you . If you hear the sound of a tiger and are afraid of it, you will hear disturbing news about loss at work and you may get into trouble with those around you . If you dreamed of seeing a tiger resembling a cat, then this is a bad omen unless you killed it . If a tiger is approaching you in a dream, the enemies will catch you and persecute you . If a tiger attacks you, this predicts that failure and disappointment will cause you many worries and pain . If you succeed in banishing him or killing him, you will succeed in all your projects and business . If you dream of a tiger fleeing from you, this foretells that you will overcome difficulties and ascend to the highest ranks . If you see a tiger in a cage, this foretells that you will defeat those who stand in your face and put obstacles in your way . If you see pieces of tiger skins, this foretells that you will follow the path of wealth, happiness, and a comfortable life ….
…Wooden bottles game If you dream that you are playing this game, this foretells that you will be wasted without thinking your energies and opportunities, and you should be careful in choosing friends . ~ Skittles : It is a game where the ball rolling to infect nine wooden pieces are made in the form of bottles .~…
…Rust If you see rust on some things or objects, such as pieces of iron or tin, this foretells that you will live in a sad cloudy environment haunted by disease, poverty and fake friends ….
…Ivory dreaming of ivory in the dreamer’s benefit . If she dreamed of huge pieces of ivory while she was carrying, then this means financial success and real pleasure ….
…Snakes : they are enemies, because the accursed Satan pleaded with Adam, peace be upon him . And the enmity of every serpent according to the extent of its affliction, its bone and its mark, and it may be infidels, and the owners of heresy, because of the poison it has . Perhaps it indicated the adulterers, their bites, and their character, and perhaps life was derived from its name, such as seeing in the acres or flowing under trees, with water and torrential rains, and they likened blowing it to the water . The serpent may be a ruler, or she may be a wife and a child, because God Almighty says : “ One of your wives and your children is your enemy, so beware of them. ” And whoever kills or fights a serpent, fights an enemy . And eat its flesh, money from an enemy, pleasure and elation . And if you bite him in two halves, take justice from his enemy . And from his living word with soft and kind words, he struck a good that people would like about him, and if he saw a dead snake, then he is an enemy that God suffices for his evil without strength and power . And her eggs are the most difficult enemies, and their blacks are the most difficult . If he saw that he was a king of the great blacks of life in a group, he would lead the armies and obtain a great king . If he strikes a smooth serpent who obeys him, and neither a sneaker nor goodness hurts, then he struck a treasure of the kings’ treasures, and it may have been his grandfather if it was in this capacity . And whoever fears a snake and does not see it, then it is security for him from his enemy, and if he sees it and fears it, then it is fear, as well as all fear, and likewise everything that fears it and does not see it, and the snake’s exit from the urethra is born, and whoever enters a snake into a house deceived by his enemy, whoever sees that he took it, then he He gets money from an enemy who is safe, because God Almighty says : ~ Take it and do not fear .~ A little snake was born . And if he saw the snakes fighting in the market, war would take place and he would gain victory over the enemies . And the serpent is the authority of a silent enmity, and if he sees that a snake comes out of his remembrance once and returns to him once, then he is betraying him . And the snake is a woman, so whoever sees that he has killed a snake on his bed, his wife dies, and if he sees a snake in his neck and cuts it three pieces, then he divorces his wife three times, and the snake’s legs and fangs are the strength of the enemy and the severity of his cunning . And whoever transforms a serpent, then he transforms from one state to another, and becomes an enemy of the Muslims, and if he sees his house full of snakes he does not fear, then he harbors in his house the enemies of the Muslims, the owners of passions, and the aquatic creatures with money, and if he sees in his pocket or his sleeve a small white snake he does not fear. Because it is his grandfather, and if he sees a serpent walking behind him, then his enemy wants to deceive him, and if it walks between his hands or revolves around him, then they are enemies that mix with him and cannot harm him, and if he sees a life entering his house and leaving without harm, then they are his enemies from his household and his relatives, if he sees it Not in his home, enemies are strangers . And the flesh and fat of the snake is the money of an enemy through, and an antidote from an enemy. If he sees serpents fighting on every side, then slays a great snake from them, then he owns that town . If the slain snake was like all other serpents, then one of the king’s soldiers was killed , and if the snake was ascending at a height, he became comfortable, joyful and happy, and if he saw a serpent descending from a height, a chief died in that place . If he sees a snake emerging from the earth, then he is torment in that place . If he sees his garden full of life, then it is the garden that grows and the plant in it increases and lives . And it was narrated that a man came to Ibn Sirin and said : I saw as if a snake was pursuing it and I was following it, so it entered a burrow, and in my hand a lid was placed on the burrow . He said : Are you engaged to a woman? He said : Yes . He said : You will marry her and inherit her, so he marries her and she died for seven thousand dirhams . Another saw as if his house was full of life, so he recounted his visions to Ibn Sirin and said : Fear God and do not harbor the enemy of Muslims . A woman came to him and said : O Abu Bakr, a woman saw two burrows from which whales came out. Then two men rose to them and took milk from their heads, so Ibn Sirin said : The snake does not milk milk, but rather exudes poison . And this is a woman with whom two of the leaders of the Kharijites enter, who invite her to their doctrine, but they invite her to insult the two sheikhs, may God be pleased with them . As for the life of the abdomen, they are relatives, and its exit from the man is a misfortune for the man’s neighbor ….
…Hurricane If you dream that you hear a roar and see a tornado heading towards you with all its frightening power, you will suffer from distortion and suspicion, and you will strive to avoid failure and ruin in your business affairs . If you are in a house that is ravaged by a hurricane and turns it into scattered pieces and you are desperate to save someone from falling wood, your life will suffer a change . You will move and move to faraway places and yet you will not find improvement in family or business affairs . If you dreamed that you looked at the ruins and ruins of a hurricane, you will approach trouble, but you will avoid it with a wind from other people’s business affairs . If you see dead and injured in a hurricane, you will be a lot of misfortune because of the troubles of others ….
…He saw that he eats pumpkin : cooked in pieces without anything in contact with it that changes it from its essence and its taste from spices, or from what its kind hates in interpretation, because the spices are their and sadness, if he eats of pumpkin cooked and does not change from his taste, it is due to him something he had missed in himself Or from his money or from his religion or worldly, or from his people or from the health of his body or going while his mind and mind return to him after turning them over from him, or a spot of an eye that he missed back to him, or an association meeting that was separated from him, or keeping a knowledge that he had forgotten and left To preserve it, and his mind returns to him in it and his knowledge of the amount of cooked pumpkin he ate, according to the way I described the goodness of it, its flavor and its abundance, and the more delicious and tender it was, so the matter is for him with regard to those blessings due to him the weaker and stronger ….