What is the reason for those who say that I do not dream?

What is the reason for those who say that I do not dream ?? I often have a meeting or a conversation with someone who tells me : I do not dream … and you see him annoyed sometimes ! And you see him say this sarcastically sometimes ! And a state tongue; I am not someone who cares about your major ! By analyzing a number of personalities who live in this phenomenon, we can say that this phenomenon exists in the beginning, and it has appeared to me that the most important reasons behind it are the following : 1 / Forgetfulness . Many who dream or see a vision may forget it, or forget it, and this is the wisdom of the Mighty and Mighty One . Therefore, there may be someone who suddenly remembers a dream he saw, or a sincere vision that he saw . 2 / The severity of falling asleep for someone who suffers such a phenomenon, and so he who takes too much sleep in his sleep resembles the dead, and this kind little remembers what he sees in his sleep . 3 / Whoever works sometimes during the day and sometimes at night, and sometimes at night and at other times during the day, and so forth, and these people often do not remember their dreams or visions, and I reached this last category recently and after extensive investigation and examination, and I published it here for the first time. The reason behind not remembering their visions or dreams is that they are not as comfortable in their sleep as those who have a fixed sleep regime at night, and those who sleep at night, are the ones who get the greatest benefits of sleep . 4 / He who has personal attitudes against this knowledge because of some of the commentators, and whether the reason is correct or wrong, then he sees him hostile to this knowledge by this means, and he says that he does not dream or does not see the vision . 5 / He’s really poor vision . These are some of the reasons for this phenomenon, and God knows best .