
It is in a dream for a man to be rich and proud . If he sees that it is prolonged, then he will benefit from good money and good living . And if he sees that its sides are long and does not look in the middle, then he will have money that prepares it for others . And if it prolongs beyond its destiny, then it is a debt owed by its owner, and they are ill . And if it lasted until it fell to the ground, its owner would die . And they said : He who has a long beard and a lot of hair is more than his age and money, and if it reaches the navel, then he is a man who does not obey God Almighty . If the fist increased, then he is a moneylender . And if he sees the hair of his beard being blackened, he will be rich . If it is black or green, then it will gain a king unless it is a tyrant and oppressive, and Pharaoh’s beard was black and struck green . And if he saw its color tilted to yellow, he would attain poverty and an illness . And if he saw her as a blonde, he would be terrified . And if he sees that he has a man’s beard in his hand while he is pulling it, then he should thin his money and eat it . If a young man who has not yet reached the dream sees that he has a beard, then he dies and does not reach the dream . If he sees his beard deficient and light, and he owes a debt, then he should pay it off, and if he is overwhelmed, his grief is gone . And if he sees that half of his beard is gold, then some of his wealth or wealth will be lost . And if he sees his beard cut off, he will be cut off from his money . Whoever clings to his beard and shears what is more than the fist, then he is a man who must pay zakaah on his money . And whoever cuts the beard of someone else, it is an increase in his or his son’s money . And it was said : A woman’s beard is a means that she will not give birth to a son . If a woman sees that she has a beard and is married, then she loses her husband, and if she is a widow, then she marries a man who agrees with her, and if she sees that she is pregnant, she gives birth to a male, and if she has a quarrel she is victorious, and she takes the place of men . And whoever sees that he pluck his beard, that is money that he spoils between his hands . And whoever saw his beard and head shaved together and was ill, he was cured, and if he was in debt, his debt would be paid off, and if he was distressed, his worries were gone . And whoever sees that his beard grows so long that he invades it and weaves it into a garment and sells it in the market, then he is false . And beard prestige . Perhaps the beard indicated his shop, his clothes and his profit . And if he cuts his beard with his sorrow, his agony and distress are long . And the beard is a section by which to be sworn, and it indicates truthfulness, lying, miserliness and generosity . Perhaps the beard refers to the wife . The white hair in the beard is a warning because of what he is committing . Perhaps the whiteness of the beard indicates illness and impotence . And if the beard was white in waking life and he saw it blackened in a dream, that indicates vigor, strength, determination and intensity . If his beard grows longer than usual, that indicates fun and games or wasting money without a face . The beard of the sinner has repentance, and if he is lost, he is guided, especially if he sees white in it . The growing of a beard for a woman is frizzy or rudeness and committing forbidden things . The beard of the child has a long life . Seeing what is attached to the beard from straw or anything else is bad, moving words or carrying the wife with something that is not created .