
Writing is a trick in a dream, and the writer is a fraud . If he sees that he is of poor handwriting, then he repents . And whoever sees God writes in a newspaper, he will inherit . And if he writes in Qurtas, then it is the denial of what is between him and the people, and Ibn Sirin, may God Almighty have mercy on him, said : Whoever saw that he was writing a book obtained forbidden money, because God Almighty said : ( Woe to them from what their hands have written, and woe to them for what they earn ). And whoever sees any of the Qur’an written on his shirt, then he is a man who adheres to the Qur’an . And whoever sees that a check has been written on him, he is commanded to be cupped, so if a book is written on it and he does not know what is in it, then God has imposed an obligation on him and he is neglecting it . And whoever sees that he is writing a book, he will get sick and nothing less than his money . And whoever sees that he learns writing but does not improve it, then he indicates a commendable matter that he gets from fear and fatigue . And if he is good at writing, he thinks that he is not good at it, then that is bad, as it indicates delay, fear and fatigue .