
Seeing a preserved tablet in a dream is evidence of the covering and the good news for the one who is in distress, and the well-being of one who is sick because he is free from imperfections, preserves what God Almighty has deposited, preserved in the eyes of God Almighty . His vision indicates the livelihood of those who are impoverished, because God Almighty has made the division of sustenance and determining the inevitable term . And his vision indicates the preservation of knowledge and money for his family . Perhaps it indicates security from fear . And the tablets revealed to Moses, peace be upon him, seeing them in a dream indicate witnesses or imams guided by them . The board is made of wood on which is written indicating the wife, the son, and the land, and indicates knowledge for the one who seeks it . All tablets are evidence of the prohibition on sins . And whoever saw that he took a tablet from the imam, he would gain authority, jurisprudence and an imamate . And if the board was of iron, then he was born a scientist with strong stiffness that would not be hit by a deputy, and if it was a polished magazine, then he would be courageous and attain what he desired . And if the board was of stone, then he was born with a tough heart . And if the plate was of copper, then he would be a hypocrite . If it was made of lead, then it would be a bisexual son . And the board denotes the woman, or the boy . And the tablet is a sermon, and if the tablet is of authority, then it is the strength of those who took it in his sleep . And the tablet for a male boy pregnant .