…What is the soul and what is its truth? Sayings in the soul were said . Like saying that it is blood, a breath, or a breath . As for the claim that it is blood, it is invalid, for things including that after his death and the ascension of his soul, blood remains in him . As for saying that it is the soul [with the silence of fulfillment ], then it needs evidence, with knowledge of the reality of the soul he has . As the soul may be called blood, and among them is what Al-Awza’i said : What has no soul is liquid . As for saying that it is the nafs [by opening a fulfillment ], it is known that it is one of its effects . The soul is one of the hidden matters that it is not permissible to discuss in its manner, and in the correct view that some Jews asked the Prophet [ PBUH ] about the soul? So the Prophet fell silent, then God sent down [and they ask you about the spirit, tell the soul about the command of my Lord, and you have not been given of knowledge except a little ] Al-Isra : 85. . Realizing how a thing is either is by watching, seeing an equivalent peer, or by telling the truth . And what else is false . We have not seen the soul, and we have not realized its equivalent, and the truthful news has been received to us that it is not permissible to search for its essence, for we prove it despite our ignorance of how it is . Many Muslim scholars have referred to it, and whoever wrote it about Ibn al-Qayyim wrote a separate book called The Spirit ….

…The body The body is healthy and strong, the strength of religion and faith . If he sees his body as a living body, then he shows what conceals enmity . If he sees that he has a mechanism like a ram’s mechanism, then he has a marrowed son who lives from him . And whoever sees his body of iron or clay, he will die . If he sees an increase in his body without any harm, then it is an increase in the blessing for him . And whoever sees that he is scratching his body, he shall inspect the conditions with his kinship, and he will suffer from them fatigue . And if he saw that he had rubbed and the itch did not subside, he would get tired of his family, and if the itch subsided, he would receive great good . The weight of the body and its bones indicate an increase in wealth and pride . Wasting body indicates poverty and lack of money and knowledge, and it may indicate his meeting with those who hate him . And the body in a dream is evidence of what a person hides and embodies in him, such as clothing, the wife, the house, the beloved and the boy, and for those who take refuge in him from harm, such as the Sultan, the Master and the Guardian. On it . And if the body in the dream was fat and gorgeous, this indicates the height of fate and victory over the enemies ….

…Astral body A dream about an astral body denotes that your endeavors and plans will culminate in worldly success and distinction . As for the ghost or image of your star body, it will drag you through heart-rending trials . ~ The astral body is an image of the human body and is linked to it and to the etheric body, which is the soul, according to parasychologists .~…

…And a vision of the comfort of the body and the health of the body ….

…If his body sees the body of a ram, it shows generosity and fairness . If he had a mechanism like a ram’s mechanism and he licked it with his tongue, then he had a marrowed son from whom he lived ….

If he sees his body as the body of a dog, then he works with foolishness and meanness

…As for body hair : planting it for a man bore his wife . The abundance of body hair for the afflicted increases his distress, and his loss is the remission of his distress . And the abundance of body hair for the happy, the increase of pleasure and richness, and his loss the riches go . Increase the body hair for the rich is money, and the poor have a debt . And whoever is rich in an oven, his money is spent by stealing . And if he was poor, then he should spend his debt seriously, exhausted and demanding . If he sees his body hair white, then if he is rich, you lose his money, and he will oversee the death . And if he is poor, then it is a debt that he can pay off . As for the impossibility of his body hair, the hair of a beast or seven, this indicates his fall in adversity . Narrow chest delusion . If my dhimmi saw that his chest was tight, he would suffer a loss of his money . It was said that man’s chest is generosity, and his narrowness with his miserliness . The abundance of hair on the chest is a debt that he rides, and if he sees his chest turning into a stone, then he will be hard-hearted . Ibn Sirin came, a man said : I saw a lot of hair growing in my chest, and I was knotted . He said : I made a trust and I paid it . And the chest capacity also indicates the flag . As for the breasts, the man’s woman and his daughter, for his beauty is her beauty, and his corruption is her corruption . Whoever saw a woman hung by her breast, then she committed fornication and gave birth to a child of adultery, because the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said: “On the night of my captivity, I saw a woman hung by her breast, so I said, O Gabriel, who is this? He said that she was born from adultery . And it was narrated that a man came to Ibn Sirin and said : I saw as if I had a great breast that had reached the forest, that you are committing adultery with a prohibited one . This is because the breast is from it and from its skin, and that is forbidden . Rather, the righteousness of this vision is a forbidden marriage . And it was said that if a man saw milk in his breasts, if he was celibate, he would marry and give birth to him, and if he was righteous, he indicated to his left, and if he was a young man, he indicated his longevity . As for the young woman, if she sees this, it indicates her pregnancy and childbirth, and as for the old woman, if she sees it, it indicates her poverty and the loss of her money, for a virgin if she sees it indicates her wedding, and the young woman if she sees it indicates her death . And the length of the man’s breast until they hit his chest, is evidence of a whim that is not satisfied by God Almighty, and it was said that it is evidence of a children’s voice . If he did not have a son, it indicates poverty and sadness . And the length of the woman’s breast is beyond the limit, evidence of the purpose of sadness . If women were afflicted with grief, they would pull and scratch their breasts . And whoever sees it as if he is nursing a woman, he will get sick, unless his wife is pregnant, then she will give birth to a son . If the visionary is a woman, then she will give birth to a girl . The belly : who is visible and from the inside of the man’s owner and his son, or a relative of his clan, or his closet and the shelter of his children . And the smallness of the few of these, and the large number of these . And his smallness without hunger is a lack of money, and if he sees that he is hungry, then he is careful, and he hits money equal to the amount of hunger from it . It was said that the belly bone ate usury, and walking on the stomach became accustomed to money . If he sees that his stomach has become small, then he will be a lot of baggage . Satiety is a wealth of money, and thirst is bad in his religion, and irrigation is good in his religion ….

…If he sees his body hair as long as the hair of a sheep, for the hair in the body of the owner of this world is his wealth and the breadth of his worldly life increases in it and his life and length of body hair for the one with worries and fear, his condition is narrow and his affairs are separated and the strength of his grief in that . If he sees that he shaved it with a light or a mousse, then if he shaves that hair off his body, worries and tightness of the situation are separated from him, and turned into broadness and goodness . And if that hair is shaved from the owner of this world and its chastity, then his worldly life will be destroyed and he is cut off from its chagrin, and his condition will turn into unpleasantness and distress . And whoever sees in his morsel of his food a hair or something similar, he will find in his livelihood a shortage, and the clinging is like worms, and lice are children ….

…Spirit If you see your soul leaving your body in a dream, then you are threatening to sacrifice yourself for the sake of failed plans that will lead to the degradation of your value and your alienation from virtues and virtues . If an artist watches his soul leave his body, this foretells that he will excel in his work if he devotes himself to his work and turns away from emotions . And if in a dream you imagine that another person’s soul resides in you, this indicates that you will reap benefit from a stranger with whom you will get to know . If a music girl sees another woman on stage wearing bright clothes and imagines that she is her soul in another person, then this means that she will meet a great competition in a big project that she enters . If you dreamed that you were discussing the immortality of your soul, then this foretells that you will improve opportunities that will help you acquire desired knowledge and pleasure in interacting with educated people ….

…And it was narrated that a man came to the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and said, O Messenger of God, tonight I saw my soul and my mind gathered in the image of human beings, so he came to me and drank wine with me as we used to do in Jahiliyyah, so he said, peace be upon him : The mind is interpreted by dividing the world, and the soul is interpreted by dividing the afterlife ….

…And whoever sees in his body a lot or one, it is money that the owner fears from his demand, and it is said that hubbing in the body is printed words in which there is a deficiency, and it may happen that something hate him, and the health of these people is praiseworthy even if there is no money in it ….

…And whoever sees a lot of scabies on his body and innocent at once, it devolves on two sides the loss of money or the salvation of those who are suffering, and if its trace remains on his body, then he collects money. As for urine, it is the occurrence of what a person hates, and it was said that there is a weakness in strength ….

…Head and body hair : money . The nakedness of the body is the nakedness of a female owner ….

…And whoever sees that in his body there is a place from which blood or pus is coming out, and he stains his body or his garment, then he will hit forbidden money in his measure, and if he does not stain anything, then he is out of sin ….

…A corpse If you dreamed of a corpse, then this constitutes pessimism for happiness, as this dream indicates sad news about the absentee and frustrated work projects . The young man will suffer several disappointments and the joy will fade . If you see a corpse placed in a coffin, this means current troubles for the dreamer . If you see a corpse in black, this means the violent death of a friend or desperate business confusion . If you dreamed of seeing a battlefield covered with corpses, this indicates war and general conflict between the country and indicates political functions . If you see an animal corpse, this means an unhealthy situation for work and health together . If you see a corpse for any one of your current family, then this means death for this person, or for one of the family members, Abu means serious sedition for family relationships, and also a brutal and unusual act . For lovers, it is a sure sign of failure to keep important dates . If you put cash on the eyes of a corpse in your dreams, this means that you will see invisible enemies stealing you when you are weak . If you only put it on one eye, you will be able to return a lost fortune after a desperate struggle . This dream means for the girl misfortune and loss due to giving her confidence to cunning people . If a girl dreams that the official in the store in which you work has become a corpse and that she sees it when she sits with a clean-shaven body, then it foretells that she will be below the level of perfection that her lover sees in her . If she sees the head of a corpse falling from the body, this warns her of invisible enemies who will harm her and demean her in the eyes of her employer . Seeing the corpse in a storehouse of news that sadness and misery will affect all those involved in this . There are people who do not do what is right and do not listen to their consciences . There will be a pessimistic view of reassurance and successful work ….

…Whoever saw that he cut his body hair will receive an increase in his worldly life, and likewise every increase in the body if it is taken ….

…He saw that his body was a living body, as it showed what conceals enmity ….

…And whoever sees that blood comes out of his body from a stab with a spear, then his body is healthy and his money increases, and if he is traveling indicates safety and his return ….

…Some expressors said I love entering cities and hate leaving them because I have tried this repeatedly ….

…And whoever sees that he killed a person and did not know what he was or saw it, then he will triumph over his enemies and be saved from worry and distress, because God Almighty said: ~And I killed a soul and we saved you from grief .~…

…What about seeing the dead, does this have a practical explanation, and can the spirits of the living and the souls of the dead converge? A : The scholars have proven this type of vision, and some of them considered it a kind of a righteous or correct vision. Ibn al-Qayyim said (Al- Ruwah _ p. 63) The correct vision has sections : One of them is : an inspiration that God, glory be to Him, casts into the heart of a servant, and among them : the encounter of the sleeper’s soul with the souls of the dead from his family And his relatives, companions and others, including : the ascension of his soul to God, glory be to Him, and her speech to Him, including : His soul entering Paradise and witnessing it, and so on. The meeting of living and dead spirits is one of the types of true visions that people have of the same kind of sensual ones . Proof of this verse : ( God die selves when her death and that have not been in her dream by examining that spent by the death and sent the other to indefinitely in that are signs for those who reflect ..) [ cliques : 42] This is the meaning of the verse, that God ends The lives of the servants by taking their souls at the end of their life (and the one who did not die in her sleep ) i.e. the time of sleep keeps it from acting as if it were a seized thing, so the one who was sentenced to death while sleeping takes it while sleeping, and he sends the other that was not sentenced to death, so its owner lives until the end of his life . Ibn Abbas and other commentators said : The souls of the living and the dead meet in a dream, so they get acquainted with what God wills of them. If all of them want to return to the bodies, God seized the souls of the dead with Him and sends souls to their bodies . ( Abu Bakr Al-Jazaery – p. 1124) So real death is called a major death, and a sleep death is called a minor death, and the Messenger, peace and blessings of God be upon him, when he woke up from his sleep would say : ( Praise be to God, who sometimes after he killed us and to him is resurrection ) , so he called sleep death . And he witnessed this from the Sunnah, I mean, soul holding what the two sheikhs made from the hadith of supplication before going to sleep. He, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said : (( If one of you goes to his bed, let him shake off his bed inside his veil, then he does not know what he left him behind, then he says : In your name my Lord I placed my side and with you I raise it if I held myself, so have mercy on her, and if I send her, I will preserve it with what you preserve your righteous servants )). And the witness in capturing the soul in a dream and sending it, and because something is mentioned, he was one of those who was famous for obedience, prayer, fasting and charity always complaining about his lack of vision of his deceased father, with his great reputation for seeing the dead and their conditions, and many of those close to him were asked about their dead, and he was astonished at not seeing him To his father, and one time I met him with joy, rapturous and happy, and say what good qualities you want about his condition, and before I ask him about his happiness, he rushed me as if he revealed my question by saying, I saw my father yesterday, I saw my father yesterday, and he told me his visions, so I said to him : Good, I saw evil cuvette God willing, thank God this vision is better for you, and may God benefit your father God Verwah to your status, so Nhspk God Hsepk we do not recommend to the one God, ( it was agreed the Sunnis that the dead benefit from seeking neighborhoods, Bdaaihm and Astgfaarham them, charity, fasting , and reading Koran and other works, this chapter speak in explaining the doctrine Tahhaawi mark Ibn Abi Ezz Hanafi p . 115 et seq . ) wept much Hamad God and ask forgiveness, has proved that the souls of the dead in varying Mstqrha in the isthmus greatest disparity, the mismatch : the lives of the highest Illiyun spirits Alonbea A, including : spirits in the crops of green birds like some of the martyrs, and some of them are imprisoned at the gate of Heaven, and some of them are locked in their graves, and some of them are the headquarters of the Gate of Heaven, and some of them are locked in the earth whose soul has not risen to the Most High, and in the Book of the Spirit Ibn al-Qayyim took care of such investigations…

…And whoever thinks that his body hair has prolonged, and if it is worthy, then an increase in his money and pomp in his status, and if he sees that is poor, hard and narrow, and if the woman sees that her hair has been shaved or pulled out without its origin, then this is evidence of her abuse ….

…Crucifixion : the place of sobriety, the position of the child and the strength, so whoever sees his crucifixion is strong, he will have a mind, and it is said a strong boy, and it was said that the crucifixion is a strong man who depends on him, and the length of the length of the amount is praiseworthy, and over the limit is evidence of the nearness of life and the departed life, as well as his shortness is evidence of short life and goodness . Fatness and power in the body is the power of religion and faith. If he sees his body as a living body, then he shows what conceals enmity . If he sees that he has a mechanism like a ram’s mechanism, then he has a marrowed son who lives after him . And whoever sees that his body is of iron or of stones, he will die . If he sees an increase in his body without harm, then it is an increase in the blessing for him, and a man inactive in memory, with little money, came to a crossing and said : I saw as if my body increased and multiplied, and I had light and splendor, and as if I was reckless, and I was walking in the mountains and surpassed . The crossing said : You will be worthy of that, and will strike a king and become of wealth and pride . Soon after, he went out with the invaders, and was brave, so he defeated the polytheists, and obtained money and spoils ….

…Cremation of the dead body If you dream of cremated corpses, this means that enemies will reduce your influence in business circles . If you think that your corpse is cremated, then this predicts a clear failure in projects, in the event that you mentally assaulted the wisdom of others without returning to your personal diligence in managing its affairs ….

…And whoever sees that he died and does not see himself as the body of the dead, then his house is destroyed and leaves it ….

Body hair gone, money gone

…And whoever sees that his body is shaking, then it indicates the occurrence of corruption in his religion and in the sentence if he sees something of the ointment devolving on its faces, and whoever sees that he smears ointment on a sick member or puts the ointment on his wound then it indicates goodness and goodness and health and eating the ointment indicates the consumption of forbidden money or sadness And harmful ….

…And whoever sees that he has painted his body with ocher, then it indicates blame and scandal ….

…If he sees hearing and strength in his body, then it is the strength of his religion and Islam ….

…And whoever sees that blood came out of the camel’s body and spills from it, it indicates that happiness and grace have occurred ….