The nail

The nail denotes in a dream the nail of enemies, and perhaps the length of the nail indicates capacity in sustenance or rejection because the length of the nail is contrary to the Sunnah, and rejection is contrary to the Sunnah . The length of the nail indicates power and money, and it is a weapon over the enemies and a protection from them . And whoever has nails removed, his ability will disappear . And whoever sees his nail is longer than that of his enemy, he will gain it . And cut the nail to follow the Sunnah or out of money in a loan . The white of the nails indicates memorization and understanding . And the vision of nails in the amount of Salahuddin and the world . If he trimmed it, he would pay zakat al-Fitr . And whoever sees that his nail has become a claw, then he is superior to his opponent or his enemy if he is in war .