the chest

Al-Sadr The expansion of the chest and its goodness in a dream is evidence of the infidel of his Islam, and it is for the disobedient to repent and relieve obedience, and indicates facilitation of the difficult . Perhaps Hassan al-Sadr indicated altruism . Al-Sadr may refer to the knowledge, money, guidance, or delusion that he conceals in him . Al-Sadr is a guest, wife, or position . And chest tightness astray . If my dhimmi sees that his chest is tight, he will lose his money . And it was said : The capacity of the chest is generous and its tightness is stingy . He felt : that his chest turning a stone , it would be callous . The breadth of the chest also indicates injustice, and the chest is the place of worry and joy, so whoever saw his chest wide will be pleased, and whoever saw his chest narrow, he will get distress and delusion . And it was said : his expansion of Islam and his narrowing of tyranny . And if an unbeliever sees his chest, then he becomes Muslim and profits in his trade . And whoever saw a pain in his chest, he sinned and was punished for his sin, and it was said : He is extravagant in obedience to God Almighty . And if a man sees two breasts in his chest, then he gets married if he is celibate, or if he is in love, then his affair becomes clear .