
Zakat indicates in a dream the increase and doubling of money . So whoever saw that he paid zakat on his money indicated its growth, abundance and increase in that year . Zakat on money is evidence of goodness and protection from enemies . And perhaps zakat indicated tahajjud at night, and frequent fasting voluntarily . Perhaps paying zakat indicates paying off the debt . Zakat indicates the abundance of benefits, raising the status and paying calamities . And whoever sees that he distributes zakat money, God Almighty facilitates his affairs and blesses him with repentance . And whoever saw it . He pays zakat al-fitr, so he increases prayer and praise and pays off a debt if he owes it, and he does not fall ill during his year . Zakat al-Fitr in a dream is a benefit . Zakat of the metal is a good news for a son or wife . And if the visionary is poor, this indicates acceptance of his righteous deeds, and his repentance if he is an immoral, and God Almighty provides him with permissible money, and if he is an infidel, he becomes Muslim .