As for pregnancy, it is for a woman an increase in money, and a man has grief, and it was said that seeing pregnancy is evidence of grace and money, whether the visionary is a man or a woman, and seeing a boy who has not reached puberty that he is pregnant shall be passed on to his father, and seeing a girl that is for her mother, and whoever thinks that his wife is pregnant, he hopes for something from the view of this world and said some of them and pregnancy is valid for men And women in any case, and whoever sees that something of the animal is pregnant, then it is good and beneficial, especially if its species is loved

…A woman’s pregnancy in a dream indicates that she is persevering in her affairs, and receives from it money and a growing increase, pride and honor, and good praise . And if a man sees that he has a rope, then they are heavy and hidden from the people, and he is afraid of its increase and its appearance, and the rope is an increase in the world for the visionary, male or female . Seeing a pregnant woman indicates anxiety, distress, and hidden matters . The conception of men in a dream indicates an increase in knowledge for the world, and it may indicate his worries, bemoaning, and the neighborhood of his enemy, or love and passion, and it may indicate someone who combines males and females in one place, or plants something out of place, or a thief enters his home, or hides in His house is a cache, or he steals theft and hides it from its owner . Perhaps the man’s rope indicated that he would destroy himself, and perhaps the foreign dead might be buried with him . Perhaps he was a liar pretending to be impossible, and perhaps he concealed his corrupt belief and belief . As for the rope of arrogance, it may indicate distress that reaches her family because of her, and it may indicate an evil accident that occurs in her place, such as a thief or fire, and perhaps she wears a jean or makes a device for her to suit her, or someone who is not competent for her, or her virginity wears off before her marriage . As for the barren woman’s conception, or the male cattle and cattle, this is evidence of the aridity of the Sunnah, the lack of its good, and the abundance of its temptation and its evil by thieves . And whoever sees that his wife is pregnant, he hopes for better than the exposition of this world . And whoever thinks that he has a pregnancy, then that is an increase in his wealth and world, and it is valid for women and men in any case . And the old rope of a locker of weapons is a trial . And it was said : Her pregnancy is idle work . It was said : It is fertile after barrenness . And a free woman without a husband, as well as a virgin, if they see that they are pregnant, then they will marry ….

Pregnancy If you dream of lambs frolicking in green pastures, this foretells of pure friendships and innocent pleasures . And it predicts abundant crops for farmers . And increase property of others . If you see a dead lamb, this symbolizes sadness and grief . Seeing blood on a white lamb’s wool symbolizes that the innocent will suffer deception caused by the wrongful behavior of others . A lost load indicates that naughty people will be under your control and you have to be careful with your behavior . Seeing lambs’ skins indicates comfort and pleasure that you reap from others . Slaughtering a lamb for household use symbolizes success by sacrificing pleasure and contentment . As for eating lamb chops, it indicates a disease and great concern for the benefit of the children . Seeing lambs receiving nourishment from their mothers indicates the happiness of cheerful and intelligent housemates, as well as beautiful and beloved children . If you dreamed that dogs or wolves were consuming lambs, then this indicates that innocent people will suffer at the hands of insidious and cunning bastards . If you hear the bleating of the lambs, people will be crying out for your magnanimity . If you see lambs in a winter storm or in danger, this indicates disappointment in the hopes and bitterness of fortune . If you have a lamb in your dreams, this symbolizes that your surroundings will be joyful and profitable . If you carry a lamb in your arms, you will be overwhelmed by happy interests, on which you will dispel a wealth of dedication, and you will not regret any expense when you respond to the motives of your passion . If you shear lambs’ wool, this predicts that you will be careless and greedy . You will be honest, but you will be tough-hearted . If a woman dreamed that she had skinned a lamb, and she discovered while she was doing that, that it was her own child, this indicates that she will cause grief for others, and this sadness will return to her, causing her grief and loss ….

…A pregnancy is money in a dream, corrupt money can be used ….

…Abu Saeed, the preacher, said the vision of pregnancy for a woman is an increase in money, and a man has grief that accepts ….

…And whoever sees that he has caught a pregnancy, then he indicates that money, knowledge, etiquette, praise and goodness have been obtained as much as he saw ….

Pregnancy If a woman dreams that she is pregnant, this means that she will be unhappy with her husband and her children will be tired . And if a girl became pregnant with that, then its interpretation is that a scandal occurs that leaves behind distress and sadness . And if a pregnant woman really dreams about this dream, she will give birth safely and regain her strength quickly ….

Al-Kirmani said: “Whoever saw that he became pregnant, then this is an increase in his money .”…

Al-Harmal : money that can be corrupted, and the green pill is a benefit from a fierce stranger ….

And whoever sees that the Caliph clears him, carries him, rides him, or gives him something of the goods of the world, he will be afflicted with authority, pride and pride, as much as that gift is attributed to him ….

It was said that the vision of the lamb is evidence of grace and the wealth of the world, as much as its depth, whether the visionary is a man or a woman ….

…The breast is in a dream the woman of a man or his daughter, so her beauty is her beauty, her corruption is her corruption . And whoever sees a woman hanging from her breast, she commits adultery, and gives birth to a child other than her husband . If a man sees milk in his breast, then if he is poor he is rich, and if he is not married, he indicates that he will have children . And if a young woman sees that, it indicates that she will become pregnant and that her pregnancy will take place, even if she is a rich garment that lacks and spoils her money . And if she was an aware virgin, that indicates her wedding . If she was young, far from the time of marriage, that indicated her death . And whoever sees that he is nursing a woman who knows him and does not know her, this indicates that he will become ill for a long time, unless he has a pregnant woman, then that indicates that he has a son . And if a woman saw this vision, she would give birth to a girl . If he sees that his breasts have grown in moderation and look good, then they are indicating to his children and things that he owns . And if he sees them fallen, then it is evidence of the death of his children . And whoever saw that and did not have children, this indicates his lack and his sadness, especially with regard to women . In breastfeeding women, it indicates the horizons of the person breastfeeding . A large breast indicates what is indicated by a breast that has been bone . And indicates in women immorality . And whoever saw that his breasts were striking his chest, this indicates that he is very old, that bad news is coming to him from someone who knows him . If men and women are young, that indicates love . And whoever sees as if he has one large breast and has reached the pubic area, he commits adultery with a forbidden marriage, or has a forbidden marriage, and the breasts in a dream are girls, so what happened in them is interpreted in girls . And whoever sees that a breast has grown for him along with his breasts, that is more than a girl . And whoever sees that he has a lack of a breast, that is the death of his daughter . And milk in the breast is an increase in money and it refers to the child, so whoever sees that there is milk in his breasts, he is honored to have a minimum increase that brings him or whoever owns it . Likewise, in women, if the milk produced by a person is breastfed, then he is locked up, and a door is closed over it, and there is no harm in it for the nursing infant, then it is humiliation and grief . And it was said : If a man saw that there was milk in his breast, then if he was celibate, he married and had a son . If he was poor, he indicated Bishara, and if he was a young man, that indicated his long life . And the young woman, if she sees that, indicates her pregnancy and childbirth, and the length of a man’s breast until they hit his chest is evidence of a whim that is not satisfied by God Almighty . And before : It is evidence of the death of children, and if he did not have a child, it indicates poverty and sadness . The length of a woman’s breasts beyond the limit is evidence of the purpose of grief . A man’s breast indicates his quality, position, health and sickness . And a man’s breast may refer to brothers, companions, children and husbands who are of no use to them . A woman’s breast is evidence to the contrary, given the provision of God Almighty . If he sees that his breasts are like a woman’s breast, and milk is dripping from it, he indicates that he is standing on his children, and that he begins to do what the women need in their labor, and this may indicate religion, or he has a disease in which he is ashamed of people, then he saw him famous for that . And if . The breasts became copper or iron, indicating the loss of children and the failure of causes or pregnancy . The breast on the beast is a husband, and the breast on the infertile woman was born after despair from him . And perhaps the breast of the virgin referred to the jihad, clothing, or money adorned with . And the baby or girl has ailments, diseases and sores . A single breast for a single woman is a marriage, so if water or milk comes out of it, she loses her son or sister . And the breast is an adulterous woman . He crossed the breast with ostrich eggs or Altrj . They may be owned by breasts, and were told : they were father and mother . And the breast is indicative of a bottle of wine if it contains milk . It was said : The breast is a generous man ….

Pregnancy of a person If a person is carrying a burden in a dream, this indicates a bad neighbor . The heavy burden may be guilt . And the heavy burden of a woman is an evil rope or husband . And whoever sees that he is carrying a heavy burden, then he can bear harm from an ill neighbor . And pregnancy on the neck or shoulder sins . Pregnancy for the newborn is a comfort for the mobile and fatigue and fatigue for the pregnant woman . Whoever sees that he carries wood, then he carries backbiting and gossip, and transmits falsehood ….

…The trap is in a dream a man of little religion, trick and cunning . Whoever sees that he is setting a trap to catch a bird, he plots with a huge man . If the woman sees that she is setting a trap, and whenever a bird flies into it, she asks for pregnancy from her husband and does not prove her pregnancy . See also the net, and see fishing ….

…Trousers : A religious woman or a foreign maid, and if he saw it as if he had bought trousers without his owner, he would marry a woman without a guardian . And the new trousers are a virgin woman, and the beggary is a proof of infallibility for sins . And it was said that the narwhals are evidence of goodness regarding his wife and his family . And wearing pants without a shirt is poverty, and he wears it upside down, committing an immoral act on the part of his family . And his urine is evidence of his wife’s pregnancy . And his defecation is evidence of his anger at his wife’s pregnancy . And the dissolution of his pants, the appearance of his wife to the men, and left her hiding and concealing from them . It was said that the trousers indicate a journey to the Ajam people, because it is their clothing . It was said pants Salah is the business of his family and extends their pleasure ….

…Glasses Seeing glasses in pregnancy indicates that strangers will cause changes in your projects . They will take advantage of your simplicity to cheat and deceive them . If you see broken glasses, this predicts the alienation of those close to you because of your love and your fondness for illicit pleasures . If you dream of seeing or wearing glasses, this indicates that you will be plagued by unpleasant friendships, which you will struggle to get rid of . If a girl sees her lover wearing glasses, this heralds a rupture in the affairs of love ….

…Number forty 40: He promised a command and is fulfilled because of the Almighty saying ( so the time for his Lord was completed forty nights ) or the beginning of pregnancy, because he, may God bless him and grant him peace, said ( that one of you gathers in his mother’s womb four days of a sperm …)….

…And whoever sees it as if his eyes are gouged out, he will suffer something from what his eye admits, and as for blindness, it is a delusion in religion, and the injury of money from the side of some gangs . And it was said whoever saw that he was blind, for if he was poor, she would gain wealth, and blindness indicates forgetting the Qur’an, because God Almighty said : “ Lord, why did you make me blind? ” The verse . If he sees as if a person has blinded him, then he is misleading him and removing him from his opinion . And seeing a blind kafir indicates a loss that befalls him, worry or grief . And if he sees as if he is blind, blind in new clothes, then he dies . And if a blind man sees that a man has treated him and sees his sight, then he is guiding him to what has benefits and the campaign to repentance . And perhaps seeing blindness indicated the lethargy of the male . If he sees the blackness of the eye with whiteness, he indicates a gloom and they are afflicting him . It was narrated that a man came to Jaafar al-Sadiq, may God be pleased with him, and said : I saw as if I had white in my eyes . He said : You will experience a shortage of money, and you miss something you hope for . And if some of his relatives are absent from him, if the absent one came while he was blind, then the person of the vision dies because his visions indicate that the blind comer is visiting, and it was said that the blurring of the eyes from the whiteness other than him indicates great sadness that afflicts the visionary and is patient with it, because of Jacob’s story about him Peace . And whoever sees as if black water descended from his eyes and did not see anything, his visions indicate his lack of modesty, because the eye is the object of shyness . As for the problem in the face from ugliness and cracking, it is an indication of modesty and lack of it, just as a good face is evidence of modesty in interpretation . And a yellow face, evidence of grief afflicting the visionary . And freckles on the face, evidence of frequent sins . As for the nose, whoever sees that a person has stung his nose, he speaks to him with words that he forces his nose to . And it was said that the stump of the nose is of its origin, indicating the death of the stump, and it was said that this indicates the death of a woman who had a stump, if she had a pregnancy, and it was said that the stump of the nose is that it suffers from a loss, because if the nose from it shows ugliness, and the trader if he sees it as if his nose is a stump, he loses in His trade ….

…And whoever sees that his wife is pregnant, he hopes for something from the worldview, and pregnancy is good for men and women in any case ….

…The old woman is in a dream an impotence, and perhaps she indicates the world that is gone, and perhaps she refers to the Hereafter because it is against the world, and she refers to the wine because it is one of her names, and she refers to the cow because it is one of her names too . Perhaps the old woman in a dream indicated pregnancy after despair of it . Perhaps seeing the old woman indicated deception, deception, whispering and touching . The sick old woman is helpless, and the thirsty is drought. If a girl returns, the drought will be removed, and if the unknown old woman enters a patient who fears death, this is a good evidence for the pregnant woman . And the old woman indicates the land of his sabkha that does not grow . And whoever sees an old ugly look, it indicates sedition and war . The infidel old man is forbidden money, and the armed old woman is permissible money with pleasure for those who see it . And whoever turns old will attain reverence . And the unknown old woman indicates the infertile year . The ugly old man may be a harbinger of the end of war and drought, and the meager old man may be a year of drought, and if it gets fat, the year will come . And the dark-faced old man is in the world with them and goes to Jah, and if she is naked, then it is a scandal in his world . And whoever sees an old woman who enters his home, his world comes to him, and if he sees her she leaves him, his world is gone . And if a woman sees that she has become old, then it is the goodness of her world ….

…And the wheat in its ears if seen in bed indicates a woman’s pregnancy ….

…Whoever sees in a dream that he finds large wood of wood, his rank decreases, and his property will be gone . And if he possesses great things, then he will gain authority and guardianship, if he is worthy of that, otherwise he will gain benefit and good . Toil, if there is fire in it, indicates the satisfaction of needs, and if there is fire in it, then it indicates worries and anguish . The curling of gold and silver indicates sincerity in monotheism and impartiality for worship . And curling glass indicates deception and deceit . The cauterization may refer to a woman who has a rapid pregnancy failure, or a man who is too excited . It may indicate the prison and the location of the police assigned to the punishment . And denotes facilitating things if it is for iron ….

…Mud is in a dream, for whoever walks in it will get strife and hardship . And whoever sees that he is walking in mud, then they are fearful . Mud, if the patient sees it, is long after his illness, unless he sees that he has come out of it . And if the patient walks through it, he will enter into calamity or prison . And kneading the clay and striking it with milk is not good because it is indicative of grief, affliction and strife . The affliction of mud is a quarrel and distress, and it may indicate religion or talk in the show, and perhaps it indicates pregnancy for a woman with a male child, because God Almighty says : ( And we created man from a strain of clay ). And the mud indicates disrupting movements and cutting prayers . And the mud about if I missed it . Perhaps the mud was a tablet for the reader, and perhaps the mud indicated pride in blessings, polytheism, or thinking about God . Perhaps the mud was a sign of bad, difficult manners . And if the land was arid and he saw mud in a dream, it was good news for him that there was plenty of grass . If the mud was from a well, it indicated inheritance and the appearance of the pond, or deposits and secrets . See also clay ….

…Musk is in a dream denotes charity and pregnancy for children . It may be indicated in the deceased that he is in heaven or the profitable trade, or the garden from which the fruits are reaped, or the valuable knowledge of scholars . If he put musk on fire like amber or lute, he innovated in his religion, or his money went to corruption and put something out of place . And the musk is a lover, a maid, or a boy, and it was said : a woman . And whoever carries it from among the thieves, he will be arrested because the sweet smell indicates its bearer . And musk denotes musk because it is more precious than gold, and it indicates good living and good for those who smell it or own it . It shows the innocence of the accused . Musk and every blackness of perfume, such as cloves and nutmeg, will cheer and delight, and crush it is a good praise ….

…Mikael, peace be upon him, his vision in a dream indicates the obtaining of blessing in the two worlds of those who were pious . The word of the seer will receive grace and pleasure and enter Paradise because he is the king of mercy . Mikael’s vision is a sign of fertility, livelihood, blessings and abundance of rain . Perhaps his vision indicated barrenness or sterile pregnancy and difficult facilitation . And if he saw him traveling, he would be afraid . And he may be suspended from his travel because he takes care of the rain while it is inactive . His vision for those who are affected by the rain is worries and ancestors, and for the owners of farmers livelihoods and profits . He who has been transformed in the image of Mikael will gain fertility and money, and his bed will improve ….

…Gutters : on the mouths, relatives, and eyes as they flow from the tops of the floor, and perhaps they indicate the livelihood . Whoever sees people’s gutter flowing from rain, and the people are in distress and they are, their livelihoods have turned and their concerns manifested, because they are evacuated if they happen, and as for their running without rain, then sedition and money is forbidden, and as for the movement of men’s mouths and tongues, it is the sedition that is descending in something that does not concern them, and its flow is liquid blood And its necks are beaten, and if its flow is blood, then it is more certain for that . As for the flow of gutters in homes or under the beds for those who are keen on the child and pregnancy, it is not safe from him, because his water goes from his private parts in other than his container . This may indicate the rainy eyes in that place, as indicated by the rest of the vision ….

…Apricot : a disease, and eating green from it give you charity in dinars and is innocent from disease, and eating yellow from it is the expense of money in illness . If he sees it as if he is eating an apricot from a tree, then he is accompanying a corrupt man of many dinars . It was said that picking apricots from a tree married a woman who held money from an inheritance . If he sees as if some of the sultans picked an apricot from the apple tree, then he puts in his flock unpalatable money . And the apricot tree is a man of much illness . Some of them said, but rather is a man contracted with his family, flat with people, bold and not coward . If she was revered by her pregnancy, then it indicates a man with many dinars, and if he was a green apricot, then she was a man with many dirhams . And whoever breaks a branch from his tree, he denies or denies money from a man, or leaves prayer or fasting, or spoils money that is not his . If a branch is broken from a tree other than that which is fruitful, to be taken as a stick, it will gain pleasure from it . Whatever fruits and fruits are yellow is a disease, and what is sour is they and sadness, and green thereof is not a disease ….

…Hashish : is the coexistence of animals and cattle, and it is like the money of the world from which every person gets what his Lord has divided and made his livelihood for him, because he returns meat, milk, butter, ghee, honey, wool, hair and lint, so it is like money in which the strength of people is . Perhaps the prairie refers to every place that gains the world, gets from it, gets known from it, and is attributed to it, such as the house of money and the market . The Nawwir, in particular, may indicate the exchange market, goldsmiths and places of gold . It was narrated that the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, interpreted the meadow with the world and its greenness, and that he, peace be upon him, said : The world is a sweet green. Sweetness, everything that falls on the mouths of camels indicates what is permissible, and every acid in it indicates what is forbidden and what affects them, swindling and bitterness . And what is from the plant is a medicine to be treated with, it is outside of money and livelihood, and indicates science, wisdom and sermons, and it may indicate pure lawful money . And if it is sour in taste, then its acidity is due to the distress and strife in its attainment and fatigue . Whatever it was a deadly poisonous one, it indicated forbidden misfortune, taking the world by religion, the doors of usury, innovation and whims, and everything that comes out of the mouths and enters them from the worst . But if he saw endive : and fold Kalksberh : and the like of women with bitterness, heat, Vhmum and sorrows and money is haram . It has been said that when Adam fell to the ground and fell in India, his scent hung on a tree while he was sad and cried on himself . It may indicate his worries in the Hereafter, and the reward is with the jewels of Paradise, which are added to it without coriander and caraway and the like . Whatever sprouted from the earth was mentioned in the prohibition in the book or the Sunnah, or a reason that was blameworthy in the old days, it indicates the ability in speech and livelihood, such as dumplings, wood, garlic, cucumber, lentils and onions, and what the plant has a name that dominates in its derivation, meaning stronger than its nature Or, a supporter of its essence was carried on it, like mint from which the obituary and obituary are derived, even though it is a legume . As well as the islands, which are Alsnar in regret and fire . Whatever plants grow without seeds and have no roots on the ground, such as truffles and mushrooms, it indicates among the people a foundling, pregnancy, and the offspring of fornication, and those who do not know their lineage, and the money indicates the seed, donation, charity and so on . Whoever sees it as if he is in a meadow or hashish that he can collect or eat, then I look at his situation, and if he is poor he gets rich, and if he is rich he has increased rich, and if he is an ascetic in this world wanting it, then he returns to it and is fascinated by it . If he moved from a meadow to a meadow, he traveled in the pursuit of the world and moved from one market to another and from one industry to another ….

…As for the two men, they are the parents, his pregnancy, or what a person stands upon in his place of livelihood, whatever he sees in that from Zein or Shein, their interpretation is in them. If he sees that his one leg is cut or broken, then he indicates that half of his money has gone or that one of his parents has gone, and if he sees that accident in his legs It indicates his travels or the departure of his money or his death, and whoever sees his feet of iron or copper, it indicates an increase in his life and money, and whoever sees that his feet are dazed, it indicates his short life and the decrease of his money and whoever sees that his leg has turned into a man something of the animals is a sign of strength…

…Number nine 9: It may indicate pregnancy because it is usually nine months, and it may indicate accompanying those who are not good in it because the Almighty said : ( And there were nine ranks in Medina that spoil the earth …) and he may discover important information and strange facts, especially if the seer is searching for the Almighty saying : ( And we have come to Moses nine miracles …)…