
Excrement is money in a dream . Whoever defecates while people are looking at him, beware of a scandal . He felt that he eats bread and excrement it eats bread and honey, and it was said : is a violation of the year . He who defecates on the bed divorces his wife or becomes ill for a long time . And excrement is forbidden money because it smells bad . He who is afraid in the excrement falls into worry . Whoever falls into Knife is imprisoned . He who defecates himself will fall into a sin . And excrement is a salvation from sin, or a weak departure . And the excrement may indicate travel, because God Almighty says : ( Or one of you came from stool ). And stool indicates the elimination of the need, and indicates the disappearance of internal diseases, and indicates the thoughts and obsessions and the return of deposits . And excrement livelihood from gross injustice . And whoever sees that he has a lot of excrement and wants to travel, he should not travel . Whoever defecates in his clothes is committing an immoral act, and if he is in the open, then he is relieved of them or the fulfillment of a debt . And if he defecates in a dump, it is a good and carefree sign . Staining with faeces is a disease or fear . And if he defecated in the wilderness, then the bird or the beast of the earth picked up his excrement and was traveling, the thieves would cut the road on him and went with his money . And whoever sees that he defecates worms that resemble snakes, then his children will multiply and he will show hostility to them . See also the event .