…The church denotes in a dream knowledge, asceticism, fear, and weeping, and perhaps it indicates worry, sorrow, lying, fading, slander, or heresy, amusement and familiarity, and indicates the ruler with unfairness . So whoever enters into a church in a dream and was celibate, married, had a son, or went astray after his guidance, especially if he prostrated to statues, or participated in a sacrifice with them, or had a girdle in his midst . Perhaps the church indicated the shelter of demons . The grandmother and the elevation of the Church is evidence of weakness in religion . And if a person sees that his home is a church, then his home is a community of the people of passions, heresies and sins . The church indicates the cemetery, the wine shop, the house of knowledge and singing, and the prison . So whoever enters a church and sees a dead person in it is imprisoned with the disobedient . See also the monastery ….

Church cemetery If you are walking in a church cemetery in the winter, this means that a long and arduous struggle with poverty will await you . You will be far from your childhood home and your friends will be away from you . But if you see the signs of springtime, you will travel to pleasant places and enjoy a reunion . If lovers dream that they are in a church cemetery, this means that neither of them will marry his partner, but rather he will meet another person who takes his place ….

…The Church : is indicative of the cemetery, the house of the harlot, the wine shop, the house of infidelity and heresy, the house of musical instruments, laments and singing, the house of mourning, blackness and wailing, and on Hell the abode of those who disobeyed his Lord, and the prison, and whoever sees himself in a church, if he is in it remembering God Almighty or weeping Or he prays to the Kaaba, then he enters the cemetery to visit the dead or to pray at a funeral . And if he cried with wailing or was pregnant with signs of worries, then he would be imprisoned . If he sees a dead person in Hell, then he is imprisoned with the disobedient . If he entered it alive as a muezzin or after the Qur’an, if he was in a jihad, he and those with him defeated the country of the enemy, and if he was in a metropolis he entered his people in disobedience or heresy and atheism, then he exhorted them, remembered them, and performed their pilgrimage, and performed the argument of God in them . And if he is someone who sees them and prays with their prayers and does their deeds, then if he was a man who mixed people with disbelief, heresy, fornication, wine, or a major sin, such as singing, banding, and beating the tie and drum, especially if he had prostrated with them to the cross because it is of wood . And if a woman attended a wedding that had harps and drums, then she mixed up with them, or at a funeral with cracks, blackness, mourning and wailing, so she shared with them ….

…If you dreamed of seeing a church from afar, then this means disappointment in the joys you have always expected . If you enter a dark church, you will participate in a funeral . This also predicts dormant projects in good times ….

…Seeing a church in a dream is a harbinger of illness and tribulation . And seeing a broken tower signifies death in your surroundings or around friends . If you climb a church tower, you will encounter great difficulties, but you will conquer them . And if it falls from the steeple, its interpretation is losses in trade, work and bad health ….

…And whoever sees that he demolishes a church, monastery, silo, or the like, then he will be harsh for the infidels and cause harm to them from him, and it may exist in the religion of Islam ….

…And whoever sees that his house has turned a pledge of allegiance to the Christians : His saying of fate is equivalent to what the Christians said . If he saw that his house had been converted into a church for the Jews, his saying would be equal to that of the Jews ….

…And whoever sees that he has done in a church something that contradicts its people, which does not violate the Sharia, then it is a rebellion against that described man and it is good ….

…Whoever sees a church, monastery, or the like, then his expression is a liar, deceiving people by his actions, and there is no result in that ….

…And it was said that whoever saw that he did in a church what its people agree with is committing crimes ….

…And whoever sees that he prays in a church or what suits that in accordance with the Sharia law, then his word is superior to one of the dhimmis and he will oppress him ….

…A small church If you dreamed of a small church, this indicates disagreement in social circles and troubled work . If you are in a small church this means disappointment and a change of business . If young people dream of entering a small church, this includes false emotions and enemies and may confuse them with a failed marriage ….

…Religion If you dreamed that you discussed religion matters with some people and felt religious inclinations, then this foretells that you will get involved in follies that spoil your calm life and lead to your loss in business and trade . If a girl dreams that she is very religious, then she will make the person who loves her alienate her because of her claim of innocence and kindness . If she dreams that she is not religious and not sinful, then this indicates that she will be distinguished by honesty, kindness and consideration for others, which will make her gain the respect of others and the love of the opposite sex and the girls of her gender for her . But if it is wrong in the view of religion in the dream, then this means that it will find that there are moral laws that must be respected, otherwise you will lose people’s respect for them . She must pay attention to her behavior. If she dreams that she is crying and mourning for debt, this means that she will fail to fulfill the desires of the heart . If she is bold, but not wrong, then she will bear the burdens of her worries and burdens with courage and will courageously and steadfastly face the blame and censure of people . If you dreamed that you regretted, became sad, and blamed yourself during a religious sermon, this means that you will be forced to sacrifice yourself to make someone you love and appreciate . If you dream that religion has descended into decline and weakness, then this means that you will live your life in worship and harmony with the Creator more than before, and your thoughts and dispositions will not be sinful and wrong as before . If you dream that a priest told you in a meeting that he has left his job, this indicates that you will feel at peace and you will be overwhelmed with a wave of psychological comfort . But if you meet a priest in a community and he begins to blame you and reproach you, this foretells that the coming days will bring about sad and worrying events for you . These dreams may literally come true in practical life, and here they may not have any symbolic meaning. Religion is concerned with protecting people from vice, so when they intend within themselves to ignore his teachings, they are expected to see a priest or church in their dream as a harbinger of their evil deeds . If they live a godly and righteous life according to the teachings of the Church, they rarely dream of seeing the priest, the church, or the house of worship ….

…The altar of the church If you dream that you see a priest at the altar of the church, then this symbolizes quarrels and unsatisfactory situations in your work and home . If you see a marriage, this symbolizes the grief of a friend or the death of the elderly . The altar of the church seldom appears to you in a dream except to warn you against committing a mistake . Repentance may also be involved ….

And whoever sees a church or monastery or something similar, then his expression is a liar who harms the people by his actions, and whoever thinks that he resides in something of that. If he is from the people of righteousness then it is better for him, and if he is from among the corrupt people there is no good in him and it was said whoever saw that he did in a church what its people agree with. Commit crimes

…Prohibitions such as breaking the fast on the day of fasting, or fasting on the day of doubt, or standing in Arafah on a day other than that, or Friday praying before the meridian, and the like . And perhaps the pigeons indicated the church because it is the guise of the demons and the devil . The pigeons may refer to the bachelorette to the wife . And whoever takes the bathroom as his residence, he is insisting on sins . And whoever enters a bathroom and takes a bath and exits it, he will leave those who are woman or religion . The bathroom is a dark prison, and the bathroom cupboard is a woman of no good . She saw it as breaking the fast on the day of fasting, or fasting on the day of doubt, or standing in Arafah on a day other than that, or Friday praying before the meridian, and the like . And perhaps the pigeons indicated the church because it is the guise of the demons and the devil . The pigeons may refer to the single to the wife . And whoever takes the bathroom as his residence, he is insisting on sins . And whoever enters a bathroom and takes a bath and exits it, he will leave those who are a woman or a religion . The bathroom is a dark prison, and the bathroom cupboard is a woman of no good ….

…See the monastery in a dream like a church vision . Perhaps his vision indicated the disappearance of worry, distress and salvation from adversity . And if the seer is sick, then he will die ….

…I’tikaaf If a person dreams about seclusion in a church, he turns to an adulterous woman . If I observe i’tikaaf in a mosque, we will focus on charitable causes or a righteous woman . If I retire in a supermarket, I embark on a living ….

…Crowd If you dreamed of a large crowd of people dressed in beautiful clothes, at a party, this means happy companionship with friends, but if something happens that spoils the joy of the guests, this means misfortune and loss of friendship and that unhappiness will replace profit and safe deals . It also means disputes in the government and disputes in the family . If you see a church crowd, this most likely means a death that grieves you, or a slight depression that may develop . If you see a crowd in the street, this means unusual risks in trade and you will be surrounded by a hint of success . If you try to be heard by a crowd, this foretells that you will push your projects to the forefront of others’ projects . If you dream of a hypnotist that hypnotizes others, then he turns to you, and fails to hypnotize you, this indicates that you will experience misery without friends being able to help you . You can by yourself avoid the imminent danger ….

…Imprisonment : It indicates what the pigeons indicate, and perhaps it indicates the disease that prevents them from acting and getting up, and perhaps it indicates the mind from traveling, and perhaps it indicates the grave, and it may indicate Hell, because it is the prison of the disobedient and infidel, and because prison is the abode of punishment and the place of people of crime and injustice . Whoever sees himself in prison, look at his condition and the state of prison, and if he is sick and the prison is unknown, then that is his grave, in which he will be imprisoned until the Resurrection, and if the prison is known, his illness lasts and I hope for him to rise and rise to the world which is a prison for someone like him, when the news indicates that it is the prison of the believer and the paradise of the infidel, and if The patient was a criminal, so imprisonment is unknown, his grave and known is a sign of the length of his stay in his illness, and his life did not hope unless he repented or greeted him in his illness . And if he sees a dead person in prison, if he is an unbeliever, that is evidence of Hell, and if he is a Muslim then he is imprisoned from Paradise with sins and consequences that remain on him. As for the healthy neighborhood, he sees himself in prison, so look also at what he is in. If he is traveling on a land or a ship, he is struck by a mind. And obstruction by rain, wind, enemy, war, or an order from a ruler . And if he was not traveling, he would enter a place where he disobeys God, such as the church, the home of thought and heresy, the house of an adulterer or the veil, every person according to his destiny . And what is in his wakefulness that is revealed when the issue, or known about him by fame or the increase in his sleep from his words and actions in his dreams . Some of those who saw that he chose for himself, because a woman would be tempted by him on his own behalf, and God would distract him from her plot and tell him from him, for the Almighty said : “The Lord of the prison is dearer to me than what they call me to .” It was narrated that Sapur bin Ardashir, during his father’s life, saw as if he was building prisons, taking pigs and monkeys from the Romans, and entering them in it, and he had thirty-one crowns on him, so he asked the one who crossed him and said : She owns thirty-one years, and as for building prisons, with their number you build cities and take the Romans and capture them . It was so . As if after the death of his father, he took the king of the Romans and built the city of Nishapur, the city of Ahvaz, and the city of Sauran ….

…Lottery If you see in a dream that you are selling anything in the lottery, then you will fall into a captive of black ideas and illusions . If you dream that you are attending a lottery party in a church, then this means that worries will dominate your future. This dream foretells the girl that her expectations are empty and useless . If you dreamed of a lottery and you pay great attention to withdrawals, you will be engrossed in a trivial project that pushes you to take an inappropriate trip . If you hold the winning figure, you will win in trading speculation that will confuse you and cause you great anxiety . Seeing others win the lottery indicates a passion for bombing, drinking and entertainment that will bring many friends together . If you lose a lottery, you will be a victim of cunning people . It will result in dismal ordeals in your affairs . If a girl dreams of a lot in any way, this means that her careless way of doing business will cause no disappointment and will give her a husband who does not know stability and cannot be relied upon . If you dreamed of a lottery, this indicates that you will wish for inappropriate friendships at work . Your love affairs will be temporary pleasure ….

…Al-Hassa : denotes men and women, young women, and counted white dirhams, because it is from the earth and on memorization and counting, because of the knowledge or poetry suffered by the student, the pilgrimage and the throwing of stones, the cruelty and distress, and the insults and slander . Whoever saw a bird descended from heaven to earth, then picked up a pebble and flew with it, and if that was in a mosque, a good man or one of the righteous people perished from it, and if the visionary was sick, and he was among the good people or someone who also prayed in it, and no one involved him in the disease. Those who also pray in it, then the person with the vision is dead, and if he picked up the pebble from a church, the consideration for the patient’s corruption is like the one we presented, and if he picked it up from a house or from an unknown place, then the patient of the person who had the vision from a child or other is lost, as for the one who picked up a number of pebbles and their fate In his garment or swallowed it in his stomach, and if he picked it up from a mosque or a scholar’s house or a male circle, he counted from knowledge and the Qur’an, and he benefited from the remembrance and the statement as much as he picked up from the siege . If it is picked up from the markets or from acres and tree roots, then it is benefits from the world, and in dirhams it consists for him on the cause of fruits or plants or from trade and brokerage, or from asking and giving charity to each person according to his concern and habit in his awakening . If his capture is from the sea, then gifts from the Sultan if he serves him, or benefits from the sea if he trades in it, or knowledge he acquires from a scientist if that is his request, or a gift and a link from a wealthy wife if she has a son or something similar . As for whoever threw it into the sea, his money went into it . And if he throws her into a well, he takes money to marry or buy a servant . And if he threw it in a rainy or under conditions of food, or in a storehouse of the sea, he bought with what he had or as much as he threw it, a trade that is evidenced by the place in which he threw what was with him . The common people say : So-and-so threw what he had of dirhams into wheat or oil or something else . If he threw them an animal, such as a lion, a monkey, a locust, a crow, and the like . That was during the days of the Hajj, and it was heralded by the pilgrimage and the throwing of stones in the future of his command, because the origin of the throwing of the stones is that Gabriel, peace be upon him, commanded Adam, peace be upon him, to throw the Devil when it was presented to him, and it became Sunnah for his son . If this was not done during the days of Hajj, the pebble was his supplication against an enemy or an immoral person, or cursing and insulting him, or testimonies to testify against him . And if he threw them against these races, such as pigeons and Muslims from among the people, the man would be a backbiter, speaking in the righteousness and the women protected ….

…Seeing the building created on the ground, a minimum private or public benefit as far as he saw it . Perhaps the interpretation of the construction was building a man with his family, so if he builds something, it indicates the matter of women . If he sees that his house has expanded a well known amount, then it is his worldly capacity, and if the breadth exceeded its size, then a people will enter that house without permission in a calamity, wedding, or panic . And it was said : Whoever sees that he is building a building, he will gather his relatives, friends, and soldiers . If he is a ruler, that is the return of his state, the completeness of his happiness, and the height of his affairs according to the thickness and tightness of the building . If he uprooted and removed it, then he separated the gathering of his relatives, companions, friends and soldiers, and his state was gone . If he sees that it renews an old structure of a world, then it is a renewal of that world’s life. If the building is for a Pharaoh or an unjust person, then it is a renewal of his life . If he saw that he had started building, then he dug it from its foundation, and built it from his decision, until he built it, then he is in the pursuit of knowledge, state, or craft, and he will obtain what he wants . And whoever sees that he is building in a town or village of Bunyana then he will marry a woman there, and if he builds of clay then he adorns and adorns a hypocrisy, if he builds from clay then he earned from permissible, and if it is engraved then it is knowledge or state, with purity and joy . If he sees that he built a building of plaster and paid a picture for it, then he is going into falsehood, because building with stucco and the wage is hypocrisy, and hypocrisy is building with stucco and wages . And it was said : Whoever does plaster work does what is not permissible for him . And whoever sees that he builds in estrangement, then he marries a woman whose name has not been mentioned to him, or that he resides in estrangement and dies . Building with clay is religion and certainty . And dry mud is an abomination of money . And whoever sees that it is mud in the grave of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, then he should perform Hajj . And whoever sees that his house is muddy and a ton is wet, then he is good . And whoever sees that he eats it, he eats as much money as he ate . And the beautiful construction indicates intimacy, love, offspring, livelihood, venerable clothing, and the firstborn of women . And perhaps the tight construction indicated strength and intensity, or support and assistance, and perhaps the vision of the building indicated a long life, and perhaps the building indicated its builder, and if it was a church it was indicated by a Christian, and if it was a mosque it was indicated by a Muslim, and if it was a school it was It was indicated by its jurist, or Ribat was indicated by an ascetic worshiper . And whoever built in a dream a mosque or a place close to God Almighty, if he was a king who established the truth and enjoined good and forbade evil, and if he was a scholar who compiled a book that people benefited from his knowledge or fatwas, and if he had money he paid the zakat of his money . If he was single, he married . If he was married, he would have a son, and a good male spread to him . And if he was poor, he would be rich, otherwise he would gather people together with good and help them to obey God Almighty, otherwise he will repent to God Almighty for what he committed, or convert to Islam, or die a martyr . If he builds by what is not permissible to build, or deviates from the mihrab, or diverts it to other than its direction, it indicates the opposite of good and evil. If he sees domes or builds them in a dream, this indicates raising his status, or joining the people of destiny . And whoever sees that he built a dome over the clouds, he will gain authority and power for his rule . And whoever saw that he had structures above the sky and earth from green domes, his deeds were good, and he died on the testimony . And whoever sees that he builds a bathroom, he builds it with a woman . If he sees the patient as if he was building his house and does not know when he destroyed it, then his body has returned to health, and the disease in which he is departed from him . And whoever sees that his father has established a structure and raises his fish, then he will complete the deeds of his father, which he had in a religion or a world . And whoever sees that the workers are working in his home, he will quarrel with his wife, or desert a friend of his and the like ….

…If you dream of hearing the sound of the organ playing along with religious hymns, then its interpretation is lasting friendships and good luck . And if you see in a dream an organ in the church, then its interpretation is a sad separation between the parents, and this may mean the death of some of them . And if you dream that you are playing Halat music on the organ, this means that you will be happy in your life and gain the favor and interest of society in you . If you dream of hearing sad singing accompanied by an organ, then its interpretation is that you will be assigned to work exhausting and may lose friends and work ….

…If things are transformed from their usual norms, such as the church that has turned into a mosque or the dry tree that has become fruitful, then this indicates a change in the rulers of positions, or the different conditions of the world from evil to good, and from good to evil, as well as the transition of prey from their jewels and people from their forms, so whoever sees He is praised, and was not like that, for that is goodness in his religion, reverence for him and an increase in his honor . And whoever sees that he is a boy there is no good in him anyway, then he aspires and acts in ignorance . If a woman sees that she is old or half, and she is not like that, then this is good for her in her religion and this world . And whoever sees an elderly person in a dream has become a young man, and if he is poor, he becomes indispensable, and if he is one of those who have arranged his life, he will return to him, and if he is sick, his ailment is cured . And whoever sees that it has become a beautiful soft branch, it will die quickly . And whoever sees that he is prolonged in a dream, his life will be prolonged and he will have money and children, and whoever sees that he is shortening his house or his livestock, or any of the benefits he has, may fear death for him . And whoever sees a decrease in some of his creation, that is a decrease in his worldly life . And whoever sees that he is in the form of a woman and her adornment, he will be afflicted with humiliation and affliction within himself, unless he sees that he has returned to his state . And it was said : If he is in a quarrel, let him reconcile with his opponent, for the argument is against him, for his favor is victorious by his need . If the woman saw that she had become a man, and she had an absent son, she contacted him, and if she was pregnant she would bring a boy, and if she was not pregnant then she would never give birth to a child, and if she gave birth to a child the boy died before reaching his age, and perhaps the interpretation devoted to her values ​​or owner, and he had a mention in People, and honor as much as the male bone . And whoever turns his body in a dream to the body of an animal, and if he is seven, he will dominate over him without him with his money or his authority and the severity of his grief or his cunning and deceit . If it is to an animal that can be eaten, it indicates its goodness or humiliation . And whoever sees himself as a feather or a wing, that is leadership and goodness that befalls him . If he sees that he is flying with his wing, then he travels in authority as far as he is on the ground . And whoever sees that his body is made of clay, he will not stay . And whoever sees that he has become of iron, his life will be long . And whoever sees that he has become a bridge or a bridge over which people cross, then he becomes a sultan, or the owner of the authority, or the equivalent of the sultan, or a scholar among the scholars, with whom people can reach in their affairs . And whoever sees that he has turned a stick, there is no good in it, for he is corrupt in his religion and in his world, except that he is tired in this world . If he sees that it has become a mace, then it is so, except that he does not obtain from him what he asks for the integrity of his command or his request . If he sees a sick child who has become a bird, it is evidence of his death . And whoever sees that he is deformed or likened to a monkey, that is the vanish of the grace of God Almighty . And whoever sees that he has been transformed into a camel or an animal or a seventh and the like, there is no good in him in religion, especially in any case . If he sees that he has turned into a bird, then he will be a car on the earth who travels, and his life in this world will be similar to that of that bird . Whoever sees that he has become a monster, he will leave the Muslim community and isolate them . And whoever sees that he has turned into a deer, he will have pleasure in living with women . And whoever sees that he has turned into a pig, his livelihood is fertile and humiliated in himself . And whoever sees that he is a spider, then he becomes a repentant worshiper of many sins ….

…If you dream of flying high in space, this indicates marital misfortunes . If you fly low and close to the ground, this predicts illness and anxiety states that you will be cured of . If you are flying over muddy water this warns you to take care of your personal affairs as enemies seek to attack you . Flying over ruined places heralds bad luck and a depressing environment . If you notice trees and greenery beneath you while flying, you will suffer temporary chaos, but abundant bounty will pour in . If you dreamed of seeing the sun while flying, this predicts trivial and unjustified troubles, as your affairs will be successful despite your fears . If you dream that you are flying in the dome of the evening, passing the moon and other planets, then this predicts famine, wars and troubles of various kinds . If you dream that you are flying with black wings, this predicts severe disappointments . If you fell while flying, this predicts your fall . If you wake up falling, you will be able to restore your condition to the way it was . If a boy dreams that he is flying with white wings over green plants, this foretells an improvement in business and he will be successful in love . If his dream is repeated, then this indicates the multiplication of good deeds and the fulfillment of desires . If the trees seem barren or dead, he will endure obstacles which he will bypass in order to fulfill his desires . He will continue, but his work will yield negligible returns . If a woman dreams that she is flying a plane from one city to another and lands on church towers, then this indicates that she will struggle a lot on the path of false pleasures and claims of love . She will be threatened by a catastrophic period of poor health and this may follow the death of someone close to her . If a girl dreamed that she was hit by a gunshot while flying, this means that the enemies will try to impede her progress to the worlds of success and higher good ….

…The village : the well-known denotes itself and its people and what comes from it and is known by it, because the place indicates its people, as the Almighty said : “ Ask the village, ” meaning its people . Perhaps the village indicated the abode of injustice, heresies, corruption, departure from the group, and deviation from the community of opinion of the people of Medina, and that is why God Almighty named the role of the oppressors in his book in the villages . It may refer to the ants ’house, and the ants’ house refers to the village, because the Arabs call it a village . Whoever demolishes a village or spoils it, or sees it ruined and those who are in it are gone, or a torrent is gone in it or burned with fire, and if it is known, authority is running over it, and this may indicate locusts, wilderness, sprigs, and usury . And fill in the anthill in the roof of the house, as well as in the upside down who made that with the alcove of ants or snakes, except for the people of the village with injustice and aggression, and on a church or house famous for immorality, and whoever sees that he has entered a fortified village, he kills or fights because God Almighty says : “They do not fight all of you except In fortified villages . ~ And it was said that whoever saw that he was passing from country to village, then he would choose a lowly matter over a fine matter, or he has done a good deed that he thinks is good, or he has done good that he thinks is evil, then he returns from it, and not with assertion, and if he sees that he entered a village, then it follows Sultan, if he departs from a village, then he will escape from hardship and rest, because God Almighty says : ~ Bring us out of this village the oppressor of its people .~ If he sees that a prosperous village has been ruined and farms are idle, then it is a misguidance or misfortune for its owners . And if he sees it full, then he is the goodness of the religion of its masters ….

…Hell: Whoever sees in a dream that he has entered Hell, then he commits major sins . If he comes out of it without being disliked, he falls into the worries of this world . And whoever sees the fire approaching, he will fall into the distress and ordeal of a ruler, and he will not be spared from it, and he will be hit by a fine and gross loss, and he is a harbinger for him to repent and return from what is in him, and if he enters it, then he will bring about the major sins and immoralities that God Almighty has enjoined upon him the limit. He speaks immorality and evil . And if he sees that he entered it with a smile, then he is corrupt, tyranny, and disobeys God Almighty . If he sees that he is still locked up in Hell, then he is still in this world poor and deprived, he does not pray or fast and does not mention God Almighty . And if he saw that he ate from Zaqqum Hell and its bosom and its pus, then he will gain iniquity and shed blood, and his affairs intensify against him . And whoever sees that he is black-faced and blue-eyed in Hell, then he will accompany the enemy of God Almighty, and he will be humiliated and blackened his face among people, and God Almighty will punish him in the hereafter with his wrongdoing . And whoever sees Hell in his sleep in person, let him beware of the Sultan or of the wrath of the Most Merciful . And whoever sees as if he has entered Hell, then he will be clear of every sin that he did not repent from, and if he sees that he has come out of Hell then he will repent from the sins, so if he drinks from its drink or ate from its food, he is still committing sins or is seeking knowledge that becomes a disaster for him . And hell in a dream is a sign of the demise of the position in this world, and perhaps it indicates poverty after wealth, loneliness after mankind, falling into adversity, permanent imprisonment, and shame in this world . If she indicates the wife, she was a troublemaker wife, and if she indicates the livelihood, her earnings are forbidden, and if she indicates the house, it is next to the people of immorality and negligence . If it indicates sickness, its consequence is death with a bad end, and if it indicates service it is with an unjust authority, and if it indicates knowledge it is heresy, and if it indicates work it was an unacceptable act, and if it indicates the child he was a child of fornication . And the entry of Hell may indicate the same question after wealth, and it indicates the house of heresy and immorality, the church, sales, fire houses, pigeons, tannery, slaughterhouses, and furnaces that are used to kindle fire for a benefit, and their entry indicates victory with desires . Likewise, al-Hatimah, and al-Hatata may be the one who thinks al-Hamz, al-Malaz and al-Majmiyyah, and Jhannam for the infidels and the hypocrites . And Saqr denotes leaving the truth, and delving into what does not mean, and denying the Day of Judgment . And the price of demons and those who create their morals . And the abyss is a sign of underestimation in measure and balance, or for those whose scales are lightened and do not burden them with good deeds . And Hell is for those who dominate and prefer the life of this world, and the lower grasp of the masters of hypocrisy, if he eats her head or drank those who wash her, or her scorpions bite him, or her life strikes him, or his skin changes to the skins of her people, or he is pulled on his face, or is turned back from ascending on his head, or struck in its place Or, its clientelists denounced it, for all this and the like is evidence of innovations in religion, the participation of the oppressors, adherence to the laws of the disbelievers, the creation of the morals of the polytheists and the scorners, the contradiction of the prophets and the abandonment of the pious, the apostasy of religion, the miserliness of God’s money from the deserving, and the disobedience of the Lord of the worlds, or the denial of his lordship and his power And likening him to his creation, may He be glorified and exalted, and seeing the owner of the keeper of fire is an indication of whoever moved in his capacity or fed him something good on love for God Almighty and His Messenger and for the believers and the Sultan, and on the distance from hypocrisy and relinquishment from sins, sins and whims after misguidance, and jealousy in religion, if he saw the treasurer, peace be upon him, coming to him He indicates his safety and security from his fire, and if he sees him turning away from him, or changing him in his face, he indicates that he has occurred in what necessitates his fire . And the treasury of Hell are the trustees, custodians, soldiers, assistants, police owners, parents and relatives . And whoever saw that Malik took his side and threw him into the fire, then his vision necessitates humiliation for him . If he sees that he has entered Hell and exited from it, then he will enter Heaven, God willing, or he will commit a sin and repent from it . And if he sees his body parts speaking to him, then it is evidence of rebuke for sins, and alertness to the matter of the Hereafter ….

…Pebbles her vision in a dream indicates men and women, young people, dirhams, pilgrimage and throwing stones, harshness and distress, insults and slander . So whoever saw a bird descended from the sky and picked up a pebble and flew with it, and that was in a mosque from which a good man perished, and if the dreamer was sick, and he was one of the people of goodness or one who prays in this mosque, then the owner of the vision is dead . If he picked up the pebble from a church, the patient’s corruption was considered . And if he took it from his home or from an unknown place, then the person of the vision would have a son . As for the one who picked up a number of pebbles, then he covered them in his garment or swallowed them, and he picked them up from a mosque, a scholar’s ​​house, or someone’s remembrance of knowledge and the Qur’an, and he benefited from remembrance and clarification as much as the pebbles were picked up . If it is picked up from the market, then it is interest in this world, and dirhams for it consist of trade or charity . And if it is from behind the trees, then gifts from the Sultan if he serves him, or benefits from the sea if he trades in it, or knowledge he acquires from a world if that is a gift from a rich wife, if he has a son, and if he does not have a son, he will have a son . As for whoever throws pebbles into the sea, his money will be lost . If he throws it into a well, he gives money for marriage or wealth for a servant . And if he threw an animal such as a lion, a tiger, a monkey, a grasshopper, a crow and the like, and that was during the days of Hajj, he threw the stones, and the origin of the stones is that Gabriel, peace be upon him, commanded Adam, peace be upon him, to throw the Devil at them when he was exposed to him, then it became Sunnah, and if that was not during the days of Hajj, it was a pebble His supplication against an enemy or immoral person, or insulting, insulting, or testimony he witnesses against him . And if he threw it with other than these races, such as pigeons and Muslims among the people, the man would be cursing backwards, speaking about the righteous among the people and the fortified ones . And pebbles scholars people . And it was said : Repentance to the disobedient and guidance to the infidel, and perhaps pebbles indicated martyrdom, because he swam in the palm of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace . Pebbles may indicate disease, such as sand . And he may indicate to the pensioners what they commit adultery with or seek guidance, or what is done of it . Pebbles are harsh words, and much of it is a concern . And whoever sees that he has a pebble that has its citrus in his ear and throws it away, then he hears a harsh word, and his ear flatters it ….

…It is in a dream religion . Whoever sees that he has descended from heaven as a pillar, then God Almighty blesses him with a just and wise authority . And whoever sees that he is struck with a pillar and was a slave, he is sold and took its price, and if he is free, he is afraid that he will be captured and sold as a slave is sold . And whoever saw that he leaned on a pillar base or bought it, he is relying on an old woman or marries an elderly woman, because God Almighty says : (And the rules are women ). The column is to be relied upon and relied upon . And whoever sees that a pillar has tilted from his place, and was a ruler, then his servant has tended to hypocrisy and deviation from his obedience, even if he was a slave that his master hated and perhaps sold him . The columns indicate men who are relied upon to pay the forbidden and the tasks of affairs . And whoever saw that he owned pillars and was worthy of the king, he would be king, even if he was a scholar over whom the heads of religion would meet . The column is a parent, child, money, partner, animal, or wife . And whoever sees himself as a pillar will die . The column is tears to derive from it . The column of marble is money, a man or an honorable woman, and if it was made of stone, it was fast and was not fixed for him, and if it was of wood, he was a hypocrite . And the mosque’s pillar, if it tilted from its place, is one of the sultan’s men who disobeys him . If it is a church pillar, then it is the destruction of an unbeliever or a heretic as a monk or a deacon . See also the pillar ….