
The dirham denotes in a dream the boy who is pregnant . And it was said : It indicates remembrance and praise, and it may indicate painful hitting . And some of them see that the dirhams for the one who struck them in a dream will be like their number while awake . If the dirhams are in a bundle or in a bag or pouch, then he will deposit a secret that he will keep for its owner . The dirhams indicate words, and if they are good, then they are knowledge, good words, and the fulfillment of a need or prayer . And the number of dirhams is the number of righteous deeds . And the broad dirhams indicate a wide world . And whoever sees tightened dirhams on his upper body, it is a craft that he acquires . And whoever sees that he owes a person a dirham, then he has a certificate of truth for him, and if he gives it to him in a broken way, he deviates from the certificate . And whoever saw that he lost a correct dirham, he advised an ignorant one and did not hear from it because he missed the correct speech . The sounds of dirhams and dinars indicate good words . The dirhams that are not engraved on them indicate pious words . And the dirhams on which the pictures are indicative of a heresy for the bearer and owner . The discounted dirhams is a litigation that does not expire . And the vision of taking dirhams is better than paying it . And whoever sees that he has ten dirhams and it becomes five, then his money decreases to that point, and if the dirhams are five, then it becomes ten, his money increases to that extent . The pure dirhams is the purity of the religion of the visionary and his good treatment of every person, and the dirhams scattered in a dream are good words . And whoever saw a dirham in his hand and it became a penny, he fell into bankruptcy, and if he had a penny in his possession, then it became a dirham that earned profit, goodness and advice, and if his dirham returned half, then he loses half of the money in his possession, and also or returns a quarter . If the dirham becomes a dinar, then he earns, and if the dirham becomes a piece of gold, then it is gone . And the existence of the dirhams profit and pleasure . And the flashy dirham is deceit, lies, breaks, and lives in forbidden and committing major sins . And it was said : Whoever is given horse dirhams will be cried over, and if he pays the dirhams to someone, he will cry over him . And whoever sees that he has lost a dirham or stolen from him, then he will complain about his son, or what he dislikes him suffers from him . And whoever saw that he was taken away from him or gone from him to an irreversible way, his child died . And whoever stole a dirham and gave it alms, he would narrate what he could not hear . Some of them said : The dirhams in the vision are a sign of evil, and all that is sealed with a rail, and a bad dirham is bad words . Dirhams are ointments that heal the wounds of hearts, and ward off grief, and also indicate worry . If it was fake, it was indicative of cheating in speech or action, hypocrisy and hypocrisy at work . A clear dirham is a state, a ball, or a sum of money, and indicates imprisonment and beatings, or buying and selling, and it is a security from fear, or an abundance of livelihood . If the dirhams are mixed with dinars, it indicates the answer to supplication, the fulfillment of needs, and the cure of diseases, and the deceitful ones are bad words, or a servant who has no good, and may indicate the fulfillment of needs in a violent manner .