See the keys and shut off

And whoever sees that he has hit a key or keys, then he hits a power or money and luck as much as the key, and if the woman sees that a key has been thrown to her, then she will marry a man, and whoever sees that he opened a door with a key and opens it for him, then he invokes a supplication that will be answered for him or he will be blessed with righteousness and goodness in his religion and world, or he will obtain his request that he requests If he saw that it was difficult for him to open the door, he did not reach what he was asking for until he opened it, and if he saw that he had closed a new door, then he would marry a righteous woman, and if he saw that he had opened it, he would leave her, and if he saw that he had closed an old door, he would leave his wife, and if he saw that he had opened it, he was happy with her and whoever saw that he closed Lock or unlock married a woman