Seeing giving to the dead and taking from them

And whoever sees that a dead person gives him something of food and drink and does not eat it, then he reduces his money by his measure, and that he eats it is good and benefit, and if he gives him something of the goods of the world then it is a good occurrence and hope has arrived and whoever sees a dead person gives him something of his clothes and puts it on, then there will be grief and sickness, and if he does not touch it and leave it until he takes it The dead person and his clothing, because it is evidence of his journey from the world sooner and Ibn Sirin said: Whoever saw that a dead person gave him two washed garments, then he got rich, and whoever saw that a dead person had lent his garment and then asked him, it is evidence of the jurisprudence of that dead person from goodness and whoever saw that a dead person gave him an old garment indicates lack The seer, even if the garment is new, indicates its wealth and its high value, and whoever sees that a dead person gave him something from the Qur’an or books of jurisprudence and the like, then this is evidence that the reconciliation of obedience has occurred and whoever sees that he has sold something to the dead, then it is evidence of that thing’s expensive and whoever sees that he has given something to the dead His response to him, because it is harmful and deficient, and some of them said whoever saw that the dead gave him something from the darling of the world, so it is better for him from a point where he is not counted, and whoever sees that the dead knows him in knowledge, he will have goodness in his religion as much as that, and whoever thinks that he removes his clothes and wears them for the dead, he will follow this if he knows It is out of his possession, and that does not harm him and everything that he sees will not As he gave it to a dead person, then it is not to Mahmoud except in two cases. If he sees that he gave his uncle or aunt something, then it affects an inheritance, and seeing the uncle and aunt in whatever way it was safe from non-existence, and whoever sees that a dead person buys food, then it is of little existence, and if he sells it, it will be depressed and whoever sees that he indulges the dead, then he He preaches and returns lost from their delusion