See the beating

With regard to beating, whoever sees that he is being beaten with a whip without tying his hands and feet, whether blood came out of him or not, then that is forbidden money and some of them said that whoever saw that someone hit him and did not know what caused him to beat him, he will obtain good and money, and whoever sees it as if an angel struck him from other than wood, then he clears it and if he struck it. On his back, he fulfills his debt, and if he strikes him on his disability, then he will marry him, and if he strikes him with wood, something he hates will befall him. It has been said that the beating indicates a change, and perhaps it indicates preaching. Some of them said that the beating is a supplication. Hitting him is good, and if he does not have any effect on him, then it is not neglected to be a word that is said in it, and if he sees that he was beaten and does not know how he was struck, then it is better and the best beating in interpretation is like this unless he is concealed or suppressed. that