Types of dresses

There are four types of clothing : Sufi, poetic, cotton, and linen, made of wool is money, and hair is money without it, and made of cotton is money, and linen is money without it, and the best clothes are what is new and wide and cheeky, and unbleached is better than short, and the creation of clothes and their dirt is poverty illusion and corruption of religion , Dirt and shag in the body and head are they . The whiteness of the clothes is a beauty in this world and religion, and the redness in the clothes for women is good, and it is disliked for men because it is the adornment of the Devil, unless the red is in a jacket, bed, or quilt, and when the man does not appear in it, then it is at that time happiness and joy, and the yellowish in the clothes is all a disease . It has been said that the redness is they, and the redness and the yellowishness in the body do not harm, because they do not deny or satisfy men, and green in clothes is good in religion, because it is the clothing of the people of Paradise . Black clothes are valid for those who wear them while awake, and know them, and they are supreme, wealth and authority, and they are not disliked .