Ayat al-Kursi, Ibn Sirin said, whoever recites it to individuals in particular will be safe from pests and get what he wants . Al-Kirmani said that he was ill, God healed . And Jaafar Al-Sadiq said, ~He will receive a dignity and dignity .~…

…Abu Saeed Abdullah bin Muhammad bin Abd al-Wahhab al-Razi told us, Muhammad ibn Ayyub al-Razi told us, he said Muslim bin Ibrahim told us. Koran said, what the Koran said that the best? Kursiy said, he hopes people? He said, ~Yes, you do not know, and we neither know nor do we work .~…

…Surat Al-Baqarah: Whoever recites it or recites it to him, as Nafeh and Ibn Katheer said, he is blessed with knowledge, long life, and righteousness in his religion, and Al-Kasaei agreed with him on that, and Aisha, may God be pleased with her, said : Whoever recited it in his sleep moved from one place to another and his luck would be in the place to which he moved . And Ibn Fadala, may God Almighty have mercy on him, said : If he followed it in sleep and was a scientist, his life would extend and his condition improved . Some scholars said : Whoever recites Surat Al-Baqarah will be a collector of religion, hastening to every reward, and be long-lived, little evil and patient with harm . If he reads the Ayat al-Kursi from it in a dream, he indicates his memorization and intelligence ….

…As for the seagull, it is interpreted by an evil person and a quarrel with Ayat Batat ….