The angel of death, peace be upon him

And whoever sees the king of death, peace be upon him, gladly, he will die a martyr, and if he sees him as a disgruntled man, he will die without repentance, and whoever sees as if he is fighting him then he will die . And it was narrated that Hamzah Al-Zayat said : I saw the angel of death in sleep, so I said, O king of death, we plead with God, is my humiliation with God of good? He said yes, and a sign that you die in Helwan, died in Helwan, the saw was the property of the angels , when news the son, Rizk son , a world satisfactory good reason, for the verse : ~ God Ibcrk word of it ~ 0 verse as saying : ~ I am only the messenger of your Lord Giver you Nay ~. And if he sees angels with their hands, fruit bowls, he will go out as a martyr .