Eat raw squash

If he sees that he is a raw gourd camel : according to other than what I have described, then he is frightened by the jinn and mankind, or he fights a person who is fighting him by quarreling in a war, or a clamor in which he is between them, but this is derived from the words of Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq, may God be pleased with him, and Saeed bin Al-Musayyib, may God be pleased with him. From it in the interpretation, and they used it by names and their meanings and interpreted it, so the eating of raw gourd was similar in names to the crab, which is the greatest fear, and the man’s confrontation with its owner in the quarrel and war between them, and in the name of the knock out the man knocks with it who harms him, but the interpretation of the gourd tree and its paper is similar to what Yunus was attached to. Peace with the pumpkin tree when it came out of the belly of the whale, returning to his country in Mosul and his people, and became comfortable with his wildness . And a fighter said, that a prophet from the Children of Israel complained to God that his mind was gone, so he commanded him to eat a cooked gourd, which is a pumpkin, so the squash became cooked and the mind of its owner returned to it .