
Al Majbar : A king of craftsmanship who composes rights and rulers on integrity, and he is originally good for his name indicative of everyone who has good deeds on his hands in religion and the world, such as the sultan, the ruler, the jurist, and a lot of charity, and such as the shkaf, the tailor, the coral, the construction, the bitar and their ilk . Whoever saw that he stood with Jabir in a disease that he had fallen into or broke his affliction, then look at the condition of the questioner and the reality of the disease and its location, until he learns from al-Jaber about that from his involvement in the interpretation. In it, that is a testimony on his neck, a vow, or a debt that he is released from at the hands of a ruler or scholar . And whoever saw his joints or his bones were separated, so the forced one joined them together until his body was restored properly, indicating that he separates a garment and pushes it to a dressmaker to sew it . And if that is in the right hand in particular, then the one who is forced to work on it mighty and tied it to his neck, for he is a man who forces him with his kindness, freeing his hands from the craftsman and the deeds and preventing them from accepting alms . And if that is in all of his legs or one of them, then his interpretation is similar to that unless he has an animal, then I fear that an accident will descend on it, and he will need a farrier .