…What is the truth of sleep? Al-Khattabi said in Gharib al-Hadith : It is a heavy trance that attacks the heart and cuts it off from knowledge of outward matters . It was said a strange definition, which is : It is the flow of blood to the liver and its meeting in it is nothing but . It has been proven on the authority of the Prophet [ may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family ] that he said : Sleep is the brother of death, and the people of Paradise do not sleep . It was authenticated by al-Albani in al-Sahih [1087] and at the present time there are [ several theories ] that tried to explain sleep, including : The vascular theory : sleep is explained by the lack of blood on the brain . Chemical theory : It says that sleep is the result of the effect of chemical reactions and metabolism, so toxic substances are formed in the blood that abound, pass to the brain and increase sleep . Pavlov’s Theory : Concerning Causation and Arousal . Ray Medes theory : He is a professor of humanities at the University of London, and he explained sleep usually, and says that a person is accustomed to sleep and therefore sleeps, and therefore if he gets used to leaving sleep little by little, he did not sleep at all, and remained awake . This disturbance or perplexity in the matter of sleep is with the one who does not believe in the unseen. As for the Muslim and the believer, he believes in what he came from God and His Messenger, because he knows that this is the truthful news to ensure knowledge, truthfulness, and the completeness of the statement, as the Almighty said [ Does he not know who is created and he is the kind and the expert ] ,,,, , So he believes in an outlined belief in what is more beautiful and detailed in what has been detailed, and entrusts knowledge to his world, and whether or not he realizes the method, and whether he knows the wisdom of the matter or not, and he obeys God and his wisdom, law and law, his state is what the angels said : [ Glory be to you we have no knowledge except what You taught us that You are the Knower, the Wise ]. Be aware that sleep is initially a perplexing matter in its attack on man and his control over him and severing this person’s relationship with the outside world, without the slightest will of man, and some wait for hours and do not come to him, and may come to him at a time when he does not want him, and some flee from bed and from sleep for fear of what he used to be Afflicts him and comes from nightmares or Jathoom ….
Dreaming about 5 or 320 select 320 from pg_sleep 15
(37 interpretations and meanings of dreams about 5 or 320 select 320 from pg_sleep 15)…Sleep is against perception, and vision is perception, so how does it meet sleep? Imam Al-Asfari said : If sleep is generalized, there is no awareness, sleep or vision, and if the presentation of sleep is made by some soul, then the perception of the dream or the vision is carried out by others . Therefore, the dream or vision occurs when light sleep . This is in agreement with modern medicine that divides sleep into degrees and in the first degrees, dreams, dreams, relaxation, and storing of information occur in the transition from short memory to long memory, and if a person wakes up in it, he is active . See / Ali Kamal [93 97 d / Anwar soldier [306 343]. It is also said in the answer to the previous question : Just as the understanding is uneven and has its own people, reasons, inhibitions, and inhibitions, so also perception and sleep, each one of them has different people. Many and few, strength and weakness . The presence of a group for one of them does not mean that all the other people are absent from man. Some of this people may meet with the other. It was reported that when the angels came to the Prophet [ may God bless him and grant him peace ] some of them said that he fell asleep, and others said that the eye is asleep and the heart is awake ….
…What is meant by sleeping and what is it true? Sleep as mentioned in the dictionary : a period of rest for the body and mind, during which the will and awareness are partially or totally absent, and during which the physical functions partially cease . And it is said to many who sleep : Noaman, and : Sleep . Sleep is called : sleep; And so it is said : He saw such-and-such in his dream, that is, in his sleep. The Almighty said [ Oh, son, I see in a dream that I slaughter you, so see what you see …] and what I see in a dream : that is, in sleep . Sleeping is one of the characteristics of human beings, and that is why God himself relieved it by saying : [It does not take a year nor sleep ] , and the Sunnah is sleepiness, and for this he said : There is no sleep, and sleep is stronger than the Sunnah, and it came in the Sahih on the authority of Abu Musa Al-Ash’ari who said : The Messenger of God rose up in us May God bless him and grant him peace, and he said : [ God does not sleep and he should not sleep ]. In this sense, God Almighty says: [ He is the one who made the night wear for you . And sleep is slumber . And he made the day a nashr ] , and the meaning : that he made sleep interrupt the movement; For the rest of the body, then the night is still in motion, and the movements rest and rest, so that the soul and body sleep comfortably ….
…Sleep is in a dream inattention . And whoever sees that he is asleep or wants to sleep, then that indicates unemployment, and it is bad for all people except for those who are in fear, or expect distress or torment to fall into him . And whoever sees that he is sleeping in a cemetery or on a grave, this indicates to the sick person death and the correct one to unemployment . Sleeping is evidence of delaying benefits and neglecting what God Almighty has enjoined upon a person of righteousness . And perhaps sleep indicates an excused travel for obedience and diligence, and abandoning the world and celebrating its adornment . If people see people sleeping in a dream, it indicates a general death, or high prices . And whoever sees that he is sleeping on his back, he will be able to get out of this world, and sleep indicates a lack of worry . Sleeping on a face that does not praise, and indicates to the governors of their isolation, and to others of lack and poverty . And sleeping for a single woman is marriage . And it was said : Sleep is the removal of sin, because the pens of the angels are removed from the sleeper . And it was said : Sleep is a sugar that covers the mind, or a disease . And whoever sees that he is asleep and is afraid, then he is safe . And it was said : Sleep indicates neglect of interests . Sleeping on the back is a distraction, humiliation and death, and perhaps indicates a business vacuum . And sleeping on the side is news, illness, or death . And whoever saw that he lay under many trees, his seed would have multiplied . And sleep on the stomach, winning the land, money and the boy ….
…Do animals dream? It is known that God Almighty has distinguished man over animals with reason, and reason as it is known from what it is based upon upon commissioning, and that is why God raised the pen from the insane, and if we have decided that dreams about them are not good news for their owner or warning him, and this is impossible for the animal because it is not The presence of her mind; Which is the subject of assignment, as we said, we decide here that the animal does not have the visions that are contained in the meaning of the good tidings or the warning, but it may have the ability to see some of the dreams whose events lived, but where is the machine that makes these dreams come out to us in light of its inability to speak and dialogue And understanding? I asked a lot of specialists and pet breeders, and they decided that their animals at night have a lot of turmoil, movement, change in mouth movement or screaming, which is the result of dreams of these animals . The study found one of the institutes in the United States on behalf of : (MIT News) The study entitled : Animals have Complex dreams MIT researcher proves issued in the history of 24-1 – 2001 and which proved this study include : that animals dream, and any owner of the animals can To see and discover this fact, and this may seem strange, but it is the truth. The animal’s mind is active during sleep as it is when working, and the animal’s sleep differs between deep sleep and simple sleep, and many experiments have been conducted on mice through which it has been proven that mice in their sleep move from the stage To a stage and from what is known that dreaming occurs in humans during the stage of deep sleep, and the same thing happens to mice . Animals have complex and complex dreams – as the study proves – and they dream about specific events that happen to them in waking life . And the conclusion that I come to is : 1_ that animals have the ability to sleep and to absorb it . 2_ Animals see some of the dreams in which they live their events or their events . 3_ There are no first and second types of animal dreams, and I mean promising visions, or warning dreams . 4_ The animal has no ability to narrate the dream, due to its inability to speak, but rather it reaches the occurrence of its dreams from the expressions of its faces during sleep . 5_ The reason for the impossibility of the first and second types of dreams among animals is the absence of the mind, and therefore it is likened to the madman who was lifted from the commission and is not held accountable for his actions, rather he may not feel what surrounds him or is planning for him, so it is noticed, for example, on Eid al-Adha that the animals that were imprisoned The night of Eid does not show her unnatural emotions during her sleep, even though in the morning she will be slaughtered, and this is due to her lack of awareness and awareness due to the lack of her mind, and the same applies to the child who has not been discerned and to the insane, they may sleep full of their eyes, even if the morning is the announcement of their execution !! And God knows best ….
…Psychotherapy Some sleep disturbances, such as nightmares, disturbing dreams, walking during sleep and talking during sleep, are caused by unresolved problems and conflicts and surrounding experiences. Therefore, the individual should undergo psychological treatment, as it is done through the process of emotional discharging and free association to identify such conflicts and try to explain them to the patient and then increase Astbesarh by which helped him to return to normal sleep and see : ~ Encyclopedia of Psychiatry ~ – Volume I – d . Abdel Moneim El Hefny . ~ Behavioral disorders and their treatment .~ D. Jumu’ah Syed Yusuf c : The Jathoom : It is derived from our saying : The person or animal perched perched , and its meaning remained in place and did not leave , or what it means is : sticking to the ground, so he perched . A nightmare and called Word in Jathaam or al Koran they became in their house Jtman ) ( usages : 78 ) This Arabic word is called baroque Alnidlan , may be located in a pressure on the chest of the sleeper is not able to move with him (1). To illustrate this , I explain to you as to whether he saw a man in a dream of so – called Paljathom described to sense the sleeper Bshi E mutes himself , nor can it salvation , and trying to wake up , can not only after strenuous attempts, Vistiqz has reached its fatigue severe amount sweats and hand , and troubled himself , and the feel of this case came to him before he Kalmchlol waking up , and hopes that one slide , no doubt that this case that man hit the sleep of panic . The peace be upon him know when his companions dread this prayer : ~ I seek refuge in the words of God , full of anger and from the evil of His slaves and from the evil demons Bibliography , and attend ~ (2). As stated in the isti’aadhah of intimidation in a dream narrated by Malik he said : Khalid bin Walid said on sale! : O Messenger of Allah , I am in a dream . He said peace be upon him : ~ Say : I seek refuge with Allah ‘s perfect Ichaelmat from the evil of anger and torment and evil cult , and Bibliography of demons , and attend ~ (3). Here meditator in these conversations noticed that the Prophet peace be upon him directed the servant when you see such disturbing dreams , nightmares , guided by the recourse to God and seek refuge with him from the evil of anger and anguish , and Bibliography of demons and annoyance , in order not to attend him , and staged a sit -in God Esme God . There is no doubt that the reflection of the state of people today notice when most of them away from God and to rely on the world and the pleasures and distance from the Book of Allah and wird Sayings , and replace it by listening to musical instruments and songs, so that some young people sleep and headphone music in his ears and whether such attend him Mullah Ikh and descend upon him mercy ? But today that mosques have become infested by music , became like her to deprivation ; This is because of the mobile devices, most of whose tones have become musical pieces that harm the hearing of the worshipers during their prayers , and whose owners may prevent the descent of mercy and the presence of the angels , according to Abu Bakr bin Musa who said : I was with Salem bin Abdullah bin Omar , so I passed the companionship of the mother of the boys in it bells , Salem came to pass his father from the Prophet peace be upon him , he said : ~ angels do not accompany them Rkpo jingle ,~ and Algelgel : small bell attached to the necks of animals (4). Many have chosen people today are far from God , and the distance from the Koran , and the distance from the male , and therefore replaced by the choice of good companionship bad Balrvqh , Is not God in his book says : )omn live mention Rahman antithesis of his devil he is his spouse ) ( Zukhruf : 36 ). What is meant : displays for Rahman and his unification Contrary to any make his companion of the devil he is his companion in this world and in the Fire (5). And this devil adorns him with falsehood and evil , bored him with dhikr and obedience, and makes his happiest times with amusement, music and singing , and like this it is necessary for him to hold himself accountable and correct for it , and to resemble the righteous and the last who remember God standing and resting and on their side , the remembrance is not separated from their tongue , people in Gflathm cut Flathm . It is also felt like this kind of visions desolate and afraid of them , explain to him to seek refuge with them , stone son said in al- Fath was mentioned in the recipe seeking refuge from the evil vision effect is true , narrated by Sa’eed ibn Mansoor and Ibn Abi Shaybah and Abdul Razak isnaads correct Ibrahim Nakha’i said : ~ If you saw in a dream what he hates , let him say if he woke up : I seek refuge with Aazt by God ‘s angels and messengers of this evil that strikes me where my vision Maol in religious Dnaaa ~(6). I advise all sleep here wanted to read wird before Sayings sleep and can be found more easily than many leaflets in mosques and libraries , and the most important of these wird : 1 – State of the chair . 2 – “ Say, He is God is one ” 3 – Al- Mu`wadhatan : ( Say I seek refuge in the Lord of people ) , ( Say I seek refuge in the Lord of people ). 4 – I seek refuge in the complete words of God from the evil of what He has created . 5 _ I seek refuge in the words of God full of every devil and every eye is important for the nation . 6 _ In the name of God , who does not hurt anything with his name on Earth nor in the Heavens and He is the Hearing , the Knowing . 7 _ Your name Lord put my side and your Lord wear it up , if I grabbed myself Varahmha , and sent him save it, including reservation righteous slaves . 8 _ Oh God , I submit myself to you and directed me to you and authorized my order to you , and my back to you desire GATT and the awe of you , not a refuge nor spared you only to you , secured your book , which was revealed and Npik that you sent . 9 _ in your name Oh God , I die and live . 10 – verses of the three days of Sura starting verse . : “ God is what is in the heavens and what is on the earth, and that you manifest what is in yourselves …” the verses . These Awrad be – God willing – Caldra , which protect you from PROD accursed Satan and his harm , and this is exactly like the battle entered and the dress of war, The arrival of the spears and swords to him have difficulty , and up to him and hurt him to prevent it her of dress and so too , who sleeps and shelter before sleep this wird The legend does not reach Satan with the help of God (7). ________________________________ (1 ) lexicon mediator – op – r (107 ). (2 ) hasan hadeeth narrated by Imam Tirmidhi in the book calls the door of what Gah held in praise by hand – op – 0 narrated by Imam Ahmad in the palm of Almktherin companions, palm Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al – Aas , may Allah be pleased with them – op – And it was narrated by Abu Dawood in the Book of Medicine, Bab How to Raqqa – previous reference -. (3 ) visions of the Prophet peace be upon him ( p . 19 ) – op – and reported by Imam Ibn Hajar in al- Fath (371/12 ) and attributed to Imam Malik and women, different Bosanao, said originally Abu Dawood, Tirmidhi and classed as ruler And correct it . See : Zaad for the son of values (2 /468 ) – op -. (4 ) Narrated by Imam Women in the door decorations Algela Gel book , Imam Ahmad in the palm of Almktherin companions , palm Abdullah ibn Umar ibn al – Khattab may Allah be pleased with him , a director in the right chain of Albany (4 \ 493 ) – a reference earlier -. (5 ) interpretation of Ibn Abbas – op – ( p . 413 ). (6 ) See : Ibn Hajar – Fath al – Bari , (12 /371 ) – op -. (7 ) See : Zaad Ibn values – op – (365 \ 2 ) , I said : proved a lot of scientists have the effect of modern jinn human beings, and they said : is the real effect if the phenomenon is not visible ; And they inferred the entry of air, microbes and others into the human body . This confirms the possibility of entering the jinn to the human body as well . ** Quoted by Dr. Fahd Al-Osaimi…
…Treatment of sleep disorders : General procedures : . Get rid of bad habits that affect sleep , such as : eating too much for dinner . . . Or drink lots of fluids before bed , or drink stimulants such as tea, coffee, Coca-Cola, chocolate and smoking . . Not taking the unresolved problems and concerns of the day before to the bedroom . . That the individual be characterized by asserting himself and expressing himself , and frankness with others so that he does not carry himself beyond its capacity or feel remorse, which exposes him to nightmares and terrifying dreams because of thinking about these matters and mistakes that occurred during the day . . Choosing the appropriate position for sleeping on the side , and following the guidance of the Prophet in that is a very beneficial matter . And start to sleep on the right side and read some sayings before bed . . Taking care of the bedroom and taking into account that it is away from noise and high light and making it a place to sleep only ** Quoted by Dr. Fahd Al-Osaimi…
…Disordered panic sleep or Almkhaovh night : I would like to mention this kind of sleep disorders to differentiate between him and Ben nightmare , is a bout of severe panic and panic accompanied by high voices trailing movement : high levels of nervous involuntary activity , it promotes the individual from his sleep , sitting or standing so Usually during the first third of a night’s sleep, he shouts a shriek of terror, and often times he hurries to the door as if it was an attempt to escape . . It is usual to complete the Nuba are forgotten in the morning, and frequent seizures if the person is tired or suffering from a social psychological pressure . ** Quoted by Dr. Fahd Al-Osaimi…
…I suffer from not waking up , what is the solution? Sometimes the assembly brings me together , or the conversation sometimes brings me together with someone who suffers and says : I am very heavy sleep , and no one can wake me up even for prayer !! Is there a cure for these ??? First of all, I say that we are living countless many blessings, and this sleep is nothing but a very simple example, then I say that someone who suffers from difficulty getting up from his sleep, or suffers from a sleep disorder in him, I do not find for him a better treatment than the five prayers, a beneficial and healing treatment, God willing, God, glory be to Him, when he said : [ The prayer was on the believers on time ] He has set a secret for prayer in terms of time, so whoever adheres to the prayers on time, he will not sleep, so that he has a satisfactory phenomenon, and it is known that he who suffers from staying up late at night, for example He is one who takes his right to sleep during the day, and he who sleeps early at night is one who wakes up at the beginning of the day, and this is often, otherwise there may be someone who sleeps early and finds it difficult to wake up at dawn, but the treatment is for these if they know; He is keen to perform each prayer at its time, and if each one of these applies this system, I am certain that the problems of staying up late, or lack of sleep, or difficulty sleeping, and turning on the bed will end a lot, and you only have to try and then judge, and beware of being Whoever wakes up for his work, for example, and his work with all difficulty and great difficulty, but he is defeated in the same battle with sleep at the time of the dawn prayer, this is our permanent battle, and I remember by the way that my son told me I hate studying because it makes us wake up very early !! So I said to him, son : if you did not wake up to study, you would wake up for Fajr prayer, because the problem will remain with you while sleeping, and there is no solution for it except that you are satisfied with sleeping at the beginning of the night ….
…Sleep If you dreamed that you slept in a clean and comfortable bed, this foretells that you will live in happiness and peace of mind happy with your loved one . If you sleep in places of rest and waiting not designated for sleeping, then this predicts illness and work stops . If you sleep next to a small child, this foretells of mutual love and joys at home . If you see others sleeping in a dream, then you will overcome all obstacles that keep you from having pleasure with women . If you dream that you are sleeping with an unpleasant person or something unpleasant, this foretells that your love will fade away, and your feelings will change towards the one you love, and you will regret this reckless act . If a girl dreams that she is sleeping with her lover or with something beautiful magician, this warns her not to surrender voluntarily to his charm and charm ….
…As for sleep, whoever sees that he is asleep is corrupt in his religion, and perhaps he is oblivious to his own interests because Imam Ali, the generosity of God, said : People sleep, and if they die, they are finished . It came in the supplication, God warn us from the sleep of the heedless ….
…Al-Salmi said sleep is a rest for the Almighty saying, ~And we made your sleep a slumber, ~ meaning rest, and some of those expressing a vision of sleep said that it consists of eight aspects of security, comfort, negligence, corruption, death, money and weakness, strength and Sanaa, and as for vigilance, it is interpreted by movement, seriousness and the desire for obedience ….
…What is the difference between sunnah, nap and sleep : Perhaps this subtle issue deserves to be included in the book , and from what has been said about the difference between them : that the vapors are constantly rising from the body to the brain . Whenever she encountered lukewarm or fatigue, she seized it . It is the mineral of sensation and movement, and it is a sunnah . The seizure of the sense of sight is a nap . And if the whole body is an independent sleep . Ah . See : “ Al-Qarafi fi Al Dhakhira ” (1/227):…
…What do we Muslims believe in the reality of sleep? Sleep is a sign of God ‘s miracle function perfection ability and resurrection of the dead, and God made him rest for the body and spirit together, as he says : [ and mercy make you day and night to repose in it , and you may seek from the bounty of the meaning ] stories 73. The Almighty says [ God who made the night find repose in the day – sighted ] Ghafir 61 says the Almighty [ who is a God comes to you at night , you live in it ..] stories 72 and say grateful , including the creation of verses including the night [ unconformity Alabbah make night accommodation, sun and moon thunderbolt ] cattle 96 , he said the Almighty [ and Halna Nomkm repose and made us night clothes and made the day a pension ] news 9 11 If God made in the night verse indicates his ability and then worship and monotheism to him, and make at night serenity, tranquility and security, and progress and said : [ as Agshekm sleepy safe from him ] Anfal 11…
…Can visions be interpreted in sleep? It was mentioned in some authentic hadiths on the authority of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, that he saw some of the visions and was satisfied with their interpretation that was mentioned in the dream. His example is, for example, but not limited to : his visions of Umm Haram and that they are with those who invade the sea, and his visions of Aisha :: when I show them before I He marries her, and his visions : In the Antichrist, and Ibn Hajar mentioned in al-Fath on the authority of Ibn Battal indicating that this is possible. Ibn Battal said when he spoke about the hadith of Ibn Umar when he saw Hell and that it was folded like a well : In this hadith that some of the vision does not need an expression And that what is interpreted in sleep is its interpretation in waking, because the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, did not elaborate more on what the king interpreted, and God knows best ….
…Benefit in knowing the reality of sleep. The wise men said: Sleep comes from a moderate vapor that rises to the brain after eating food, and there are two benefits from it in the body, the first is the rest of the organs and the prey, and the second is the digestion of food ….
…What is the reason for those who say that I do not dream ?? I often have a meeting or a conversation with someone who tells me : I do not dream … and you see him annoyed sometimes ! And you see him say this sarcastically sometimes ! And a state tongue; I am not someone who cares about your major ! By analyzing a number of personalities who live in this phenomenon, we can say that this phenomenon exists in the beginning, and it has appeared to me that the most important reasons behind it are the following : 1 / Forgetfulness . Many who dream or see a vision may forget it, or forget it, and this is the wisdom of the Mighty and Mighty One . Therefore, there may be someone who suddenly remembers a dream he saw, or a sincere vision that he saw . 2 / The severity of falling asleep for someone who suffers such a phenomenon, and so he who takes too much sleep in his sleep resembles the dead, and this kind little remembers what he sees in his sleep . 3 / Whoever works sometimes during the day and sometimes at night, and sometimes at night and at other times during the day, and so forth, and these people often do not remember their dreams or visions, and I reached this last category recently and after extensive investigation and examination, and I published it here for the first time. The reason behind not remembering their visions or dreams is that they are not as comfortable in their sleep as those who have a fixed sleep regime at night, and those who sleep at night, are the ones who get the greatest benefits of sleep . 4 / He who has personal attitudes against this knowledge because of some of the commentators, and whether the reason is correct or wrong, then he sees him hostile to this knowledge by this means, and he says that he does not dream or does not see the vision . 5 / He’s really poor vision . These are some of the reasons for this phenomenon, and God knows best ….
…Abu Ya’qub Ishaq bin Badran al-Faqih told us in Makkah, on the authority of Ibrahim bin Al-Arar, on the authority of Ibn Abi Al-Dunya, on the authority of Muhammad bin Al-Hussein, on the authority of Saeed bin Khalid bin Zaid Al-Ansari, on the authority of a man from Basra who attends the graves, he said : I attended a grave one day, and put my head Close to him, then two women came to me in my sleep, and one of them said : O Abdullah, God pleaded with you not to distract us from this woman and not to adjacent to us with her . He said, I woke up in panic, and then a woman’s funeral was brought, so I said the grave is behind you, so I sent them to that grave . When it was night, behold, the two women were in my dream, one of them said : May God reward you for us, for you have spent a long time from us . I said : What is the matter of your friend? Do not talk to me as you talk to me. She said : This one died without a will, and the right of those who died without a will not to speak until the Day of Resurrection ….
…As for crying : It was narrated on the authority of Ibn Sirin that she said : Crying in sleep is the apple of an eye, and if it is accompanied by crying, mourning and dancing, it is not praised ….
As for sleep, whoever sees that he is asleep, then it is corruption in his religion, and perhaps he is oblivious to the interests of himself. And whoever sees that he is covered with sleepiness, then he is safe, and whoever sees that he was sleeping and woke up, he finds something he was oblivious to, and whoever saw that he woke up asleep guides him to the path of truth and whoever sees that someone Wake him up for that
…And whoever sees that he is praying in his sleep, it indicates neglect of something ….
…Snoring in sleep : denotes the dreamer’s negligence and deceived those who deceived him . And as for raising the voice, it rises loudly against a people in an objectionable manner, based on what God Almighty says : ~And lower your voice .~ And if he sees as if he hears a good, clear voice, he is attaining the mandate . And whoever sees it as if a person hears insulting, she gets hurt and then conquers it and is victorious over it, and it was said that it is a right for the slanderer who is insulting, just as any slanderer has to limit him . And if the insulting is the property, then the one who is insulted is better than the one who is insulted, because he is the one who is blasphemous, and the one who is blamed is Mansour . And whoever sees that he is shouting alone, his strength is weak . If he raises his voice above a scholar, then he is committing a sin because God Almighty says : “ Do not raise your voice above that of the Prophet .” Scholars are the heirs of the prophets ….
…Visions in terms of the definition of the term ** First : the definition of visions when Muslim scholars : Muslim scholars set out in the definition of the vision of a special legitimacy of those texts that Vq Guet between vision and other than man sees in his dream and E of these texts , which began scientists in their definitions through which modern Abu Qatada agreed upon : ( true dreams of God and the dream of the devil ) (1) and the doctrine of the year in that vision : a set of beliefs and INSERTED Cat God delivered in the heart of the slave at the hands of a king or a demon . Either by their names any truth . Either we intend it, or it is wrong . Ibn al- Arabi said : This is similar in the case of vigilance contained thoughts on the human heart and thought it E ) T on the format . Ie on one system . Otherwise, it may come in an uncollected extract . And defined forward , she said al-maziri : the doctrine of the Sunnis in the truth of Revelation . That God Almighty creates beliefs in the heart of the sleeping person just as He creates them in the heart of the awakened, and He, Glory be to Him, does what He wills that does not prevent him from sleep or awakening, so if He created these beliefs it is as if He made them a science on other things He creates them in the second case, or He created them . And I knew that they are : beliefs that God creates in the heart of the sleeper – just as He creates them in the heart of the awakened, so if he creates them, it is as if he made them a flag on other things, then he creates them in the second case, and those beliefs sometimes fall in the presence of the king, then what is easy falls after . And sometimes the devil is in the presence of falls beyond what hurts . (2) In fact , the meditator in tariff notice that they are similar to a large extent as observed signal to differentiate between the two types of what man sees in his dreams . Which I will talk about in the next paragraph . Anne Alhadit also noticed Acar by saying : ( true dreams of God , and the dream of the devil ) that God creates the vision and beliefs that make them pleased to note that without the presence of the devil . And he creates what is knowledge on what harms the presence of Satan, so he attributes a reward to Satan for his presence with her, even if he has no real action . This is the meaning of saying ( peace be upon him ) (( Revelation of God and the dream of the devil )) is not on the devil to do something . Some scientists : that the devil has done and the impact of direct evidence of the hadeeth Jaber may Allah be pleased with him said : A man came to the Prophet , peace be upon him , said : (( I saw as if my neck hit, he said : ( one of you Btalb the devil did not happen? ) Narrated by Muslim and Imam Ahmed, and this term of Imam Ahmad . in the word when Imam Muslim : he said : O Messenger of God : I saw in a dream as if my head hit Vtdhrj Vachtddt on its impact . the Messenger of God inflectional : ( not speaking people Btalb the devil to go to sleep ) Jabir said : I heard the Prophet peace be upon him after a sermon he said : Hala making a one of you Btalb the devil in his sleep . (3) Imam Muhammad Safaareeni mercy of God said : to be Btalb the devil that he sees in his dreams what saddens him . it enters worry and anger and confuse him in his vision . he manipulated 0 said to each action that does not work it useful : but you are a player . he said in an interview , istinja said , peace be upon him ( that Satan plays the seats in the sons of Adam ) (4) ie it attends ‘s locations , istinja and monitors hurt and corruption? because it places deserted where Allah reveals where he commanded awrahs Bstrha and to refrain from exposure to the eyes of viewers and Mohab the wind and Rchata urine . all this Satan played and this opinion is correct, so the dream from Satan becomes reality . He is the one who portrays him as a reality, not a reward . This is from his permanent and declared hostility to humans . The act of the devil if Napata fact . No metaphor . Sayyid Qutb , may Allah have mercy on him , he said : above all . We decide that knowing its nature or not knowing it has nothing to do with proving its existence and the veracity of some of it . . . Until he said . . . We perceive the nature of these visions in this way that the barriers of time and space are what prevent this human creature from seeing what we call the past and the future . Or the hidden present . And that what we call the past or the future is obscured by the factor of time . The distant present also obscures the place factor . And that the sense of what is in a person, we do not know its nature, is awakened or strengthened, so it overcomes the barrier of time and sees what is behind it in an ambiguous form . Not a science, but a trace . Etc. his words . Then he said : And I can lie everything before I lie, an accident that occurred to me while I was in America and my family in Cairo . And I saw when the sleeper saw the son of a sister to me as a young man, with blood in his eye that kept her from seeing . So I wrote to my family inquiring about his own eye . The response came to me that his eye had internal bleeding and that he was being treated . It is noticed that the internal bleeding is not seen from the outside . It was a sample view of those seen by the naked eye normal sight, but was hidden from sight of internal bleeding at the bottom, either vision has revealed that Mahjoub blood inside (5) ** Second : the definition of visions when scientists non – Muslims : For scientists , non – Muslims , they have There are many reprehensible stories on this subject, and the reason for this is that they tried to find facts that are not aware of the mind to which they appeal in this and many other aspects . They also do not believe or believe in revelation or hearing, and therefore their words were disturbed . Whoever belongs to medicine attributes all the vision to the four mixtures, which are phlegm, bile, blood, and black, for example : They say that whoever is overwhelmed by sputum sees that he is swimming in water, because of the water’s suitability for the nature of the sputum, and whoever is overcome by yellow sees the flames, and this is not evidenced by it nor is it usually done. And what they said is a type of vision and the vision is not limited to it , for we know that some of it is from the soul , some of which is from Satan and some of it is from the Most Merciful . And philosophers claim that the pictures of what is going on in the earth is the world’s top Kalnicoh what adjoin some of them Antakec in the heart of the sleeping , and this Plato ‘s theory known as the theory of the ideals that most opinion corrupt than its predecessor , because Alantqash of the qualities of objects and what is going on in the upper symptoms of the world , and symptoms Do not discuss it . Some non – Muslim scholars have to try to unravel the mystery of dreams and access through which to judge the human psyche, motives and tendencies and trends and even held . He has published the world of Sigmund Freud named author ( analysis of dreams ) in 1899 AD , and sees that as the ( ego ) in the event of vigilance is the one who controls the strength of the movement, this function disrupted during sleep , and then fades a large censorship imposed on the part The ( is ) or subconscious said : The withdrawal of psychological shipments that the function of control or weaken it allows some freedom now seems . Intended dream state • Harmless . It has been used ‘ Freud ‘ analysis of dreams as a means to reach the depths of the unconscious and Akoshvh for his secrets . Freud ‘s Anne is dreams as a ~ Royal Road ~ ( to the Subconscious containing the contract and the motives and repressed desires . And cared scientist ~ Karen Horney ~ analysis of dreams . They see that dreams increase insight about the situation and reveal some trends of the patient towards the world . It is believed ~ Aaark from ~ that dreams reflect the reasonable elements and elements unreasonable personal at the same time (6). It is noticeable from this brief presentation to their point of view these include : _ focus on the use of dreams as a means to enter the patient ‘s world and find out the cause of his illness , or condition . . they focus only on the so – called Bodgat dreams , which thinks about the man before his sleep and then see after his sleep , or focus on something that has nothing to do with dreams , but is what they do with patients in psychiatric clinics after making it relax in the clinic and leaves talking about himself and for his work and his wife and those around him , and the doctor to monitor this talk , and enter through this personal patient , and this is quite different from the visions that man sees in a dream by the king of vision . Sayyid Qutb says : says a school of psychoanalysis about the nature of vision : it Photo Dreams breathe in pent-up desires in the absence of awareness, and this represents a part of dreams . But not all represented . And Freud himself . On all his unscientific control over his theory, he decides that there are prophetic dreams . (7) says Mohammed Ali Qutb supporter of Sayyid Qutb : I have adopted ~ Ofroed ~ in more analysis and conclusions on Alrai and then sat through which the rules and the foundations on which he built his theories in psychology , but • unfortunately – it was heading in the symbols and meanings direction physically, or It is a decadent animal, so the person does not do justice to his humanity , and the vision – no doubt – is partial in a person’s daily life , but it is in a framework of the occult from the world of revelation, life coexistence and sensory practice , a vision that is not a vision but an insight , and a movement that is not with the limbs and organs, but only in the emotional sense . (8) Perhaps the best of us to explain the reason for this shortcoming of the psychologists in understanding the visions and give it the right of Imam al – Qurtubi said : cause confusion illegal reluctance of what came prophets from the straight path and enough remarks in response (9). ________________________________________ (1 ) Agreed , Al – Bukhari narrated as Fath al – Bari (369 \ 12 ) forward Ibn Hajar . Riyadh published a modern Muslim library as in the nuclear explanation (17 \ 15 ) published the Egyptian printing press and Stationers (2 ) Mohammed Safaareeni . Explanation of triplets Musnad Ahmad (1 /169 ) to achieve Zuhair Shawish i : Office of Islam 1392 e . (3 ) Narrated mm as in the nuclear explanation (15 /27 ) in the Book of Revelation – op . Cit . ) And narrated by Ahmad in the rest of the palm Almktherin 0 in the palm Jaber bin Abdullah may Allah be pleased with him published Cordoba Foundation in Egypt . (4 ) Narrated by Abu Dawood in the Book of Purity . Bab occultation of the open publication of Dar thought the achievement of Muhammad Muhyiddin Abdul Hamid . And prizes in the book Purity and Sunnahs door Alarataad of urine and faeces . Publishing House of Thought . Achieve Mohamed Fouad Abdul Baki and Ahmed in the rest of the palm Almktherin in the palm Jaber bin Abdullah – op – and see the words of Imam Safaareeni to explain trios Imam Ahmad • op • (170 \ 1 (5) Sayyid Qutb – in the shadows of the Koran – published Dar Sunrise i 1402 e (4/1972) (6 ) expansion see : Dr . Hamed Zahran . Mental Health and psychotherapy . (7) Sayyid Qutb op (4/1972) (8) Mohammad Ali Qutb – Hieran guide in interpreting Dreams – Published by the Quran Library – Cairo, p. 5 (9) Ibn Hajar – Fath Al-Bari – previous reference ) (12/353) * Quoted from Dr. Fahd Al-Usaimi ….
…Attention from sleep : It indicates the movement of the grandfather and his desire, and Al-Qayrawani said : Sleeping on the stomach has won the land, money, family and children ….
…And some of the expressors said I love to cry in sleep as long as there is no screaming in it, and I have tried that nothing more than a thousand times, and I have seen nothing but constant goodness and laughter, and as for laughter, it is them and grief, and if it was with giggling, it was more because God Almighty said: ~ Let them laugh a little and cry a lot .~…
…What about seeing the dead, does this have a practical explanation, and can the spirits of the living and the souls of the dead converge? A : The scholars have proven this type of vision, and some of them considered it a kind of a righteous or correct vision. Ibn al-Qayyim said (Al- Ruwah _ p. 63) The correct vision has sections : One of them is : an inspiration that God, glory be to Him, casts into the heart of a servant, and among them : the encounter of the sleeper’s soul with the souls of the dead from his family And his relatives, companions and others, including : the ascension of his soul to God, glory be to Him, and her speech to Him, including : His soul entering Paradise and witnessing it, and so on. The meeting of living and dead spirits is one of the types of true visions that people have of the same kind of sensual ones . Proof of this verse : ( God die selves when her death and that have not been in her dream by examining that spent by the death and sent the other to indefinitely in that are signs for those who reflect ..) [ cliques : 42] This is the meaning of the verse, that God ends The lives of the servants by taking their souls at the end of their life (and the one who did not die in her sleep ) i.e. the time of sleep keeps it from acting as if it were a seized thing, so the one who was sentenced to death while sleeping takes it while sleeping, and he sends the other that was not sentenced to death, so its owner lives until the end of his life . Ibn Abbas and other commentators said : The souls of the living and the dead meet in a dream, so they get acquainted with what God wills of them. If all of them want to return to the bodies, God seized the souls of the dead with Him and sends souls to their bodies . ( Abu Bakr Al-Jazaery – p. 1124) So real death is called a major death, and a sleep death is called a minor death, and the Messenger, peace and blessings of God be upon him, when he woke up from his sleep would say : ( Praise be to God, who sometimes after he killed us and to him is resurrection ) , so he called sleep death . And he witnessed this from the Sunnah, I mean, soul holding what the two sheikhs made from the hadith of supplication before going to sleep. He, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said : (( If one of you goes to his bed, let him shake off his bed inside his veil, then he does not know what he left him behind, then he says : In your name my Lord I placed my side and with you I raise it if I held myself, so have mercy on her, and if I send her, I will preserve it with what you preserve your righteous servants )). And the witness in capturing the soul in a dream and sending it, and because something is mentioned, he was one of those who was famous for obedience, prayer, fasting and charity always complaining about his lack of vision of his deceased father, with his great reputation for seeing the dead and their conditions, and many of those close to him were asked about their dead, and he was astonished at not seeing him To his father, and one time I met him with joy, rapturous and happy, and say what good qualities you want about his condition, and before I ask him about his happiness, he rushed me as if he revealed my question by saying, I saw my father yesterday, I saw my father yesterday, and he told me his visions, so I said to him : Good, I saw evil cuvette God willing, thank God this vision is better for you, and may God benefit your father God Verwah to your status, so Nhspk God Hsepk we do not recommend to the one God, ( it was agreed the Sunnis that the dead benefit from seeking neighborhoods, Bdaaihm and Astgfaarham them, charity, fasting , and reading Koran and other works, this chapter speak in explaining the doctrine Tahhaawi mark Ibn Abi Ezz Hanafi p . 115 et seq . ) wept much Hamad God and ask forgiveness, has proved that the souls of the dead in varying Mstqrha in the isthmus greatest disparity, the mismatch : the lives of the highest Illiyun spirits Alonbea A, including : spirits in the crops of green birds like some of the martyrs, and some of them are imprisoned at the gate of Heaven, and some of them are locked in their graves, and some of them are the headquarters of the Gate of Heaven, and some of them are locked in the earth whose soul has not risen to the Most High, and in the Book of the Spirit Ibn al-Qayyim took care of such investigations…
…What do you think of someone who saw a vision , then woke up , then went back to sleep and saw its completion? I see that the first vision is true and true , provided that it is not preceded by thinking about it , and as for the last vision that has become a complement to it , it is a pipe dream ….
…Does a person sin if he does not implement what he sees in his sleep? The average person does not sin if he does not carry out what came in a dream, this matter is specific to the messengers because God Almighty says : “ O father, do what is commanded, and you will find me, God willing, from the patient. ” Al-Saffat 102 The difference is that all the prophets’ dreams are truthfulness, truth, and revelation from God, and as for humans, they may be what they saw True visions or dreams from the devil or pipe dreams, and unfortunately some ignorant people have slipped into this chute and have done things their evidence for in a dream they saw, and God is our helper…
…Number Fifteen 15: The White Nights…
As for the eleventh, it is the attainment of Mourad, the Almighty saying, ~ I have seen eleven stars, ~ and it was said, brothers . As for the twelfth, it is a delay in achieving the intended purpose, then it happens after that, because God Almighty says: “ The number of months for God is twelve months. ” It was said that a year is fertile . As for the thirteenth, it is not praiseworthy, because it is the best days of the months, the holding of months and the days of the problem . As for the fourteenth, it is Mahmoud and Murad gets, and Faraj was said after hardship . As for the fifteenth, it is the lack of fullness of the intended, and it was said that a departure from distress to the judiciary and the acquisition of fertility and relief . As for the sixteenth, it indicates that Murad happened during the length of time, and it was said that something is complete . As for the seventeenth, it indicates the return of what came out of it in corruption and its punishment is commendable, and it was said Hajj and its completion . As for the eighteen, they are not praiseworthy, and it has been said that there are contacts with kings and great people . The nineteenth Fajsomh with the people of the verse , ~ the nineteen ~ and told agents heard the obedient ….