
The Antichrist : He is a deceptive and unjust authority, and does not fulfill what he says, and he has poor followers and the policeman if he comes with his helpers, because he is dread, delusion, grief, horror, torment and danger . As well as everyone who has evil authority . And those with evil from vermin, and the fang of lions if it was harmful, then it is salvation and victory . And everything that a person sees that he has taken the king’s command indicates a benefit that he obtains from the king for his command . Aid is a man who helps with falsehood . Whoever sees in his home aids who have white clothes, then it is good news for him and the salvation of those who are troubled, terrible, distressful, or the like, that is, if they have blackness, then he is sick, or worried, or horrified, and misfortune is a precursor to him from leaving prayer, and if he sees that he fled and the misfortune requires him So he caught up with him and took it and spoke with words that confronted the bad ones, for he falls short in the dark prayer and repents . And Fahd is a man on the path of the Penguins .