Vision of vomiting

Vomiting : the evidence for repentance is a pleasant one . If he is unable to and hates his taste, then he is disliked by him, and if he vomits while he is fasting and then indulges in it, then he has a debt that he is able to pay off and not make up for it, then he is sinning in it . If he drinks milk and vomits milk and honey, then it is repentance. If he swallows pearls and vomits honey, then he learns the interpretation of the Qur’an, and if he vomits up milk, he apostatizes from Islam . If he vomits food, he gives a person something . If he returns in his vomiting, he returns in his gift . If he drank alcohol and did not get intoxicated and vomited, he took forbidden money and then returned it . If he gets drunk and vomits, he is a miserly man who spends little on his family, and he regrets spending it . If he sees his intestines coming out of him, this indicates the death of his children . And it was said that if he saw a hiccup and vomiting with a hiccup, this indicates his death . And it was said that he who saw that he vomited a lot of good-colored blood, indicates that he will have a newborn . If the blood flowed into a bowl, the boy lived . If it drifts on the ground, the boy will die quickly . This vision of the poor has money, and a lot of king, and this vision is blameworthy for anyone who wants to deceive a person, because his matter is revealed .