
The region : is a father, brother, uncle, or son, and it also indicates a man from among the chiefs for his help in matters . If he saw that it was as if a king gave him a region and pulled it in his middle, he indicates that he has left half his life, and if the area is decorated with gold, then the ornament of the region is the leader of the saint, and it is of gold he oppressed him, and from the iron of the strength of his army, from the lead of their weakness, and from the silver of their wealth . If he sees as if he has two areas or more on him until he is unable to carry them, then the owner of them will extend his life until he reaches his widow, and if he sees as if he has given a region and he takes it with his right and does not pull it in his midst, then he travels in Sultan . If his left was a region, and his right was a whip, he would gain a mandate, and the governor if his region was cut off would be strong and his command would last . And whoever pulls his waist with a thread in place of the area, half of his life is gone . And if he pulls his waist with a snake, he pulls it with an illusion in which there are dirhams or dinars . And it was said whoever the king gave him a region would get a king . And whoever sees on him a region without jewelery relied on an honorable and strong man who would gain from him good and a blessing that draws his back, and if he is rich then he is his strength, maintenance and steadfastness in his trade or his authority and obtaining permissible money, and his bed is better than his publicity . And the ambiguous area appeared for the man who leans on him and strengthens him if it is in his midst, and if it is sweetened with substance, he struck money that prevails with him or a child who reigns in his household .