The saddle

A saddle indicates a woman if he is not lined with it, and if he is saddled with it, it is a tool from an animal that is not valid . And it was said that the saddle signifies a chaste, beautiful, rich woman . And it was narrated that a man came to Ibn Sirin and said : I saw as if I was on a beast and I took it in a strait, so the saddle remained in it, and I and the animal were eliminated . Ibn Sirin said : You are a miserable man . He offers you something that lets your woman down . Soon the man traveled with his wife, and thieves cut off the road for him, so he left his wife in their hands and released himself . And it was said that the saddle was a money injury, and it was said that the state was injured, and it was said that it was the benefit of an animal, and some of them said it was as if he had installed a saddle victory in his affairs .