The lender

Al-Muqaddar : A Qassam man, so whoever sees that he has a lender in his hand is forced in a dispute to a judge . If the mother of the person who dreams is living, then she gives birth to a brother from his father . And it was said that the cruncher was born a reformer among the people. Al-Qayrawani said : He who saw in his hand a clipper, if he had another son, slaves and servants, and if he was celibate, he would marry, and as for whoever fell to him from the sky a pawn in a disease or in an epidemic, he is extinct from the world. . As for the one who sees that he shear wool or skin or hair with it from the skin or the back of an animal, he is collecting money with his understanding, words, poetry, and his question, or with his sickle and knife . As for the one who cuts the beards of people and lends them their garments with it, he is a traitor or a backbiter, as the poet said : As if his jaws for the sins are pawns … and from him so and so lend so and so.