
Wells : As for the well of the house, it may indicate its Lord, because he is its values . Perhaps she refers to his wife, because he indicates in her a bucket, and his rope descends in her to extract water, and she carries water in her stomach when she is feminine . And if its interpretation is a man, its water is his money and his livelihood that is provided by his family, and the more good he is that is not poured into the house, and if it overflows, this is his secret and his words, and the less his water is, the less his earnings and the weakness of his livelihood . Whenever his water is close to the hand, this indicates his goodness, generosity, proximity to what he has, and his money for his money, and if the well is a woman, its water is also her money and her fetus, so the closer it is to the hand, her birth is close, and if it overflows on the face of the earth it will give birth to him or topple him, and perhaps the well indicates the servant, the slave and the beast. Anyone who benefits in his family from selling water and its causes, or from traveling and the like, because the unknown well may indicate travel, because the buckets go through it and come and travel and return in the same way as on-and-coming travelers . Perhaps the unknown well exerted in the roads, which is in the valleys, indicates the markets from which everyone who gets it gets what he is destined for . And his bucket and carried him clinging to it . Perhaps it indicated the sea, and perhaps it indicated the bathroom and the mosque in which the dirt of the worshipers was washed, and perhaps it indicated the scientist who draws knowledge from him who reveals the worries . Perhaps she indicated the adulterous woman who passed by and wanted her . Perhaps it indicated the prison and the grave for what happened to Joseph in the den . Whoever sees as if he has fallen into an unknown well, if he is sick, he will die, and if his ship has broken and became in the water, and if he was traveling on land, he cut off the road and deceived him and betrayed himself, and if he was a quarrel, he was imprisoned, otherwise he entered a coercive bathroom, or entered a house An adulteress . And if he draws a bucket from an unknown well, if he has a lamb, he preached on his behalf by a boy, because he said glorified : “ Then he made his bucket, and he said Oh good news, this is a boy .” And if he had merchandise on the sea or land, it was brought to him or reached him . And if he had a sick person, he woke up and escaped and concluded . If he had a prisoner, he escaped from prison . And if he had a traveler, he came from his travel . If not, and he was single, he got married . Otherwise, he pleaded with a sultan or ruler in his need and was fulfilled for him . And all of that if a bucket appeared intact and full . And the Arabs say : Please guide us with this, that is, we begged you . And if none of that required knowledge, and if he did not throw it, then the well would drive it, draw it and cause it, so what is useful from the water is as useful as it, and if he spills it or spills it, it destroys it and spends it . The poet said : He does not seek living by wishful thinking … But I throw buckets into the buckets and fill them in phase and phase … You bring sludge and a little water and some of them said : If a man sees the well, then she is a laughing and upbeat woman, and if she sees a woman, then he is a man of good manners . And whoever sees that he has dug a well with water in it, he marries a wealthy woman and deceives her, because digging is deceitful . If there is no water in it, then the woman has no money . If he drinks from its water, then he hits money from deceit if he is the one who digs, otherwise it is by the hand of the one who digs, or his poison, or his heels after him . If he sees an old well in a locality, a house, or a village from which the exporters or those arriving are drawn by the rope and the bucket, then there is a woman or a woman’s hubby or her values ​​that people benefit from in their livelihood, and in that he has a good mention of the place of the rope that is cast into the water, for God Almighty said : “And hold fast to the ropes of God all. ” If he sees that water overflows from that well and goes out of it, then they are sad and weeping in that place . If it is filled with water and it does not pour out, then there is nothing wrong with finding that good and bad . If he sees that he is digging a well from which to irrigate his orchard, then he takes medicine with which he has intercourse with his family . If he sees that his well overflows more than it drains until the water enters the houses, then if he stumbles upon money, he will be in trouble . The ways to do that until he leaves the house, because he escapes from them and goes from his money as much as he gets out of the house . And whoever sees that he has fallen into a well with chaotic water, he will behave with an unjust man of authority and be afflicted with his plot and oppression . And if the water is clear, then he is disposing of a righteous man who is content with him . If he sees that he is falling or sent in a well, then he will travel . The well, if a man sees it in an unknown location and there is fresh water in it, then it is the world of the man and he is in it with a richness of self-pleasure that has a long life as much as water . And if there is no water in it, it has run out of life . And the collapse of the well is the death of the woman. If he sees that his feet are hanging in the well, then he plots with all his money or gets angry . If he goes into a well and reaches half of it and gives the call to it, then it is a journey . And if he reached his path, he obtained leadership and guardianship, or a profit from trade and good news, then if he heard the call to prayer in half of the well, he would be isolated if he was a wali, and he lost if he was a merchant, and some of them said : Whoever sees a well in his home and land, he will gain abundance in his livelihood, and ease after hardship, And benefit . It was said that whoever hit a buried well, he struck a pool of money .