the church

The Church : is indicative of the cemetery, the house of the harlot, the wine shop, the house of infidelity and heresy, the house of musical instruments, laments and singing, the house of mourning, blackness and wailing, and on Hell the abode of those who disobeyed his Lord, and the prison, and whoever sees himself in a church, if he is in it remembering God Almighty or weeping Or he prays to the Kaaba, then he enters the cemetery to visit the dead or to pray at a funeral . And if he cried with wailing or was pregnant with signs of worries, then he would be imprisoned . If he sees a dead person in Hell, then he is imprisoned with the disobedient . If he entered it alive as a muezzin or after the Qur’an, if he was in a jihad, he and those with him defeated the country of the enemy, and if he was in a metropolis he entered his people in disobedience or heresy and atheism, then he exhorted them, remembered them, and performed their pilgrimage, and performed the argument of God in them . And if he is someone who sees them and prays with their prayers and does their deeds, then if he was a man who mixed people with disbelief, heresy, fornication, wine, or a major sin, such as singing, banding, and beating the tie and drum, especially if he had prostrated with them to the cross because it is of wood . And if a woman attended a wedding that had harps and drums, then she mixed up with them, or at a funeral with cracks, blackness, mourning and wailing, so she shared with them .