It was mentioned in some books that one of the etiquette of a vision is not to tell it to a woman or after the morning prayer? Is this correct?

It was mentioned in some books that one of the etiquette of a vision is not to tell it to a woman or after the morning prayer? Is this correct? Yes, this was mentioned in some books, but it is an incorrect specification, so it is permissible to narrate the vision to women. Imam Ibn Hajar said in Al-Fath in the chapter : The expression of the vision after the morning prayer (12/439): It indicates the weakness of what Abd Al-Razzaq provided on the authority of Omar on the authority of Saeed Ibn Abd al-Rahman, according to some scholars, was based on some misconceptions, such as the urgency that comes from the woman and their fear that the vision will be interpreted incorrectly, or it was based on some of the short gazes of women, and the error of these looks is not hidden, and it has been proven that the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, narrated some of his visions on Women like Aisha and Khadija, may God be pleased with them among his wives, and as a mother forbidden, and the story of Ibn Omar and he wished that God would show him a vision, and when he saw her, he narrated it to his sister Hafsa, may God be pleased with them all, all of these narrations are sufficient to discredit this saying, and we say it is correct at the time .