…Being a daughter-in-law If you dreamed of your daughter-in-law, this indicates that a certain event will increase the happiness or anxiety of the mind, depending on whether your daughter-in-law is pleasant or illogical ….

…If you dreamed of your daughter, this indicates that several disturbing incidents will open the way for fun and harmony . If your daughter fails to fulfill your desires in the dream, by any reason she will suffer anger and resentment ….

…And whoever sees that a son or daughter came out of his stomach, then this will come from him and his household will prevail ….

…And if he sees as if his daughter has died, he is out of the vagina ….

…And whoever sees that his daughter has lived, he will be pleased after the eruption ….

…And whoever sees as if his daughter died, he will despair of joy ….

…If he sees that his daughter has been dead, he will come to his vagina ….

The vision of a thin girl my father a summer thing Balastsaga for openwork ibn Nawfal – may Allah be pleased with him – from his mother thin girl dad summer son Hashim Lydda was Abdul Muttalib said : Successive the Quraish years Jdbh Oqahlt skin and shed the bone , she said : While I’m lying Oh God , or Mhomh if I With a famous phone shouting in a sahl voice saying : Oh, Quraysh, this prophet was sent from you, and this is during his departure, so he lives in goodness and fertility . Do not see from you a tall, white-bone man who smacks of two eyes , has pride on him and a year dedicated to him , but let him save him and his son and turn to him from every belly a man , not Fliscnoa of water and harmed from the good and to receive the corner , and then carefully chosen House seven times to live up father FBIs Felictsag man and believes in the people , not including the pure and good for itself , not Vgshm if you like and you live . She said : So the knowledge of God became a frightened woman. My skin and his mind stood up. My vision was cut short, so I slept in the rivers of Makkah . So, the sanctity and the forbidden, if he remains with it , is abtahi unless he says this is the shaybah of praise , this is a shaybah , and the Quraysh are complete with him . And broke him all the belly of a man staging and Speak and received roaring and then ascended the father Qubais and punched people buried around him once realize their quest until poverty peaked Vacetknoa Jnabiah and with them the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him , which that day Ghulam may Oaf or anguish arose , Abdul Muttalib said : Oh God prevailed Alkhalp The detector Courba you the world is a teacher and administrator is Mboukl and Hola Abdaak and Amaak Badhirat Ahramk complain to you their year that may Oqahlt cloven slippers , Vasaman God and Amatarn Geetha terrible Mgdakka , what Eu even went off the sky Pmaiha Okz valley Bhgejeh Velsmat Sheikhan Quraish , she says Abdul Muttalib : Congratulations to you, Aba Al-Bathaa , Hanaa , that is , for you lived the people of Batha, and in that it says Raqifa : Bashisa Al-Hamd, may God water our town. We lost the life and the underlined water. So the waters and trees lived in a torrent from God with the auspicious. There is nothing in the people of justice or danger, and in this hadith it is strange that we explain it briefly , saying : Abd al-Muttalib’s mother is a Sunni deed . And replaced Epast . And thinning the bone made him weak from effort . And hypnosis first sleep and dawn time . Hala inspired word acceleration . And Hia – limited – rain and fertile , no sooner Otakm rain and fertility . And the bones by joining the eye are louder than the great . Some are thin in complexion . And the high snort . And saying : He has a pride that grieves him, he must hide and not be proud of . The Sunnah is the way . And guide him , that is , people show it . Let them shine , with the Sein and the Shin , that is , let them pour , meaning , then let them wash . Then sin, any relief and relief . And any Fasht and Shaybah Al-Hamad has grown the title of Abdul Muttalib . And she completed it , that is , they all came . And the time limit for his silence and saying : anguish, that is, proximity . The trait is needed . And the courtyards excuses . And the year of drought and distress . And he means the shafts and the slippers of sheep and camels . And spoiled a lot . No crowded . And the noise is very runny water . And Sheikh Sheikhs . And Aljzl any late and Jouni black clouds . His saying : in the voice of Sahl, meaning in it with a sweet . And his saying : A man is tall, meaning he is tall, and if he is excessively tall, it is said that he is long with emphasis . And he said : Let him go , the delif is the slow walking, it is said : he walks when he walks and the stepping boat . And she said : and in them pure and good for joy – means the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him – and saying : Mviodh , Mufiod is the one who injured his heart – a heart – pain of . Panic, annexation, fear and panic . And he said : My skin stood, meaning the clenching, and it was said : She wanted to stop my hair, so he rose from panic . And God wandered the mind and bewildered by the severity of emotion . And her saying : So is the sanctity and the forbidden , this is from swearing by something other than God and it is shirk , and that happened from it during the time of ignorance, and if that is polytheism . And her saying : They buried around it, that is, they walk on the path of Lena . And the auspicious plane is a plane, and the best one for which it preached is harmful is the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him. It is not unlikely that the Quraish’s relief is due to the fact that he, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, is one of those seeking help from among them ….

If a person dreams of a son, cousin or maternal uncle, aunt or aunt, then this means disappointment and sorrows . This dream foretells of sad life . If he dreamed of moving correspondence with one of those mentioned, then this means an inevitable conflict between families ….

…If someone sees his face black and he wears white clothes, his visions indicate that he is giving birth to a daughter, because God Almighty says : “ And if one of them preaches to the female, his face will remain black .” The Commander of the Faithful saw the Mahdi, may God have mercy on him, in his sleep, as if his face was black, so he watched in panic, and called Ibrahim bin Abdullah al-Kirmani, so he got up to him from the Sherjan, and he told him his visions, and he said : You will have a daughter, and he recited this verse, and she bore him a daughter on that night, so he was happy From that and his best prize ….

…Childbirth If a king sees in a dream that his wife gave birth to a male and she was not pregnant, then he will gain treasures . If a pregnant woman sees that she gave birth to a male child, she should give birth to a female, and vice versa . And the girl Faraj in interpretation, and the son are . If a patient sees that his mother gave birth to him, then he dies, and if his wife is pregnant, she will give birth to a son . And the birth of the daughter Faraj prisoner . And if the man sees that he was born a boy, then he will get sick and get away from depression and win over his enemy . If a pregnant woman gives birth to a cat, then the child is a thief, and childbirth is a way out of adversity and disease, or the paradox of family and neighbors . Childbirth is comfort, relief, and the fulfillment of religion and repentance . And whoever sees that he gives birth, if he is poor, then he becomes rich, and if he is rich, he will fall into distress and distress, and if he is celibate, he gets married quickly . If the patient sees that he is giving birth, this indicates death . And whoever sees that a daughter has given birth to him, he has a debt . And whoever sees that his daughter has died and digs a grave for her, he will pay off his debt ….

…The ear is the man’s wife or his daughter, and if he sees as though he has three ears, then she indicates that he has a woman and two daughters, and if he has four ears, then his visions indicate one of two traits, either he has four wives, or four daughters who have no mother . If he sees that his ear has broken from him, then he divorces his wife or his daughter dies . If he sees as if he has one ear, then no relative lives for him. If he sees as if he has half an ear, the vision indicates the death of his wife and his marriage to another . If he sees that he has a ring in his ear, he will marry his daughter to a man, and she will give birth to him a son . Religion was said to be the ear, and if he saw as if he stuffed his ears with something, his visions indicated disbelief . And if he sees it as if he has many ears, then he turns away from the truth and does not accept it, because God Almighty says : ~ Do they have ears by which they can hear? ~ And it was said that if the rich person sees homogeneous good ears, he hears good, pleasant news, and if they are not well formed, he hears many bad news . And whoever sees as if there are two eyes in his ears, he is blind, and he sees the things that he used to see with his eyes and hear them with his ears . And it was said that whoever saw it as if there were many ears, that is praiseworthy for those who wanted to have a person who would obey him, such as women, children and the Mamluks . As for the rich, it indicates good news that they receive if the call to prayer is a kind . If you are not good or well-mannered, then it is blameworthy news . As for the Mamelukes and the owners of the adversaries, who are accused of them, they indicate that his servitude continues, and he hears and obeys . The prosecutor indicates that the judgment binds him . And it was narrated that a person saw that he had twelve ears and more, then he recounted his vision on a crossing and said : If he is a man of Mamluk and Hashem, then it is a good evidence of much good that he attains, and if he is rich, then he will receive news according to the number of ears from countries, because of a pension, and if he is owned, He was blamed and distressed, and if he had opponents, the judge sentenced him to many judgments, and he heard bad words, and if he was in a dispute, he won his opponents ….

…And whoever saw his left leg was injured, broken, or dislocated, and if there was a wound and he had a daughter, she got engaged . And if he does not have a daughter, a daughter will be born to him,…

…The ear is the place of awareness, and in a dream it indicates the child, money and position, and perhaps the ear indicates knowledge, reason, religion, the king, the family and the clan with whom a person is beautified . The ear indicates the hearing, so whoever sees that his hearing has increased or improved, or that the light is coming out of it or entering it, this indicates his guidance and obedience to God Almighty and acceptance of his command . And if he sees him in a dream as small, or that a bad smell is emanating from him, this indicates his delusion from the truth, and standing when what necessitates abhorrence of God Almighty . And cutting the ear is a sign of corruption . Perhaps the extra ear refers to the ear of the person in what he wants, and if it is a good ear then what he wants is good . The abundance of the call to prayer indicates the arts of science, or it does not prove a single case . Perhaps the ear indicates what is hung from the jewels, and if his ear became the ear of an animal, his position was removed, his sanctity decreased, and his mind became dulled . If he sees that he puts his fingers in his ears, this indicates that he died an innovator, and if the seeker is a heresy and a delusion, then he sees that he puts his two fingers in his ears, this indicates his death and his determination to leave what he is doing, or that he becomes a muezzin . And the king’s permission is his spy . And it was said : The ear is the woman of a man or his daughter or someone else, and if he sees that something has been missing from her, then it happened . And whoever thinks that he is of sound hearing is evidence of his understanding, knowledge, validity, religion and certainty . And whoever sees that he is deaf, then he has corruption in his religion . And whoever sees that he has half an ear, his wife will die . And whoever sees that his ear is cut off, then a person deceives his wife or daughter, and if the ear is returned as valid as it was, then they repent and their affairs are fixed . And whoever sees that he eats from the dirt of his ears, he will associate with the young men . And whoever sees that he has one ear, he will soon die . If he sees that he has a ring hanging in his ears, then he will marry his daughter and she will give birth to him a son, and it was said : The ear is the religion, so whoever sees that he has stuffed his ears with something, his visions indicate disbelief, and whoever sees many ears, he is detracted from the truth and does not accept it . And it was said : If a person sees that he has beautiful, symmetrical ears, he will hear good news, and if they are not beautiful, he will hear bad news . And whoever sees that there are two eyes in his ears, he will be blind . And it was said : Whoever sees that he has many call to prayer, this is praiseworthy for those who want to have a person to obey him, such as women, children , and Mamluks, and as for the rich, it indicates good news that comes to them if the call to prayer is beautiful, otherwise it is bad news . As for the Mamluks and the defendant’s opponents, they indicate that his servitude lasts, and he permits and obeys, and it indicates to the plaintiff that the judgment is binding on him ….

…It is a sign of the end of the term in a dream . Teeth may indicate money, animals, wage earners, death and life, and indicate deposits and secrets . The teeth are the inhabitants of the man’s household, the higher ones are the men on the side of his father, and the lower ones are the women on the side of his mother . The upper two are the father and the uncle, or sisters and two sons . The quartet is the man’s cousin . The fang is the master of his household . And premolars males and sons of maternal uncles . And molars ancestors . The two lower folds are the mother and aunt, or the two sisters and two daughters . The lower quadrant is a cousin or aunt’s daughter . The lower fang is the master of his household . And the lower premolars, the daughter of his aunt or the daughter of his uncle . The lower and upper molars the farthest from the household of the man and the grandmother . If a single tooth moves from it then it is a disease, and if it falls or is lost then it is death . If a person sees some of his teeth eroded, he will be afflicted with calamity . And if he sees that his fold is longer, more beautiful and whiter than it was, then his father and uncle will gain strength and an increase in their money . And if he saw that he was treating his teeth, he extracted them, and if he spends his money on hate or cuts the uterus . And if he sees a blackening in his teeth, then he is a defect in his household . If he sees a stink of his teeth, then he is ugly praising the people of his household . If his teeth move, it is the disease of his relatives . If he sees that his teeth are broken, then one of his relatives or friends will die . Whatever teeth on the right side indicates males, and what was on the left side indicates females, and the teeth on the right side indicate elderly men and women, and the teeth on the left side indicate juveniles from them . The maqadim of the teeth indicate the boys, the fangs denote the half of them, and the molars of the molars indicate the elderly among them . If a person sees that his teeth are of gold, that is praiseworthy and evidence of a fire occurring in their homes or jaundice . If he sees that his teeth are of glass or wood, that indicates a death that defeats him, and if he sees them of silver, then it is evidence of harm and loss . And if he saw that his depressing was broken, his son died . And if he sees one or more worms in the extraction site, then he will succeed them . If he saw that some of his teeth were long, he would quarrel with his family . If he saw that he pulled out all his teeth, his family would die before him . And whoever sees his teeth burrowing, his family let him down . And whoever sees that he has a fault in his teeth indicates that his family has been dispersed and that there is a defect between them or a decrease in his money . And if the flesh is cleaned from between his teeth, he will backbite a people . And it was said : The teeth indicate the pearl necklace for women . Ibn Sirin, may God Almighty have mercy on him, said : The molar was pulled out in a dream, the uterus of a boy was cut . The weariness of the teeth indicates the weakness of the people of his household . And the windows in the dream followers . The extraction of the tooth indicates the arrival of the absent or the death of someone he is dear to . He pulled his teeth out with his hand, he spent his money in a bad way, or tied with his family without being known, or he did something reprehensible and regretted it, so if he pulled his teeth out to him, someone indicated his need for a mortgage or sale . And renewing the teeth taken off in a dream is evidence of opposition and profit after loss ….

…In conclusion of this book and in response to the desire of many, these are examples of what I expressed from my visions : Many desires came asking me to mention some of the visions that I expressed, and then they were fulfilled, and I would like here not to disappoint those who hold these requests, but I also like to clarify something that I am keen on secrets Therefore, I will not mention the names of the visionaries, nor will I mention the visions in which there may be very special things, for example, and I apologize in advance to everyone who read this topic and objected to it among the visionaries themselves . 1 / A questioner said that her aunt sees that she has golden bracelets on her, and harassed her, so I told her : If you believe your vision, it may be a simple infection in the windpipe and it will heal with God’s help . And she said, Glory be to God, I really have a tracheitis, may God reward you . 2 / A caller said I see a man I know is knocking on the door . So I said, What is his name? Muhammad Al-Wahaibi said, I said that, God willing, he will have a son, so he said, I have had the grace of God. I said : I called him Muhammad? He said yes, then I thank God . 3 / One of the questioners told me I see that I am hunting goats, or ducks, so I said, God willing, she will propose to a good girl, and her father will be a muezzin. He tells me later, when I wanted to engage, I went and found a man giving the call to prayer in the neighborhood mosque in which the girl lives, so he is the daughter’s father . 4 / A questioner said to me I saw that I would pay a chair to King Fahd – may God bless his life – so I said you would be employed with a job with such-and-such salary, she says, and from the next day she was hired for a little less, and she did not believe that she would be employed . 5 / A doctor told me : My husband sees that he never gets out from under his car . I said, are you going to travel? She said yes . So I said, Praise be to God, for safety, but I hope to check the car from below, specifically the column that turns underneath the car, and I did not know its name, and she told me later, my husband went in the car and found a defect in the place that you indicated to us . 6 / A woman said, I see that I cut the hair of a young daughter of mine, and her hair reaches her hip, so I said: Are you one of those who circumcise girls? She said, ~Yes, so I said, do the Sunnah in circumcision, and do not reduce it more than the limit stated .~ 7 / A father called Ali and said that his son sees that his back molar hurts him, so I said that your son suffers from the cruelty of the science teacher, so could I ask him, and he answered yes, so I said : Praise be to God, see the teacher, and he did . 8 / A man told me : I see that I go up the roof in the house, and I see a ladder, and I go up . I told him that someone is investigating and asking about you, and perhaps you addressed his daughter, and when I saw him after a while, he told me that what I mentioned about him has happened . 9 / A woman said I saw that I was breastfeeding a boy, and the amount of milk came out from my breasts forcefully and hit the wall . So I said I think you have a problem with the hormone milk, and you will recover and get pregnant, God willing . She said is what you say, thank God . 10 / A man told me I see my sister, and I see the sun rising from sunset . I said, I promised her and I left her, so I will fulfill what I promised her . He said, I promised her to perform Umrah and I could not . 11 / A woman said I see that I am slaughtering a sheep . So I said it is a vow that you did not fulfill, so do it . And she said yes . 12 / A woman said I see that I look at the Kaaba and it is destroyed . I said, ‘You are in a western country and you are always thinking of leaving it, but you do not . She said is what you say by God . 13 / A man called and said that I see that I am hunting a free bird and I got a dear camel, and I went up a mountain and found people who offered to buy the bird, so I said it is not for sale, and he mentioned the rest of the vision . So I said you are pursuing and practicing hunting? And you are the brother of one of the princes, and you have submitted a land grant and the matter will come out to you, and then some will offer you to buy it, so think carefully before selling . He said, “I love hunting, and I go out to him and I follow the time of the migration of birds. I submitted to one of the princes a request for a land grant and did not go out until now .” So I said, Praise be to God . 14 / One of the callers saw a woman coming to her, and she mentioned her name . 15 / A man called me and said I saw Gabriel, may God bless him and grant him peace, flying . So I said, ~Do you work in a job related to aviation?~ He said, ~Yes, I study flying,~ so I said I finished 600 flying hours and you had half left, so he mentioned a number very soon, praise be to God . 16 / Continuous: She said I see that I take two white and black strings out of my mouth, so I said to her : Sometimes you come from Satan with some obsession, and doubt about religion, so fear God . And she said, By God, that sometimes I observe the supererogues in addition to the obligatory prayers, but sometimes I hope and leave everything until prayer …. so pray for her that God confirm them on the religion 17 / A man said : My deceased father came to me and said to me : Do not destroy the mosque beacons, so I said : Yes, I said : Do not do this, it is not permissible . 18 / A man said to me : I see that I circumambulate and not complete . I said : You intend to multiply and do not do it? He said : Yes . 19 / A questioner called and said : I see that I am moving around and my mind is not with me !! I said : You know a man who took your mind but is manipulating you , so beware , and she said : It is what you say , and may God reward you well , and here is the benefit of warning about the bad meaning in some visions , and its impact on the life of its owner . 20 / A man said : I see that I eat rice and there are those who steal !! So I said to him : This is your project, and you are telling the idea of ​​an dishonest man . He said : Yes , what you said happened . 21 / man contact the program and told me : I saw the sun and the moon in the earth , and this was before the holy month of Ramadan , in 1428 of , I said to him : This is a difference between the people of vision , and the people of the account in determining the entry of the month , was what I got some of the bickering between the two parties ! 22 / A man said to me : I saw that I took a fuselage out of my mouth without pain , so I said : This is a child that annoys you , and he said : Yes, that is . 23 / A woman said : I see a snake in the mouth of a rose , so I said : Your husband promises you and succeeds , and you pray for him? She said : Yes , which is what I said , so I warned her and feared God ….

…If he has a daughter, and he sees as if his memory is cut off and placed on his ear, then his daughter gives birth to a girl, not from her husband . And cut him off to the governor is isolated, and the warrior has a defeat ….

…As for the mucus : whoever sees it as if he has mucus . Because he fulfills his debt, or saves from them, or he permits a people to do something they have done . It was said that the mucus was the boy’s guide, as was the evidence that the pussy was generated from the mucus of the lion . And whoever sees that he is ridden on the ground, a daughter will be born to him . If he saw as if he was transgressing against his wife, she would become pregnant and give birth to a son . And if he sees his wife miscarrying on him, she will give birth to a son or wean a young son, and whoever has sex in a man’s house, he marries a woman from that house, whether permissible or forbidden . If he sticks in a man’s bed, then he is betraying his wife. If he sticks in his handkerchief, he betrays him in his servant. If he sees that he is mourning, and a woman takes his snot, then she deceives him and bears it . If he sees as if he is washing someone else’s mucus, then a man is deceiving his wife, and he strives to cover him, and not conceal . If he sees that he ate his own snot, he is eating his son’s money . And if he ate someone else’s mucus, he ate another’s son’s money . If he sees as if he has snot in his nose, then his visions indicate his wife’s cord . And if he saw as if he was sneezing and an animal came out from its nose, another child is attributed to it . If the outside was a lion, then he was the son of a thief . If it was a pigeon, then a beloved daughter . If he sees his mucus flowing, he struck children like him, and if he sees a person with a stitch in his garment, he will connect it with a marriage ….

…If he sees that he has twisted a thread and puts it in the neck of a person and pulls or pulls it, then he calls for corruption, and likewise if he sees that he has slaughtered a camel with a thread . As for the intricate strings, they indicate magic . And whoever sees that he is twisting a rope or string or twisting it on himself or on a reed or a stick or other things, then it is a journey in any case . If he sees that he is spinning wool, hair, or goat, which men spin like him, then he will have good in his travel . If he sees that he is spinning cotton, linen or silk, and in that he is imitating women, then he attains that and does a lawful work that is not recommended for men, so if a woman sees that she is spinning something from that, then if he is absent from her, then he is presented from a journey . If she saw that she had hit a spindle, if she was pregnant, she gave birth to a slave girl, otherwise she would hit a sister, and if there was in the spindle her daughter or sister got married, then if the spindle wire was cut off, the traveler stayed on her, and if she saw her headscarf removed from her or all of it, then her husband would die or divorce her . Some of it is burned . The husband was hurt and feared Sultan . Likewise, if she saw her spine fell from her spindle, her daughter divorced her or her sister . If her veil was stolen from her, and the khimar is attributed in interpretation to a man or a woman, then a person assassinates her husband in himself, his money, or some of his family . If the thief is attributed to a woman, then her husband strikes another woman, whether permissible or forbidden, and likewise the course of falaka 0…

…And whoever sees that his eye is full of tears and does not come out, then he gets lawful money, and as for the cold tears, he releases from the cloud and the hot is against him, and if his right eye is teared and he enters the left, then he marries his daughter or son, he marries his daughter ….

…And whoever sees that he grabbed a pair of scissors in his hand, or someone gave it to him, or bought a pair of scissors, if he had a son, he would also have a son like him, and if he had a daughter, he would have a daughter like her, and if he did not have a woman or a son, then God Almighty would give him another brother ….

…The Cow : A year, and Ibn Sirin used to say that the cow’s quail is to the one who owned it, dearer to me than the Mahazel, because the quail is fertile years, and the mazel are years of fertility, according to the story of Joseph, peace be upon him . It was said that the cow is high and has money, the fat one is a wealthy woman, the meager is poor, the cow is good and useful, and the horned woman is an outcast woman . Whoever thinks that he wanted to milk her and she forbids him with her horn, she is angry about him . If he saw that someone else milked her and did not prevent him, then the ureter betrayed him in his wife . And her pile is worthless money . His wife’s conception of her, and her loss indicates the woman’s corruption . Some of them said that the foreclosure in the face of a cow is a hardship at the beginning of the year, and it is bad for it in the middle of the year, and its miracle is severity at the end of the year, and the slaughtered of the cows is a calamity among relatives, and half of the slaughtered is a calamity for a sister or daughter, because God Almighty says : “ And if it is one, then it has Half ~. A quarter of the flesh is a calamity for a woman, and a small portion of it is a calamity occurring elsewhere . Some of them said that eating beef is halal money in the year, because the cow is Sunnah . Cow horns were said to be fertile years . Whoever buys a fat cow will strike the wilaya of the town of Amra if he is qualified for that . And it was said that whoever hit a cow hit an estate from a great man, and if he was a celibate, he married a blessed woman, and whoever saw it as if he had ridden a cow and entered his home and tied it, he would gain wealth, pleasure and relief from worries . And if he sees her slashing him with her horn, he indicates a loss, and his family and relatives are not safe . And if he saw that he had intercourse with her, he would have become a fertile year without her face . If the colors of the cow are what is attributed to women, then they are like the colors of the horse . Likewise, if it is attributed to years, and if he sees in a draa a cow sucking milk from her calf, then it is a woman who leads over her daughter . And if he sees a slave milking a cow of his master, then he marries the wife of his master, and whoever sees that he has scratched a cow or a bull, he will get sickness as much as it is scratched . And whoever has a cow or an ox against him, he will receive hardship and punishment and I fear being killed . And the cow was said to be a good sign of the ball, and whoever saw it together indicated a disturbance . As for the cows entering the city, if some of them follow one another and their number is understandable, then they are years that enter the people, if they are fat then they are prosperity, and if they are lean then they are hardships, and if they differ in that, then the advanced is fat, the prosperity progresses, and if he is lean, the distress progresses, and if They came together or uneven, and the city was a city of the sea, and that was during the journey and ships were presented according to their number and condition, otherwise it was a synonymous temptation, as if they were the faces of cows as well as in goodness resembling each other, except that they are all zero, because they are diseases that enter people . If the horns are of different colors, or they are averse to it, or if fire or smoke comes out of their mouths or noses, then it is a military, raid, or enemy that strikes them and descends on their yard . A pregnant cow is a fertile year . And whoever sees that he milks a cow and drinks its milk, he will be rich if he is poor, and he will be proud of his status, and if he is rich, his wealth and pride will increase . And whoever gives him a small calf or heifer, he struck a child . And every minor of the races, the chief of which is attributed in interpretation to a man and a woman, then a child is a child . And beef is money, as well as meat . It was narrated that a man came to Ibn Sirin and said : I saw as if I were slaughtering a cow or an ox . He said : I am afraid that you will cattle a man, and if you see blood that came out, it is more severe. I fear that it will reach the dead . If you do not see blood, it is easier . Aisha said : I saw as if I was on a hill around me, slaughtering cows, so Stolq told her : If you believe your vision, there will be an epic around you . It was so ….

…Earring in the ear : As for the earring for men, it does an act of hearing, and the pleasure of the ear is not befitting except for women, such as singing and beating the tie, otherwise he does what he should not, and he enriches the Qur’an, and if there is no such thing, she looks at the pregnant woman from his family, as for his wife or daughter, it is She gives birth to a boy if the earring is gold, and if the earring is silver, and she gives birth to a female . And whoever sees a woman or a maid in her ears, an earring or a shanf, then he will see a trade in a crowded country, a picnic in which there are slaves, and there are women who are adorned, because the woman and the maid are a trade, and the ear on which the earring is placed is slaves and women. The world and its beauty, because the beauty of everything is pearl, and the Qur’an and religion are blessed, good voice and perfection in its affairs . And if he was nevertheless a schooner, he would have a daughter . If a pregnant woman sees this, she will have a male son . The earring and the shaf are equal for men and women, and if the earring is of gold then a singer man, and if it is of silver, then it saves half of the Qur’an . It was narrated that a man came to Ibn Sirin and said : I saw as if there was an earring in one of my ears, so he said to him : How did you sing? He said that I have a good voice ….

…The breast is in a dream the woman of a man or his daughter, so her beauty is her beauty, her corruption is her corruption . And whoever sees a woman hanging from her breast, she commits adultery, and gives birth to a child other than her husband . If a man sees milk in his breast, then if he is poor he is rich, and if he is not married, he indicates that he will have children . And if a young woman sees that, it indicates that she will become pregnant and that her pregnancy will take place, even if she is a rich garment that lacks and spoils her money . And if she was an aware virgin, that indicates her wedding . If she was young, far from the time of marriage, that indicated her death . And whoever sees that he is nursing a woman who knows him and does not know her, this indicates that he will become ill for a long time, unless he has a pregnant woman, then that indicates that he has a son . And if a woman saw this vision, she would give birth to a girl . If he sees that his breasts have grown in moderation and look good, then they are indicating to his children and things that he owns . And if he sees them fallen, then it is evidence of the death of his children . And whoever saw that and did not have children, this indicates his lack and his sadness, especially with regard to women . In breastfeeding women, it indicates the horizons of the person breastfeeding . A large breast indicates what is indicated by a breast that has been bone . And indicates in women immorality . And whoever saw that his breasts were striking his chest, this indicates that he is very old, that bad news is coming to him from someone who knows him . If men and women are young, that indicates love . And whoever sees as if he has one large breast and has reached the pubic area, he commits adultery with a forbidden marriage, or has a forbidden marriage, and the breasts in a dream are girls, so what happened in them is interpreted in girls . And whoever sees that a breast has grown for him along with his breasts, that is more than a girl . And whoever sees that he has a lack of a breast, that is the death of his daughter . And milk in the breast is an increase in money and it refers to the child, so whoever sees that there is milk in his breasts, he is honored to have a minimum increase that brings him or whoever owns it . Likewise, in women, if the milk produced by a person is breastfed, then he is locked up, and a door is closed over it, and there is no harm in it for the nursing infant, then it is humiliation and grief . And it was said : If a man saw that there was milk in his breast, then if he was celibate, he married and had a son . If he was poor, he indicated Bishara, and if he was a young man, that indicated his long life . And the young woman, if she sees that, indicates her pregnancy and childbirth, and the length of a man’s breast until they hit his chest is evidence of a whim that is not satisfied by God Almighty . And before : It is evidence of the death of children, and if he did not have a child, it indicates poverty and sadness . The length of a woman’s breasts beyond the limit is evidence of the purpose of grief . A man’s breast indicates his quality, position, health and sickness . And a man’s breast may refer to brothers, companions, children and husbands who are of no use to them . A woman’s breast is evidence to the contrary, given the provision of God Almighty . If he sees that his breasts are like a woman’s breast, and milk is dripping from it, he indicates that he is standing on his children, and that he begins to do what the women need in their labor, and this may indicate religion, or he has a disease in which he is ashamed of people, then he saw him famous for that . And if . The breasts became copper or iron, indicating the loss of children and the failure of causes or pregnancy . The breast on the beast is a husband, and the breast on the infertile woman was born after despair from him . And perhaps the breast of the virgin referred to the jihad, clothing, or money adorned with . And the baby or girl has ailments, diseases and sores . A single breast for a single woman is a marriage, so if water or milk comes out of it, she loses her son or sister . And the breast is an adulterous woman . He crossed the breast with ostrich eggs or Altrj . They may be owned by breasts, and were told : they were father and mother . And the breast is indicative of a bottle of wine if it contains milk . It was said : The breast is a generous man ….

…And the appearance of the intestine or something inside it, the appearance of his saved money, or someone from his household appears to prevail, or he himself . And the man ate his own intestine, evidence that he was eating his own money . Likewise, if he sees that he is eating the intestine of someone else, or something in the intestine of someone else, then he hits from that saved money and eats it . It was said that the exit of the intestine indicates that his daughter is engaged in marriage, and whoever sees that his stomach intestine or the rest of his stomach came out, then he washed his stomach and was returned to him or not, then it is his death in the pleasure of God Almighty . If something comes out of his belly, then he has a will for a man and a daughter for the person who has the will and he is to marry her . And it was said that what came out in the stomach indicated the indecency of the veil . If he sees that he is a king who has split the stomachs of his flock, they search their stomachs, and if he takes what is in their stomachs, he takes their money . Whoever sees as if he cuts his stomach and intestines in their known location, then that is praiseworthy for the one who has no children, and for the poor, because it indicates that he who has no child will be born to him and it indicates to the poor that they will be rich . Because children are like guts . And measuring the viscera in the abdomen as a measure of household goods at home . And if a person sees as if someone else is uncovering his guts and showing them, then that is a bad thing, indicating that they are going to disputes, and uncovered matters of their affairs are revealed . And in the patient it is said that he dies ….

…He who thinks that he is lame has acquired knowledge, jurisprudence, and delved into religion . And lameness indicates travel . And whoever sees that his right leg is sickened, broken, or dislocated, and there is a wound in it, then his son is sick, and if he sees that in his left leg and he has a daughter who is engaged, and if he does not have a girl a daughter has been born to him, and if his leg breaks and wants to travel, then he does not leave, and if it is dislocated, then his wife Get sick . And if one of his legs is extended over the other, he will not travel long until he dies . And whoever sees that he is lame or crippled, or that his legs are heavy, or that he is crawling in love, that is his weakness for what he is asking for . Perhaps lameness indicates an increase in age, religion, and knowledge . And if he swears an oath, then it is righteous, because God Almighty says : ( And there is no blame for the lame .) And if he sees that he is walking with one man and he has put one of them on the other, half of his money will be saved . Lameness is a fraud and the emergence of an excuse and a plot ….

…As for the eye : the man’s debt and insight with which he can see guidance and delusion . If he sees many eyes in his body, he indicates an increase in his goodness and religion . If he sees that his stomach has split open and he sees eyes in his stomach, then he is a heretic, because God Almighty said : “ God did not make a man out of two hearts in his belly .” If he sees his eyes as the eyes of another strange, unknown person, his vision indicates that his eyes are gone, and someone else will guide him the way . If the man is known, then the dreamer will marry his daughter, and she will do well with him . If he saw that his eyes had gone, his children died, and whoever saw that he was blind eyes while he was estranged, he indicated the extent of his exile until he died . If he saw as if his eyes were of iron, he would be very anxious that would lead to the destruction of his cover . If he sees that he has opened his eyes to a man, he will look into his matter and help him . And if he sees as if he has seen him evil, then he hates him, and if he sees as if he hears with the eye and looks with the ear, then he drives his family and daughter to commit sins . And whoever sees on his palm an eye of a man or an eye of an animal, he will be given money in kind . And whoever sees as if he has looked into an eye and he likes it and applauds it, then he does something that harms his religion . And black eye religion . Awal-blue heresy, and Al-Shahla violating religion . And green is a religion that contradicts religions . If he sees an eye or eyes in his heart, then he is good in religion as much as it is light . If he saw that he committed fornication in the eye, he would look at women . If he sees that his eyes are tan, then he looks suspiciously at the woman of his friend, the acuity of vision is good for all people, and whoever has children and sees this vision indicates that they are sick, because children are like the eyes are loved . Al-Hajjaj bin Yusef saw as if his eyes had fallen into his lap, so his brother Muhammad and his son Muhammad mourned for him . Some of the Jews saw a slave girl in the sky or a slave girl, so he narrated his visions on Barhami, and he said, “It will hit money from trade .” If a maker sees it, he will have money from his manufacture . And the eyelashes : in interpretation and a protection for religion . Because it is stronger for the eyes than the eyebrows . It was said righteousness and corruption are due to the child and money . If he sees as if the fringes of his eyes are many good, then his religion is inviolable . If he sees as if he sits in the shadow of the fringes of his eyes, if he is a religion and knowledge holder, then he is living under the shadow of his religion . If he is the owner of a world, then he takes people’s money and hides, and if he sees as if he does not have a frill in his eyes, then he wastes the sharia of religion . If a person plucked it, then his enemy advises him in his religion . If he sees as if his hair is white, it indicates a disease that affects him from the head, eyes, ears, or molar . It was narrated that a man came to Ibn Sirin, and said : I saw as if I was clutching a beard and loaned it until I eradicated it . He said : You eat your uncle’s inheritance, and he does not have an heir other than you. If you eat something from it, you inherit to the extent of that . And whoever saw that his beard was white, shiny, he would gain pride in the face, name and memory of the country, because Abraham’s beard, peace be upon him, was white . If he sees that she is a wreath, then he strikes face and dignity . If he sees that it is darker and better than it was in wakefulness, and it is black in wakefulness, then it strikes prestige, pride, dignity and beauty . If he sees that he is gray and there is still something black, then he is dignified . If there is nothing left of its blackness, then it will be lacking and go towards it . And Ibn Sirin came to a man and said : I saw that my beard is white, and that I bleach it so that the pigment is not attached to it, and the man was young with a black beard, so he said : White is a lack of your property and you want to cover it, and he knew about it . He said : ratified ….

…Homes : A man’s house is his hidden wife in the house to which he is staying, and from it it is said that so-and-so entered his house, if he gets married, so he takes it for her because she is in it, and his door is her vagina or her face, and the closet and closet are a virgin as his daughter or stepdaughter because she is veiled, and the man does not live with her . And perhaps he indicated his house to his body as well, the house of service his servant, the store of wheat his mother, who was the reason for him to live with milk for growth and education, and the cenef indicates the servant who made for sweeping and washing, and perhaps he indicated the wife who is alone with her to meet his needs, free of his son and the rest of his family . And looking at a person from the niches of his house indicates that his wife’s vagina was being watched or managed, and he returned to that in terms of deficiency, cultivation, demolition, or repair, he returned to what was attributed to him, such as saying : I saw as if I built a new house in my home, and if he was sick, he would wake up and his body was healthy. Likewise, if there is a patient in his home indicating his goodness, unless it is his habit, he burying the one who died for him in his home, then that will be the grave of the patient in the house, named if it was built in an impossible place, or it was nevertheless painted with white, or it was in The house at that blossom or two winds, or what is indicated by calamities, and if there is no patient, he married if he was single, or his daughter’s husband and brought her in with him if she was old, or he bought a secret according to the extent of the house and its danger . And whoever sees that he is demolishing a new house, he has been struck by them and evil, and whoever builds a house or buys it will suffer a great deal of good, and whoever sees that he is in a new stuccoed unknown house that is separate from the houses, and with that words indicating evil, it is his grave . And whoever saw that he was imprisoned in a house bound and closed with his door, and the house is in the middle of the houses, he will be well and well . And whoever saw that he had endured a house or a mast, he would take the provisions of a woman . If a house or a mast would bear it, a woman would bear his supplies . And the door of the house was a woman, as well as she shrouded it, and whoever saw that he was closing the door married a woman . And the doors open, the gates of livelihood . As for the vestibule, a servant on his hands performs the solution, the contract and the strong matter . And whoever sees that he enters a house and closes his door on himself, he will refrain from disobeying God Almighty, because God Almighty says : “And the doors are closed .” If he saw that he was bound by him, the doors were closed and the house was flat, he would be well and healthy . If he sees that his house is made of gold, a fire hits him in his house, and whoever sees that he is leaving a narrow house, he goes out of them . The house has no roof and the sun or moon has risen, a woman marries there . And whoever sees in his home a spacious house that is not in it, then she is a righteous woman who will add more to that house . If it is plastered or built with bricks, then it is a hypocritical and virulent woman . If there is a swarm under the house, then he is a cunning man . If it is of clay, then it is deceitful in religion . The dark house is a woman of bad character, of bad character, and if the woman sees it, then it is also a man . If he saw that he entered a sprinkled house, they would hit him from a woman as much as wetness and as much mud, then it would be removed and fixed . If he sees that his house is wider than it was, then the good and fertility will expand on him and he will be well received by a woman . And whoever sees that he is engraving a house or adorning it, there will be a dispute and commotion in the house . A bright house is a good guide and good morals for women . The Wall : A man, and perhaps the man’s state of his world is if he sees that he is standing on it, and if he falls from it, he will be removed from his state . If he saw that he had pushed a wall, then he threw it out, then he cast a man out of his rank and destroyed him . And the wall is an abstaining man who has debt, money and destiny, as much as the wall in its width, tightness, and height, and the architecture around it because of it . And whoever sees walls building a list in need of a pitcher, then he is a scholar or imam whose state has gone . If he sees people throwing them, then he has companions throwing his affairs . And whoever sees that he has fallen on a wall or something else, he has committed many sins and hastens his punishment . A crack in a wall, a tree, or a branch is the fate of one of his household, and two are like earrings and two nipples . And whoever sees walls of study, then he is a just imam, his companions and his family went . If he renewed it, they would renew and return to their first state in the country . If he sees that he is attached to a wall, then he is attached to a thin man, and his strength is as much as he can from the wall . And whoever looks at a wall and sees his example in it, he will die and be written on his grave ….

As for the breasts, they are girls, so what happened in them was attributed to them. Whoever saw that something sprouted in their place indicated an increase in the daughters and a decrease in them against him, and if he saw that there was milk in his breasts, then it is an increase in debt, and if he is single he is married or married, then he gets rich or an old sheikh who is poor or a young woman who has a long life or An old woman indicates her death, or a single woman who marries or a very young child, then she may die, and if the woman sees that her nipple is cut off, there is no good in it, and her daughter may die, and if she sees her breast hit by fire, then her daughter gets harm from the king and if she sees that she is attached to her breast, then she indicates her birth from adultery

…It is rare that a woman came to Ibn Sirin and she said, “I saw a daughter of mine who died, so I said to her, my daughter, which works are better.” She said : O mother, you have nuts and swear to the poor. Ibn Sirin said: If you believed your vision, then you buried a treasure with you, so take it out and give the poor their share of it, and she said: You bury it in the days of the plague. ….