The legality of reading on sick men and women?

Q : Did the Sunnah bring us the legitimacy of reading for sick men and women? C : Prophet peace be upon him charm , Is he gone to loose the enchanting charm? Is it mentioned in the Sunnah reading for women? Truth – my knowledge – the year in which the opposite of what is prevalent today . Messenger peace be upon him ordered treatment and he said that : ~ There is only disease and Allah has revealed to him heal ~ (1), his knowledge of his knowledge and his ignorance of ignorance , and revealed to him from the Koran that is healing and mercy for the believers , it was read by Gabriel to the Messenger of Allah peace May God be upon him and grant him peace, and it has been proven that he cupped himself for treatment, which is legitimate for this ummah, but was it reported that he read to one of the sick patients? Was it reported that one of the women during his reign was read to her by some of the Companions and the answer was : No ; This is evidence that this work is new today, and the Sunnah indicates that a person reads to himself – and a father or mother reads to their children because of smallness or disability, for example, and it has been proven that the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, commanded Aisha, may God be pleased with her, to seek protection from the eye (2). The peace be upon him when . Sleep reads in his hands and spews in them, the two levers and the chair, then wipes his body with them. This is the Sunnah (3), and no one will be keen on healing from you on your own , so read on yourselves and ask God to heal while you are certain of the answer (4), and there is nothing wrong with ignorance of reading of some ‘ to ask his father or his mother or his wife , this reading is the project ‘ the women graduated graduated with a mahram to a foreign man and then read them may spit on her chest , this is illegal and may cause the punishment to its owner, and all the visions that he sees human is in within this circle or vortex of the patient and those around him that they hear daily compassion and kindness phrases Kcolhm : Poor , awesome true, do the same , Mndol , his eye . . . Etc . These phrases make good and good , sick . . . And these phrases, by God, contribute to his poor condition . I say all visions under such circumstances may be pipe dreams , meaning that he sleeps while he is under the control of searching for a cure or ain or a wizard , and who is he? Rather, some of them ask God before he sleeps to see the eye. !! sleep, thinking those who Anah , and his magic? and then sleeps and sees in his dream people may have thought it before bedtime , or it may be doubted it , Vitohm that is why , it is prescribed in the steps taken from the remains of his clothes or impregnated , and thus became the healing request based on dreams in a time of science , is this right? I repeat here that I am not against one , and I am not against the Koran treatment with hospitalization , but I am with science against ignorance , which has killed us in this time spread by deadly diseases , psychological conditions , diseases Chronic diseases and with these diseases – as they say . The compelled rides the difficult – and the public may solve for themselves , so if you say to them : Why? He will be surprised by them, and they will infer evidence not from the Qur’an or the Sunnah, but from the proverbs : … (No one feels fire but a man who is inferior to it ) … tell her sighed ka NH wants you to support it on this guide , the I said to him : this is haram , he said : ( landed between you and Ben fire Annealed !) Did the poor knows that the fire Stoklh and eat Mutawa , who Lefty and argue in God without knowledge or guidance or Munir book , ~ second – kindness to go astray from the path of Allah in this world disgrace and Nazigah the Day of Judgment the torment of fire ~ ( Hajj : 9 ). I am calling here to follow the correct way of treatment . Invite dreams on your behalf because there is no prescription for illness, and go to the doctor or hospital and take treatment , ask God to heal , and read the Qur’an to yourself and ask God to heal , but let alone these illusions that are spreading : ( I am a narrator , I Maaon , I’ve got the same ). . . Etc. , and God will heal you, God willing , only trust in God and put aside fear, panic and illusion from you, and you will heal, God willing , try and you will not lose anything . Sixth : Some crossings visions contributed to the spread of this phenomenon – I mean – the phenomenon of the search for treatments through visions – frequently interpret some visions as Mndhirat to get diseases because of the spread of sin . . , And through the saying of some of them that he can know the object through the vision, and some say that he has reached a beneficial and cure treatment through visions that he has tried and worked , and so on . . . The chain goes on , and I say here Preach not emigrate , and Arvqgua people , do not be terrified by them , and you , when the expression of vision , as it was the evil of the seer to ask him what Lord when human seeing what he hates the things I mentioned in the start of the book (5), though where evidence of something unpleasant to his vision , you , my brother , be attached to him and terrify , Ibn Hajar (438 \ 12 ) when the modern words of the Prophet peace be upon him to Abu Bakr : ~ I was some and missed some ~ (6) , that With this expression, the world has the right to remain silent about the expression of the vision or some of it when concealment is more likely than the remembrance . God bless you in your knowledge, and we stand again when Aisha when crossed the woman ‘s death of her husband and she gives birth to a boy Vajra by saying : ~ Meh O Aisha, if Abernhm for a Muslim vision Vaabroha Ali good, the vision will be on what crosses its owner ~ , narrated recaps (7) . Ibn al- Arabi said in his commentary on the hadeeth of Abdullah bin Abbas , may Allah be pleased that the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him , said : ~ While I was sleeping , I saw that he put in my hands Swaran went Vqtathma and Lthma, gave me permission Venfajthma Aftara, Voolthma Kmaban go out .~ Ubaid Allah said : One of them was Al-Ansi, who was killed by Fayrouz in Yemen, and the other was Musaylimah . Narrated by Al-Bukhari (8). Ibn al- Arabi said : The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him expected the invalidity Musaylimah ordered Ansi The first vision of them to be directing to Lain them and paid for intact, the vision if crossed out, and is likely to be inspired, and the first stronger (9) , and this is possible , as we said if The expression has a correct aspect, so we turn to it, and therefore there may be in the vision of one of the questioners or questions indicating an eye or touch, so it is better not to express it, and to be on guard against what is stated that it will ward off the evil of such visions, and God knows best, unless you have signed it, the matter is different , Vijbrh to be patient here and the benefit may be a vision warning Bshiy reality of the general public as it stifles scientists said the male preponderance of secrecy (10). ________________ (1 ) Bukhari narrated from Abu Hurayrah and intonations : ~ What Allah has revealed disease only sent down a cure ~ See : Fath al – Bari (134 \ 1 0 ) – op -. (2 ) See talk in Sunan Ibn Majah, the book of medicine from the door Astrqy of the eye . (3 ) Narrated by Al – Bukhari by Aisha , may Allah be said : The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him went to bed puffs in his palms legume is one God and Palmaoztin all , then wipe her face and hit his hands from his body . Aisha said : When he complained was telling me that I do it by ~ . Conquest (10 /209 ) – op .. (4 ) See : Zad al-Ma’ad Ibn Jawziyyah (168 \ 4 ) to recognize the Prophet ‘s treatment in detail , and to recognize the prophetic Altaomat that God willing , lead great results as Ibn said values ( and try these calls Alaoz the amount of their benefits and the severity of the need known to it which prevents the arrival of the impact of Ain and pay after his arrival , according to the faith of the power of Qailha and the strength of itself and its readiness and strength the stability of his heart and the tasks entrusted it weapons and weapons Darabh ) a . of . his previous reference . (5 ) see p . 24 et seq . (6 ) provides his commentary, see p . 37. (7 ) provides his commentary, see p . 39 . (8 ) agreed, Narrated by Bukhari in the book of expression if the door flew thing in a dream (12 /42 0 ) – op – , and Muslim in the book of Revelation (15 /34 ) – Reference former -. (9 ) see Ibn Hajar – conquest – the previous reference (12 /421 ). (10) Adapted : Ibn Hajar – op (438.421 / 12) ** quoting Dr. Fahad Al – Osaimi