
The eyes are in a dream a man’s religion and insight with which he sees guidance and delusion . And whoever sees many eyes in his body, this is an increase in religion and righteousness . And if he sees that he notices a wicked man, then he is deceiving and hating him . If he sees that his eyes are made of iron, then he will ravage his cover, and they will receive it . And if his stomach splits and he sees eyes in his stomach, then he is a heretic, because God Almighty says : ( God did not make a man with two hearts in his stomach ). And if he sees on his shoulder the eye of a man or an eye of an animal, then he hits an unseen money . The black eye is a religion, the noble eye is contrary to religion, the blue eye is a religion in heresy, and the green eye is a religion that violates religions . Basra’s unity is good for all people, and its weakness indicates his need for money, because money is like an eye . And if he sees his eyes gone, his children will die . If he is subdued, he will find someone to take his hand . And if someone who wants to travel sees it or someone who is on a journey, it indicates that he is not returning to the homeland . And whoever sees that his eyes are the eyes of another person, this indicates that his eyes are gone and that someone else is guiding him the way . And whoever saw that his eyes fell into his lap, his brother, son, and the like would die . And the human being appointed his son, lover, or religion, so whoever sees with his eyes ashes is a deficiency in his religion, and blindness is greater in deficiency . And the king appointed his spy, and the eye crossed the watch, and the eye expressed with the eye of water, and whoever saw that he healed his eyes, he would fix his religion, or his money . And whoever sees that his eyesight is greater and stronger than he thinks, then his sleep in his religion is better than his openness . And whoever sees that his eyes are white, then he will be afflicted with grief, or he will depart from those who are dear to him, and if he is distressed, God will leave his worry and grief, and whoever sees with his eyes blue, he is criminal . Whoever sees that he is eating a man’s eye, then he eats his money, and whoever sees that his eyes do not have fringes, then he misses the laws of God and religion, and if a person plucked them, then his enemy exposes him . And if he sees that the flesh of his eyes turn white, that indicates a disease . Perhaps the vision of the sweet eye indicated magic, death and life, or all the family, relatives or children . And the eye obituary from the derivation eye obituary . If he had a child, wife, or lover who was sick and recovered from illness, and if he was an unbeliever, he became Muslim, and if he was poor, he should be rich . Perhaps sight persons indicated severity . If the eye moves to a different location from the body, it indicates the lesion . The blurring of the eyes is evidence of God Almighty’s torment . The right eye indicates the son, the left one the girl, and the slick in the eye indicates staying up late . And if he saw a red eye, he would be irritated or angry, he would have an event to him . And whoever sees that his eye is gouged out, and he is cut off from him, he is the apple of his eye . And the eye in a dream is long life . Perhaps the eye pulled out a misfortune .