
Bed The bed if white and clean symbolizes the temporary cessation of worries . If a woman dreams that she is preparing the bed, this symbolizes a new lover and Sarah’s workmanship . If you dream that you are in bed and in a strange room, you will be visited by friends whom you do not expect to visit . If a sick person dreams that he is in bed, new complications will arise and the result may be death . If you dream that you sleep on an outdoor bed, this foretells that you will meet joyful experiences and an opportunity to improve your wealth . If you dreamed of Negroes passing near your bed, this indicates the emergence of circumstances that provoke anger and will intertwine with your plans . If you see a friend who looks very pale lying in bed, this symbolizes strange and sad complications that will make your friends sad and cause you resentment . If she dreamed of a mother that her son wet the bed, then this foretells that she will meet with unusual anxiety, and sick people will not reach recovery as quickly as expected, perhaps . If people dream that they wet the bed, this indicates that a disease or a tragedy will intertwine with the daily routine of her work .