
Poison If you were poisoned in a dream, this means the occurrence of sad events in the near term . If you are trying to poison others, this indicates that you have aggressive evil thoughts and will quarrel with those around you . If a girl dreams that she can, by means of poison, get rid of her enemies and rivals, she will fall into many problems to secure her husband . If you threw poison away in this dream, this means that you can by force control the bad conditions around you . If you use the poison or see others use it, this means that worries and problems will surround you . If your children or relatives are poisoned, sudden events will happen that will cause you harm and distress . If an enemy or competitor is poisoned to you, then this means your victory over the obstacles and problems in front of you, and if you recover from the effect of the poison, you will have luck and success after failure and anxiety . If you take any toxic drug under the supervision and advice of a doctor, this means that you will be involved in responsibilities and risky business .