Enlightening cape

The enlightened head : So, whoever saw it as if he had bought a big fat head from a head , he benefited from a useful professor . If it is emaciated, it is useless . If the head is stinky, then it is given an ugly praise . And eating the heads of raw cattle is evidence that he is backbiting a ruler attributed to that animal . And eating cooked and grilled from the heads benefited from some heads of money . Some expressions said . Whoever sees it as if he is eating a sheep’s head or a shepherd will hit a face and money from an inheritance or something else . And the head of the sheep said in the interpretation of money, which is ten thousand dirhams, the most of which is one thousand dirhams . And eat roast head eyes, eat chiefs money eyes . And eating the brain ate from the solid money, and from buried money . If he sees it as if he is eating from his own or someone else’s brain, then he is eating from his own money or the saved money of others . If he ate his leg brains, he ate his brain .