The merit of Imam Ahmed

Fadl forward Ahmed 73 – Mohammed bin Roses said : I heard Yahya evacuation – or Aleben conciliator – said : Mazert some people from standing days ordeal Venalone including hate Vsrt to my house and I joyless so Vkdmn to my wife dinner , I told her : I do not eat, Verwath grown and I saw the Prophet – May God bless him and grant him peace – In sleeping inside the mosque and in the mosque there are two circles, one of them in which is Ahmed bin Hanbal and his companions and the other in which is Ibn Abi Dawad and his companions. He stood between the two rings and pointed with a hand and said (For those who disbelieve in it ) and pointed to the circle of Ibn Abi Dawad (for we entrusted with it a people who are not unbelievers And he referred to the episode in which Ahmad bin Hanbal (2).